View Full Version : Humax iCord channel editing?

22-02-2008, 09:42 PM
There don't seem to be too many satpimps members with a Humax iCord yet but I have just bought one from Germany. I must say the HD quality is amazing, especially when combined with a new Sony Bravia 46" 1080p HD TV and quality surround sound system.

I haven't explored the channel editing via PC yet and was wondering if anyone has had one for a while and can give me some tips. i.e. which channel editor to use, where to download an existing channel list etc. I have downloaded channels usuing the iCord but get the usual hotch potch on Astra 19E for instance, with Prem channels all over the place and Prem Direkt channels unidentified. That's where the good old 5400 is so brilliant but when you compare video and sound quality with the iCord, there is no comparison.

Any tips appreciated.

22-02-2008, 10:18 PM
How much did you pay? As the UK price is £459 for the 320GB version!

22-02-2008, 10:59 PM
Hi joshjess, it was €569 for the 320gb version. It seems to be a great bit of kit and will be even better once I have the channel list and editing software sorted. It didn't arrive with the MediaShell software mention on Humax's website.

Tony Baker
23-02-2008, 12:39 AM
If you have been watching Dr Dish this week then you will have seen three of the latest HD Sat Rx's in an evalutation Head to Head test, I think you'll find that the Humax came 2nd with the Vantage:7100s 1st. It was a very interesting programme. As Dr Dish tends to repeat everything then it will probably been on again next week. Rgds, TB.

23-02-2008, 12:50 AM
Yes but the Vantage does not have twin tuners nor a HDD in built! So its not a fair test

23-02-2008, 01:00 AM
You can record 4 programs simultaneously or ovelapping which is pretty smart and record onto the HDD in full 1080 with 5.1 surround sound/DTS. Anyone know of a forum for the iCord that isn't in German though? ;)

25-02-2008, 10:18 AM
USB channel update not working & MediaShell received from Humax, Ireland.

I just received the MediaShell software from Humax in Ireland but it doesn't seem very useful except for uploading MP3 and photo files from the PC.

I tried to upload the .udf satellite channels for Astra and Hotbird provided on Humax's website using a USB stick. The iCord connected to the USB stick and found the files and I followed the on screen instructions but they did not install. Has anyone done this successully who can give me some help? I have too many channels doing a channel scan and the iCord does not find some channels, like Prem Direkt etc.

25-02-2008, 12:33 PM
You need to update to the latest firmware as it is likely that your box was dispatched using the initial release of firmware, then you're likely to find USB operation works as it should ok.:D

NB: Please remember that the ICORD is not officially released in the united kingdom as yet!, therefore the version you have is for the German market you will have to therefore update your box with the firmware off the German site updated 13/02/08 HMXxxxxxx03.

There is no official UK version of firmware as yet some times it pays to wait for release in your specific market?.

Best Regards.

26-02-2008, 03:41 PM
I received two iCords from Germany on the 12-02-08. Installed the new software on last Friday and this showed instant improvement. On Saturday morning one box locked up and all attempts to sort it out failed. It is going back to Germany today. Great pictures both Hd and Sd but it is very limited on the software side. It only has 24 Sats in its database and some of them have no active transponders. I loaded 4 sats manually,then the transponders and frequencys. Pictures from HHd are brillent but you cannot divide a file or delete part of a file,nor can you set a recording manually. This is my first Humax so I will need help along the way,so I hope to come back on here for help. Could anyone explain Channel Lists to me and an idea of how I could use them? TMULL

27-02-2008, 06:06 PM
Be careful that Humax don't reject your claim if the s/w was not genuine.

27-02-2008, 06:45 PM
Software downloaded from Humax DE. An e-mail for an English translation of what the software would do was not replied to. Could I ask , Where is Humax Ireland? TMULL

28-02-2008, 05:57 PM
Hi Firemonkey, I have tried everything to download the missing frequencies but alas all attempts ended in failure. A friend with a new Topfield 7100 HD has the same problem and he previously owned a Humax and he said that box would not load them either.He thinks this is a problem with boxes that are made for the German market. I think a channel list may be the way to go but that is out of my league. Even if I had one I do not know how to use it.You mention some software you got from Humax Ireland. I have not heard of this before. Would you mind telling me what it will do or is supposed to do, and where is Humax Ireland? TMULL

29-02-2008, 01:09 PM
I heard from a guy on the german iCord forum that Humax are releasing a PC channel editor for the iCord imminently, I will let you know when I have more news. Humax Ireland is in the North but the email address seems to be the same as for Humax generally, i.e. info@humaxdigital.com

I'm a bit wary of updating the software now, reading Tmull's post. In the menu, it gives the option of a usb channel update via a usb stick but so far, it hasn't worked. I will check out the firmware situation with the German people!


