View Full Version : 1500ci & Dragon Cam

17-02-2008, 05:14 PM
Hi all,
If I linked up the 1500ci with a Dragon cam and switched of any patches that were installed, would it still allow me in through the Premiere portals.

Landure. :cool:

17-02-2008, 05:18 PM
I dont think so as the portal access is part of the patch

you can still access the channels manually however ( as long as they are all scanned in )

17-02-2008, 07:44 PM
Why turn off the patch? there is more on the patch au than on the dragon.
the super dragon will work without the patch off for those extra channels at 13e


17-02-2008, 08:09 PM
the reason for turning off the patch is that it can cause some channels to pixellate , or have problems descrambling some channels if there are different keys in the patch compared to the softcam , or similar problems

using one or the other is usually best

but if anyone finds that the cam works fine with the patch on , feel free to use it that way

if you get problems using a cam with the patch on , turn off the patch , OR remove the cam

I always found using one or the other is best

17-02-2008, 08:18 PM
Will work fine...


23-02-2008, 10:47 AM
Thanks to all who responded.

Landure. :cool: