View Full Version : Blu-ray secures HD format war victory

19-02-2008, 09:29 PM
Blu-ray secures HD format war victory


The Japanese electronics giant Toshiba has conceded victory to their rival Blu-ray consortium in the High Definition DVD format war.

Although Toshiba had been battling on after Warner Brothers decision to back Blu-ray, many believe that the big Hollywood studio's decision dealt a mortal blow to the HD DVD format. With around 20% of all DVD sales, the Warner's decision was certainly a huge set back for the HD DVD format

Toshiba announced today that following a review of its business it would no longer produce HD DVD players. Toshiba president Atsutoshi Nishida said .. "It was an agonising decision for me, but I thought if we kept running this business it would have grave ramifications for the management of our company"

A single High Definition format will be good news for consumers who up until this point have been reluctant to commit to High Definition DVD, and for the industry in general which will surely see an explosion in public interest. Barry Meyer, chairman of Warner Bros had previously warned that "the window of opportunity for high-definition DVD could be missed if format confusion continues to linger".

19-02-2008, 10:58 PM
i think all who have bought the hd players should get a refund thank god i have blu-ray,will there be an affect on hd games for the 360?