29-02-2008, 01:11 PM
Hmm, email address edited out of last post I have for humax is info(at)humaxdigital.com

29-02-2008, 06:16 PM
My own box showed two imidiate improvements on upsating the software.Previously as I changed channel the new channel name came up straight away but the programme name stayed on for about 10 seconds This is fixed with the update. Also when I initally downloaded the channels I was surprised that on both iCords the signal bar would only read 39 percent. After the update it read 80 percent on both boxes. An annoying feature is that I programmed the Sats from East To West ( after manually having to load 4 sats that are not in the database)but the sats are all over the place and not in the order I loaded them. Saying that, I am happy with the set and am looking forward to more improvements from software upgrades. I had thought that Humax de had ignored two e-mails I sent requesting information but they replied today only one week after asking them.I phoned their techinal Dept last Saterday after noon and was answered straight away. Very helpful imdividul but he couldent fix my problem. I cannot figure any way to access the tuners individually. Have you managed it? TMULL

01-03-2008, 01:03 AM
Hi Tmull, what firmware are you using and can you give us a link to the humax page to download it? (Not a live link of course H**P://www......... etc.)

I am still frustrated by not being able to upload channels via a usb stick and seareches missing the Prem Direkt channels. Hopefully the channel editor will appear soon. No problems with setting the different sats but mainly only using 5 and witha dual feed lnb which means you can watch/record channels on different transponders at the same time.

01-03-2008, 11:28 AM
It was released on the 13-02-08 on the Humax german website. The explaination is all in German but a friend of mine in Switzerland has translated the instructions for me. If it is allowed on the rules here I can send them to you by pm. Or if anyone else wanted them I could post them here but they are long and would take a bit of typing. By the way I live on the South coast of Ireland.TMULL

01-03-2008, 04:11 PM
Firemonkey, Your address deleted for security reasons. There must be a way.TMULL

little devil
01-03-2008, 06:29 PM
may I ask if this box works with dragon cam's for premiere ?? read somwhere that it does not

01-03-2008, 06:40 PM
Works fine with T-Rex but some Direkt channels will not download to the set. TMULL

little devil
01-03-2008, 07:03 PM
where could i buy the 320gb version in the uk or europe ??

01-03-2008, 07:25 PM
Yes, it works fine with the dragon cam on everything but as Tmull said, the problem at the moment is that it wont download Prem Direky channels. We are waiting for a PC based channel editor due out any day now.

01-03-2008, 07:27 PM
You can buy it on e b a y or do google it, maybe a m a z o n but ask the forum's sponsor at Goldwafer as maybe he will be supplying them too.

little devil
01-03-2008, 07:47 PM
one more question guys :) do you guys get sound on discovery HD with the dragon cam ??

little devil
01-03-2008, 08:51 PM
and no problems getting bbc hd ??

01-03-2008, 09:12 PM
Yes, I get Dolby Digital sound on both Prem and Discovery HD and BBC HD, will be great when there are more HD channels. The iCord has a separate setting just for browsing HD channels.

02-03-2008, 05:27 PM
On two of the French channels I have a problem. On French Audio I have soundtrack and audio,but if I change to English audio I have soundtrack but no diologue.Strange as on my Manhatton I might have French or total silance. Could I ask Firemonkey how he can access the HD channels seperatly as referred in his last post? TMULL

02-03-2008, 05:41 PM
where could i buy the 320gb version in the uk or europe ??

Try ******************* he sells it cheap too, last he had 6 of them.:D

Best Regards.


03-03-2008, 01:19 AM
With latest firmware loaded, now able to use usb stick to update channels but until there the channel editor is released, there are only the single sat one available for Hotbird, Astra 1 and ******* avaiable and loading these restores the German menus and deletes all other channels (a pain if you have a motorised multi sat system). However, since it is reported that Humax do not intend to release the iCord in the UK, there is not point hanging around and waiting for anything. Prem will certainly be long gone by then!

