View Full Version : dreambox 500s question?.

17-02-2008, 03:20 PM
have my dm 500s hooked up for the last month now,but i,m well over my allowed 10 gig monthly download with my broadband company.

my question is this caused by the dm 500s ?

my upload and download is mad,is this caused by the dm 500s?

what does the dm 500s actually upload and download?

i know it downloads new keys,but that in size is tiny,anybody know?.

17-02-2008, 03:21 PM
and i have,nt downloaded any stuff from the net myself for over a month now,so i think its the dm 500s that must be doing this?.

17-02-2008, 03:25 PM
I would say its practically impossible !

Are you using a wireless connection if so I would check someone isn't piggy backing your line


17-02-2008, 04:06 PM
hi TNT no i,m not using a wireless connection. i,m baffled as to whats doing it.

17-02-2008, 04:11 PM
Strange can't see how you would use 10GB without downloading unless you watch a lot of media online ?


17-02-2008, 04:11 PM
To check download / upload from sat box, log on with telnet and type command ifconfig. This gives you the total amount of data sent / received to the box since it has been turned on, its not 100% acurate but you get a rough idea.
taken from another site.

17-02-2008, 04:23 PM
is this through DCC?

To check download / upload from sat box, log on with telnet and type command ifconfig. This gives you the total amount of data sent / received to the box since it has been turned on, its not 100% acurate but you get a rough idea.
taken from another site.

17-02-2008, 04:25 PM
no don,t watch any media online m8.my allowance was on 10gb,but its almost gone up to 13gb now and i,m not downloading nothing. its unreal.

Strange can't see how you would use 10GB without downloading unless you watch a lot of media online ?


17-02-2008, 04:29 PM
is this through DCC?

Not sure,took it off another site,but i would say any S/W which you can use telnet should do.
ps;i will have a look about and try to find out.

17-02-2008, 05:50 PM
cheers m8.

Not sure,took it off another site,but i would say any S/W which you can use telnet should do.
ps;i will have a look about and try to find out.

20-02-2008, 03:07 AM
did you come across that software for me m8? i,m still having the downloading trouble its still going up my bandwidth usage and i have,nt downloaded anything in about 2 or 3 weeks.

Not sure,took it off another site,but i would say any S/W which you can use telnet should do.
ps;i will have a look about and try to find out.

20-02-2008, 08:53 AM
Are you CS with your DB?

If you have a hell of a lot of clients/server connections and all 5 hops away, then the traffic will increase coz you are giving and taking from all the nodes connected

See my post here: -
(post #9)

When I first tested, the DB has only a few clients/servers and the trafic was quite high (23mb per 24hrs)

I then set up another DB but only as a client only and the trafic was only .85mb over a 24hr period.

So it must be because of the amount of servers/clienst/hops etc...

20-02-2008, 12:11 PM
I have got a funny feeling he might c/s, something me and him discussed last year.

There is no point in being on fixed monthly download limit if you c/s.

I tried with that be broadband last year, apart from it going down 6 times in about a month I hit my monthly limit in about 5 days:D.

Gone back to cable BB, no limits. I dread to think what I download and upload in a day now:rolleyes:

22-02-2008, 12:52 AM
yes i,m c/s,only have about 28 connections.

and i,m getting about 500mb a day on my uploading and downloading account.its taking a massive chunk each day from my 10gb monthly allowance which is now tipping 14 gb.

22-02-2008, 02:05 PM
m8 28 connections is a fair few.

If you also have card then think about people taking from you also.

Remember each time you put a channel on which requires a ecm then you are downloading more.
Different channels require more ecms, ie sky requires a ecm nearly every 5-6 seconds, so thats 10 a minute, 600 a hour.

You might want to looking at your isp or isp package, also something else I do is when you are not watching the telly put your box on a fta channel, like at bed time.
You would not believe the number of people that leave their box on c/s channel all night when they are in bed.

22-02-2008, 07:48 PM
thanks for the info keano much appreciated m8.