View Full Version : X211 Questions

25-02-2008, 08:41 PM
I have just bought an X211 with USB (S/W Ver 00.41A-0 Nov082007) and I need help to patch it with softcam. I think I’ve read most of the Vantage info available and I also have a null modem cable, memory stick and WinUp 2.5, Channel and Key Editors. However I still have some questions.

Do I first need to patch the receiver by loading some initial softcam software before loading key updates? If yes, how do I do this?

Is there a Vantage secret menu to view keys and update by remote control?

What is the F2 key on the remote control for?

Thank you in anticipation.

26-02-2008, 08:07 PM
Hi Pimpernel :)

1-Download the last firmware to a USB stick,then unzip it inside the usb stick !

2-Put your Usb stick in vantage receiver and go to:

Menu --> channel setup --> SW manager --> Usb explorer then update with red bouton. that it ;)

This is the last firmware X200-Vantage_00500044AOA.rar ---> https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=79503

26-02-2008, 09:05 PM
Thanks Mika, I took a chance and did just that before your reply. Now P*m sports portal does not work and TPS locks up the receiver and I have to reboot. However, my Dragon works perfectly in my Vantage.

26-02-2008, 10:02 PM
Yes,there is a bug on t*s that locks up the receiver :mad: you must reboot every day before you puch F1 to update keys of t*s :mad: i hope they will fix it on next firmware :cool:....but all other pw,pol*at,mct...etc are working well :p

P*m sports portal does not work for all.

26-02-2008, 10:35 PM
Thanks Mika, I await in hope. Any Ideas what the remote control F2 key is for|?:mad:

27-02-2008, 04:05 PM
You are welcome Pimpernel :).....i think the F2 key is for the favorite liste number 2 ....i am not sure ?! :rolleyes:

this receiver is like baby.....he need some time to fix all his bug :p;)