View Full Version : Hd Dvd Is It Dead?

18-02-2008, 07:38 PM
With all the latest news on HD DVD being dropped by major retailers and all the talk of Toshiba dropping the format is HD DVD dead?

Not only this Sony have announced that the PS3 with a built in Built in Blu-ray players as sold A million PS3'S, even faster that their record breaking PS2, this puts a lot of blu-ray players in the market place.

It looks like Sony have won this format war, but do you think HD DVD is dead and buried and will it turn out to be the Betamax of the latest format war?


18-02-2008, 08:09 PM
looks like the end when they turn up at your local boot sale you will have your answer

18-02-2008, 08:21 PM
1. Nobody is really backing HD-DVD any more.

2. Blu Ray in theory is twice as good. And in reality is 3 times better :)

19-02-2008, 07:27 PM
it is now = Toshiba announced it today.

19-02-2008, 07:32 PM
Toshiba has said it will stop making its high definition DVDs, ending a battle with rival format Blu-ray over which would be the industry standard.

Following a review of its business, Toshiba said it would stop production of HD DVD players and recorders.

The HD DVD format has suffered as major US film studios backed the Blu-ray format, which is being developed by electronics firm Sony and partners.

Analysts said the move would allow Toshiba to focus on other products.

"It was an agonising decision for me, but I thought if we kept running this business it would have grave ramifications for the management of our company," Toshiba president Atsutoshi Nishida said.

"We made a quick decision, judging that there is no way of winning the competition," he said.

Tipping point

Toshiba said the tipping point came last month when Warner Bros' followed a number of other film studios in deciding to release its movies only in the Blu-ray format.

"It shows what a highly competitive market it is. When it comes to video, it is the person with the most content that wins," Gartner analyst Paul O'Donovan said.


19-02-2008, 07:50 PM
Hardly surprising when sony gives the studios huge subsidies to sign up to Blu Ray which you should ask your self whats
going to happen to disc prices when those subsidies stop

Don't expect Blu Ray player prices to go down anymore either expect them to go up especially if you want a profile 2.0
player your going to need some serious cash

Big chear for region coding :rolleyes:

I suppose sony had to find a use for its blu ray technology after it failed to take off the first time as a data storage format


19-02-2008, 08:17 PM
Ive just read Toshiba have officially said they will stop producing HD DVD players, bad news for everyone who bought one, but good news i suppose for everyone who has a blu-ray player or a PS3.


21-02-2008, 03:05 PM
Shame really but yes it is dead as a duck.:)

21-02-2008, 04:52 PM
It makes me wonder now whether Sony had it all planned at the begining to sell the PS3 with a small selection of game titles.

I had a Ps3 on lauch day and the only game that was worth having was motorstorm, but you soon get bored of one game.

Not before long i was down blockbuster hiring blu ray films and to my surprise most of the titles were unavailable as they had all been hired out, was this because there was no decent games and the only realuse for the PS3 at launch was to view Blu-ray.

So maybe this was a tactic by Sony to push blu-ray, what do you think? mind you its a bit sneaky.


24-02-2008, 10:21 PM
there getting replaced by blue-ray.

regards, bond