Its a great bit of kit though. Superb HD picture and good upsscaling and good dolby and pcm sound to. And yes, of course it works with a dragon cam. The only problem is the missing Prem Direkt channels as we don;t have the channel editor yet.

03-03-2008, 01:23 AM
Press the RED button on remote Tmull and you get TV channels, press again and you get radio channels, again and you get HD TV channels and once more you get recent channels.

03-03-2008, 01:25 AM
With changing sound tracks, you need to wait some seconds for your receiver to decode before you get the audio. I'm assuming you are using an amp or receiver with digital audio in. I haven't tried analogue or the TV optical digital sound input.

little devil
03-03-2008, 08:06 PM
firemonkey have you tried putting in the frequency manually ?? for the premier direct?? I have a pace 810 xe and had a similar problem where I could not see them anywhere untill last week where someone told be to press the opt button on the premiere portal and there they were in a hidden menu, maybe the icord has something like that also

04-03-2008, 07:42 PM
Thank You Little Devil. We had done every thing we could think of but the OPT button was not explained in the manual. We are now up and running. TMULL

04-03-2008, 08:33 PM
Yes, the opt button does the trick with the latest firmware. Just like on the 5400, it gives list of direkt channels available. Hey presto! They were there all the time, just couldn't see them. Thanks little devil and Tmull for that.

little devil
06-03-2008, 06:53 PM
one more question before I buy this box :) can you guys get the premiere discovery in english or just in german ??

06-03-2008, 08:32 PM
Sometimes English dialogue but a German voiceover. I believe none of us will have to worry about it shortly as we may not have it. I would still recommend the box, TMULL

little devil
08-03-2008, 01:03 PM
does the box updates over the air to the latest software ?? getting mine on wednesday :)

08-03-2008, 02:27 PM
It says so in the advertising and the manual. I did mine with a USB stick. TMULL

12-03-2008, 11:34 AM
Recorded two BBC programmes at the same time just to try out the capabilitys of the recording system. One on HD and one on BBC1. Started watching the film on the following morning and all started well. After about five minutes I notices a difference in the audio and vidio. I thought I had a lip-sync problem but left it run. In another five minutes the audio was about six or seven seconds ahead of the vidio,making the film unwatchable. I stopped the playback and started it again. It was back to normal for about two minutes but the problem reapeared. Again the audio ahead of the vidio. I stopped it again and was able to watch the whole film as normal. After that I watched the HD recording no problem. I know very little about HDD but I believe the data is stored on spinning disks. Is it possible that the audio and vidio are recorded seperatly on different disks? And could the problem be that the disks went out of sync?It is a great receiver but I am on a learning curve with it.TMULL

little devil
12-03-2008, 07:55 PM
I will have to investigate that one, but still waiting for it ariving the city link delivery guy could not find my address :( what a plonker

13-03-2008, 04:42 PM
My son's box arrived back at ****** in Germany on Mon.3-03-08 and they sent it back to Humax. I have being on the phone every day this week and I am as wise as ever. Today I asked them to replace the box but they refused and said as soon as they get the box back from Humax they would return it to me. They do not appear to have any time for customer service. They have our money and we can whistle in the wind. Members beware.TMULL

little devil
13-03-2008, 08:49 PM
how do I scan for bbc hd having problems :( the remote is not responding

little devil
13-03-2008, 10:50 PM
just worked it out will be midnight before I get to my bed :)

14-03-2008, 10:40 PM
Glad you have it sorted, enjoy yourself!

little devil
15-03-2008, 12:34 PM
thanks just waiting on the channel editing software now :) firemonkey where can I download the media shell from ??

little devil
18-03-2008, 05:10 PM
:) ??

19-03-2008, 06:20 PM
Had a long chat today with the Berlin branch of the German dealer that I bought two iCords from. I had to send one back after ten days use as the box just froze up. They received it on the 3-03-08,over two weeks ago. I had phoned them almost daily up until last Thur 13-03-08 and was getting no information from them other than that they had sent it back to Humax and were waiting its return and they would send it on to me. Today I was informed that they are in daily touch with Humax and it appears that the Humax engineers cannot fix the problem. So I asked for a new box but he said he would have to get both his bosses and Humax to agree to this and he would ask. But the problem is that they do not have a box in stock and that they cannot get boxes from Humax as the want to fill a lot of orders they have on their books. Members beware as there is something rotten in the state of Denmark,as Hamlet said. We have a saying here in Ireland ; I bought a pig in a poke : Unfortunalty I bough two of them TMULL

little devil
20-03-2008, 11:44 AM
Tmull sorry to hear about your problem mate hope everything will turn out good at the end
I think the box is very good just need to give them some time to work things out, the channel editor should be out soon and who knows we might be lucky some software might apppear for video transfer from the icord transfer to pc I have downloded one called audio video pc suite but can't test it out because don't have the usb lead will send you a pm with the link :) well there is no pm button so here it is ht**://www.icordforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=400

20-03-2008, 01:02 PM
Thanks Little Devil. My own box is brillant but I am aware of the bug list as complied by some German owners. It is not without its little problems. I have received PMs from other members so I do not understand what you mean. TMULL

little devil
20-03-2008, 01:33 PM
pm sent :)

25-03-2008, 01:12 PM
Had another talk with the Berlin dealer this morning to be told that Humax cannot tell him when my box will be sent back to them.It is now twenty two days back in Germany. I sent an e-mail of complaint to Humax.de and am awaiting a reply. I again asked for a replacement box and was told they do not have one and at the same time they are advertising it on their website at a discounted price. I am hoping for a solution one way or another this week. I shall keep ye posted. TMULL

25-03-2008, 07:24 PM
Can't you complain to your credit card company and get them to withhold the funds?

25-03-2008, 08:31 PM
Had to pay by Bank transfer.TMULL

27-03-2008, 01:38 PM
Talked to the dealer again two days ago and this morning. A total waste of time and money.Had an e-Mail reply from Humax Techical Dept reqesting my phone no. so someone could talk to me and the serial no. of the box so they could track it down. As I did not have it I phoned the dealer for it. He does not have it either as they do not keep a serial no. system.I phoned Humax Tech. Dept and spoke to a very helpful girl named Nadine. I explained all my details to her and she agreed to talk to the dealer and phone me back. She did and in fact she phoned me twice to bring me up to date. It appeares my box is in some Humax repair center and it looks like it will be another two weeks at least before it is back with me. I know know that I should have been phoning Humax and not the dealer. My box is proberly on some shelf not looked at
,but maybe now the ball will start rolling. It is important for members to note their serial No.s TMULL

28-03-2008, 08:01 PM
At 1500 hrs today I had another e-mail from Humax requesting the dealers address and phone no. I replyed straight away and asked that a new box be supplied and asked them to check my posts on the forums I supplied the details to do same. At 1800 hrs I received a phone call from a man in Humax Germany who described himself as a senior in some Dept of Humax.First of all he was very sincere in his appoligies to me and he seemed appalled that such a thing had happened to me.He assured me that in no way could my box be in a Humax repair center for three weeks. Maybe three days but he would consider a week a very long time. As it was so late on this Fri, evening he assured me he would be on the case first thing on Monday morning and that he would keep me informed as to what happened,where my box was for so long, and why it happened. The moral here is I should have been on to Humax a long time ago so maybe all this hassle will be of some use to our members. Thank you all for your support. TMULL

Tony Baker
28-03-2008, 11:20 PM
As the Humax HD box came out top in a recent head to head test of 3 Sat HD STB's on the Dr Dish TV Sat programme. I suggest that you write down all of the details about your Humax HD STB inc the Dealer problems, and tell Dr Dish exactly what has happened etc and then Email it all to he TV Programme. You'll find that all the run-around you have been getting in Germany will end pretty quickly once he deals with it for you!

Rgds, TB (UK)

01-04-2008, 11:14 AM
I was out of the house yesterday and missed a phone call from Herr Wandrei in the Humax .de customer Dept.I phoned back on two occassions but was put on hold for over four minutes when I just hung up. The same this morning but I eventually got through only to be told he was out of the office for the day and would be back tomorrow. However he did send me an e-mail yesterday to inform me that he thinks my box is in the Humax repair center in Karlstein for the past four weeks. He cannot be sure as he could not contact the correct people at this center and the lack of a seriel no. is a big problem. But he hopes I shall have it back this week. I phoned ****** this morning to be told that they will receive the box back this week. It appears involving Humax has at least start the process rolling. I have spent approx 50 Euro on phone calls. I posted the box on 26th Feb. It arrived on 3rd Mar. And now we are in to Apr. Possibly if I was a German national I would have been treated better. TMULL

Tony Baker
01-04-2008, 01:25 PM
I still think that you would do well if you Emailed the Dr Dish TV Programme and told them about what has happened!! Surely far better than getting left waiting at the end of the phone? Or indeed waiting around for some news via a promised call back from someone who is obviously not treating your case with any Urgency!

You shouldn't have to suffer a delay from Feb to April,- it just shouldn't be happening!

Anyway, good luck, TB.

01-04-2008, 01:44 PM
@Tmull...I feel for you. Regardless the company or brand, no costumer should be messed around like this!
The only thing I´d like to hear from Humax in your case would be a phonecall directly from the acting manager saying that they are immediately sending a brand new receiver, a refund of all you phone expenses and a written apology! A big company like Humax should have that much sense! I agree with Tony, this horror story belongs on Dr.Dish!

01-04-2008, 07:13 PM
I shall do as you suggest but I dought Dr. Dishs impartallity. I have just completed another e-mail to Humax. Three times they have asked me for thr seriel no. of the receiver and the address of the dealer. Three times I gave the address and told them I do not have the seriel No. Neither does the dealer. I also convaved this information on the phone to them. The e-mails are in perfect English and Herr Wandrei in the Customer service Dept speaks English better than myself. Hindsight is such a wonderful thing. If I only had taken the seriel no. from the box. And surely the chances of dealing with two such lousy Cos must be remote. It is now gone beyond a Mickey Mouse situtation,but then again that is proberly an insult to Walt Disney. Thank you all for your support. TMULL

01-04-2008, 07:38 PM
thanks for highlighting the problems,i purchased a humax hdci 2000 last week as the uk dealer had no icords in stock,I could not wait to see the quality of the hd and compare to my sky hd box,i am very happy with the receiver but would like one with a hard drive,I think i will watch this space for the next couple of weeks and defo pay the few pound xtra and purchase from a uk dealer at least if you have a problem just land it back on thre laps.

01-04-2008, 11:21 PM
Take a look on fleabay 320GB icords under £400!

02-04-2008, 06:31 PM
Two more wasted phone calls today to Humax. Both of four minutes duration ,onhold,and listening to the awful music. Waited in all day for the expected call from Humax but it did not come. E-mailed Dr. Dish and told him the whole story but I do not have any faith in that aera anymore. I wrote a letter of complaint to the Ceo of Humax de, Herr Franz Simais, and also requested a new receiver from him. I wonder does he realiase what a PR disaster this is for his Co.If I was reading my own posts before I bought the iCords I do not think I would have gone ahead and bought them. I wonder how many potential customers have Humax lost as a result of my posts on five different forums.I have asked on a dedicated forum for this box for the name and adress of the German Consumer Association so I can make an official complaint. If this is not forecoming I shall contact my MEP in Brussels on Monday morning and see can he progress the matter. I am embarressed to have to admit that I was conned by these Cos. but if I can save even one member from this experience it will have been worth it.If there are bum outfits out there masquarading as up-front Cos. the more members that know about them the better.TMULL

04-04-2008, 07:35 PM
Got the seriel no. this morning from the dealer and finally made contact with Humax de Techinal Dept only to be told like I was on Tuesday that the individual that phoned me on last Friday night was out of the office. Proberly some people would believe her.But she did pass me on to one of her male co-workers.After all we now had the serial no. so I expected to hear something that would give me a lift. On the twelft minute of the call,which I was paying for,it was obvious that this guy did not have a clue. He agreed to work at the problem and promised to phone me back. He did not and really I am not surprised. On Monday morning the box will be six weeks gone from me and five weeks in Germany. Why dont they admit that they lost it?We have a game here in Ireland called ;Send the fool further:I wonder did Humax de invent this game? Any member out there who purchaced this box from a UK dealer may be in for a bit of a surprise.I was in touch with a man who did such a thing and when he asked Humax UK for some software info they told him they will have nothing to do with the iCord as they are not distributing them. They directed hih to Humax de. Hopefully I shall have the box back'or a replacement,for the Euro 2008,but if not surely for the olympics. German efficency,my ass TMULL

05-04-2008, 10:59 PM
Any one know what the latest sat software download does in English?

06-04-2008, 02:24 PM
Received an e-mail this morning from the dealer informing me that my box shall be sent out tomorrow. I;ll let ye know. That software update now also appears to be available as a download from the Humax.de website. I do not know what it can do. TMULL

little devil
09-04-2008, 06:23 PM
Any one know what the latest sat software download does in English?

) Function improvement

1st Multifeed timer programming.
2nd Simultaneous recording of 2 Multifeed sub channels (up to 4 possible, but depending transponder).
3rd Teletext subtitles insertion was in the Setup menu of "auto" to "manually".
4th Fade to inform the immediate recording time

2) Fixed error

1st Search problems in the installation menu and search menu
2nd Automatic switching in regional window (Mainly WDR and ORF)
3rd Availability of the program information for manual recording
4th Aussetzter for inclusion of sub-2 multi-channel feed
5th No audio signal on the VCR scart output

10-04-2008, 09:46 AM
Thanks Little Devil,I still have no news of my box.Neither Humax de nor ****** are replying to my emails.TMull

10-04-2008, 10:54 PM
Cheers little devil. I got an interesting answer from a guy on the German icord forum explaing about using an external hard drive to record onto. Here is his helpful text:

To get back to your question:

I use the mentioned Trekstor datastation with 500GB and a Fujitsu Siemens external HD with 250 GB.
For this, I use a USB port duplicator, so I have 4 ports at the rear iCord USB port.
All three items have an external power supply. Specially the hard discs should have a external supply, as some members in this forum report problems while using the small 2.5" HD without. Looks like the USB port of the iCord doesn't supply enough power to run these.

The important point for copying files larger than 4 GB onto the external drive is to setup a EXT2 or EXT3 partition on the external HD. As the iCord is based on a Linux filesystem, it is def. needed.
Files smaller than 4 GB can be copied to a FAT32 partition as well. But all HD movies normally are bigger than 4 GB, so I recommend the EXT2/EXT3 partition.

I don't know if a Mac user can directly format the harddisc to this kind of partition, as I use a Windows PC.
In my case I downloaded the Ubuntu software from the internet, which is freeware. It comes as an *iso* file, so you can easily burn it as an image file on a bootable CD. This CD you load while booting the PC the next time, and it starts kind of an virtual Linux environment. Within this environment there is a program called Gparted, which allows to create and organize the existing partitions.

Before using Ubuntu I tried several other programs, which did not work in the way I wanted them to work. For example Partition Magic created a read-only partition...

I hope this helps,
if you have further questions don't hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

little devil
14-04-2008, 08:16 PM
I have a question here, recording bbc hd now and wanting to watch channel 4 hd when I try to change channel I get a message saying does not function while recording :(

15-04-2008, 10:36 AM
Little Devil, I had the same problem but I thought I had the set-up wrong.I used to have a twin tuner Samsung receiver that I could access the different tuners through the remote control. That meant I could record one programme and watch any other on that satellite. I thought I could do the same with the iCord but I got the problem you are now dealing with. If you overcome it I would like to know how. My box is still missing in Germany. I got an e-mail from the dealer sent on the 6-04-08 that it would be sent out to me on Mon. 7-04-08. When it dident arrive by Fri. last I contacted a man in Germany and asked him to phone the dealer. He did so yesterday and was told it was sent out on Sat. They gave him a tracking No. for UPS which appeares to be false. My e-mails and phone calls are not being answered so I dont know what to do. To compound matter further I received an e-mail from Humax de yesterday saying the serial no. supplied to me by the dealer is not a valit no.Enjoy your receiver but pray that nothing goes wrong with it. I now deeply regret going down the Humax route. TMULL

15-04-2008, 09:38 PM
This happens because the channels are on different transponders. The channels you want to record have to be on the same transponder unless you have a dual feed lnb, then you can record channels on 2 different transponders at the same time. It is not a fault of the receiver -any other one would be the same.

16-04-2008, 05:06 PM
My box is on the way back,but by road not by air.UPS says maybe delivered on Friday,if not then Monday.I wrote to the CEO of Humax.de and received a reply today. They are trying to distance themselves from the dealer but as I had pointed out the five forums with the negitive attitude that this matter has brought down on Humax they are beginning to realise what bad PR this has created. And at least there are now better boxes out there. I will let ye know how I get on. TMULL

19-04-2008, 01:42 PM
Parcel arrived at lunch time yesterday 18=04-08. As soon as I opened it I knew it was not the iCord that I had sent for repair,as I had put a little mark on it and a three pin plug . As soon as I conected it up an HD channel was displayed straight away and a lot of the parameters in the menu were altered. As long as it keeps working I do not mind. In this long winded post I have been very critical of Humax.de. I know believe I may have wronged them as it appears the dealer is at fault all along. He kept telling me that they had sent the box to Humax repair and that they were in daily phone communication with them.Once I contacted Humax directly all attempts to find the box failed,as the serial no. supplied by the dealer could not be traced. I now think that the dealer lost the box and it never saw a Humax repair center, My letter to the CEO of Humax was redirected to HERR J.Gester who wrote to me to tell me they could find no trace of my box in their system. He is going to try and find out what happened but he did point out that the dealer is not a reconised Humax agent. As well as J.Gerster,who is the customer service manager two other Humax employees were very helpful. That was Mattias and Nadine in the Tech.Dept. The moralbeing,note your serial no.( underneath the box0 and talk to Humax first. If I get to the bottom of this I shall keep ye posted. Thank you all for your support. TMULL

little devil
21-04-2008, 08:02 PM
well done Tmull for keeping us updated, so at least they re-placed it with a brand new box :) now we are still waiting for the channel editing software I wonder how long will that take

22-04-2008, 09:53 AM
Thanks for your support Little Devil. Did you ever manage to access the second tuner? Are you still getting the message;Not available while recording:I think I must have the set-up wrong but I have been into the menu from top to bottom but cannot come up with a solution. TMULL

22-04-2008, 12:25 PM
Just watched some Dr.Dish and he mentioned an official support forum...you probably already know about it but for what it´s worth...


It´s mostly in german but there is an english lounge. Probably the best place(?) to bring problems and wishes to Humax's attention...short of emailing them.

23-04-2008, 07:44 PM
Thanks Eugenie, I contacted the forum early on and thanks to Tmull and me showing an interest, they started an English lounge for us. There is some useful stuff there -see for instance my post above about recording onto an external hard drive.

01-05-2008, 07:06 PM
As promised two weeks ago a Humax .de employee phoned me today enquiring if all was ok with my replacement box. They are true to their word. TMULL

little devil
18-05-2008, 11:20 AM
not sure if anybody knows that the editing software is out :king-042:


18-05-2008, 11:39 AM
What is the EPG like for the new Freesat? is it full 7 days or now and next?

08-06-2008, 11:46 AM
Hi members, I was contacted on Friday6-6-08 by the Customer Services manager of Humax de enquiring as to how I was getting on with our two iCords and was there anything he or his Dept. could do for me. I really appreciated the contact and it proves to me how wrong I was in my condemation in my earlier posts. Both boxes are behaving faultlessy and I am delighted with the picture quality. TMULL

11-06-2008, 02:53 AM
Hi my friend. Have been reading all about your prob's. I am glad to here all has been solved. let me know how you get on, as I am thinking about getting same. At the moment I have the Humax2000HDr and have had only a few small prob's. At the moment I get C4hd. But each time I access it I have to reboot as I get sound but no pic. and hay presto it works. I am in the west of Ireland. Galway but from cork. Best of luck. :respect-applause-00

11-06-2008, 09:40 AM
Hi Little Devil, just spotted your update from May with the channel editor and I see there are also some channel lists to download too. Thanks for that. How are you getting on with it? Any feedback or tips?

11-06-2008, 10:07 AM
Can anyone get ITV hd on the iCord? TMULL

little devil
11-06-2008, 05:34 PM
Hi Little Devil, just spotted your update from May with the channel editor and I see there are also some channel lists to download too. Thanks for that. How are you getting on with it? Any feedback or tips?

no so far have not got a usb cable yet

little devil
11-06-2008, 05:36 PM
Tmull i don't think that the i-cord can get this ITV hd

20-06-2008, 09:45 AM
Have had more contact from Humax Customer Service managerduring the week which was followed up by contact from their Techinal Dept. who are answering some techinal questions for me.One thing I found out is the support for the Ethernet port is further delayed as they are having difficulty with something called DRM( I think that is Digital Rights Managment,whatever that is) TMULL