View Full Version : TM 9100 reboots into file mode

02-03-2008, 01:06 AM
Hi All, hope someone can help (if you can, please be extremely basic with your advice because I'm new to all this)

My TM 9100 keeps playing up... or at least I think it's playing up. Every so often the screen on the TV freezes, the box reboots and when it restarts it goes in to "File Mode". The word "File" is displayed on the front of the box. From here I'm pretty stuck. It won't allow me to navigate to any channels or packages or satellites and I can't figure it out. I can navigate to some other folders called "bin" and "var" but doing this doesn't let me watch any TV. I've read the TM 9100 User Manual but it doesn't help. Then, at random times and for reasons I can't explain, it seems to work again.... only to do the same thing again, usually in the middle of a film or a football match. Can anyone advise please?


02-03-2008, 09:38 AM
You're not alone m8, I had it too may times and other people also.

Think its just a bug that as not been fixed yet, as well as many others.

I've only had my 9101 a couple of months and its been back in its box since yesterday, I've had enough with it. Its worse than the relook400.

Say what you want about dreamboxes but nothing is as stable or as reliable as a dreambox.
They might be poorly made but software is 100% reliable.

This is my honest opinion, over the years i have owned the following linux boxes,

db7000 version 1
db7000 version 2
mutant 200
cubcafe 250
relook 400
Technomate 9101

The db500 (alps tuner ) is solid and is the best of the bunch.

The db7020 as known network problems and the db7000's have a awful tuner the worst I have ever used.

The cubecafe is not a bad box, in fact I have had it running as a sever for the last year but using enigma and not official firmware.


02-03-2008, 10:22 AM
You don't say what image, Non or Super box or wheather you are running iboot.
At the moment I have Satlinux in flash and EDG withiboot and I never have had a crash as you have had. Give us more info and we can help you.

02-03-2008, 10:29 AM
i have standard 9100 and ur11 in flash wih nemisis running from iboot 3.....

never seen that issue for quite some time now, i do believe it was an issue with some of the older images but i do believe its all sorted now

02-03-2008, 11:40 AM
hi mate,
i have a technomate 9100 super and yesterday it was working perfect i put it into standby and went out i came back and switched it on all my sats and bouquets and info had all gone like there was no settings at all i had the ur beta 10 2 image on and today i am going to install the ur 11 image and see what happens from there.
this box does play up a bit but so did the d/box when it first came out so i am going to wait and mess around with it before i change to better machine


02-03-2008, 11:58 AM
hi mate,
i have a technomate 9100 super and yesterday it was working perfect i put it into standby and went out i came back and switched it on all my sats and bouquets and info had all gone like there was no settings at all i had the ur beta 10 2 image on and today i am going to install the ur 11 image and see what happens from there.
this box does play up a bit but so did the d/box when it first came out so i am going to wait and mess around with it before i change to better machine


Yep that happened to me yesterday at 14.30 ( match starts at 15.00 ) and that was the finally straw.
Spent ages scanning in every sat from 39.0e to 30.0w the day before put box in standby come back to it a few hours later and every sat postion gone and then when I tried to find them again the motor kept going straight pass them.
Something else for what ever reason this box could not pick up 26.0e yet every other box no problem at all:confused:.
Even when I put the sat on 26.0e using dreambox then switched cable over to 9101 it said no signal.

Sorry gazza this is not helping your problem.

M8 the "best" image I tried with this box was satlinux, but it has no emu's etc. so you will have to ftp them and use telnet to start. Try it and see if it helps.

02-03-2008, 03:07 PM
hi mate,
put my box on this morning and hey presto it is back to normal (weird).
i am going to install the new ur 12 and see how that goes


02-03-2008, 03:27 PM
Hi All, hope someone can help (if you can, please be extremely basic with your advice because I'm new to all this)

My TM 9100 keeps playing up... or at least I think it's playing up. Every so often the screen on the TV freezes, the box reboots and when it restarts it goes in to "File Mode". The word "File" is displayed on the front of the box. From here I'm pretty stuck. It won't allow me to navigate to any channels or packages or satellites and I can't figure it out. I can navigate to some other folders called "bin" and "var" but doing this doesn't let me watch any TV. I've read the TM 9100 User Manual but it doesn't help. Then, at random times and for reasons I can't explain, it seems to work again.... only to do the same thing again, usually in the middle of a film or a football match. Can anyone advise please?


Press the "Exit" button twice on the remote or just the "TV" button once


02-03-2008, 03:41 PM
hi mate,
i have a technomate 9100 super and yesterday it was working perfect i put it into standby and went out i came back and switched it on all my sats and bouquets and info had all gone like there was no settings at all i had the ur beta 10 2 image on and today i am going to install the ur 11 image and see what happens from there.
this box does play up a bit but so did the d/box when it first came out so i am going to wait and mess around with it before i change to better machine


Yep that happened to me yesterday at 14.30 ( match starts at 15.00 ) and that was the finally straw.
Spent ages scanning in every sat from 39.0e to 30.0w the day before put box in standby come back to it a few hours later and every sat postion gone and then when I tried to find them again the motor kept going straight pass them.
Something else for what ever reason this box could not pick up 26.0e yet every other box no problem at all:confused:.
Even when I put the sat on 26.0e using dreambox then switched cable over to 9101 it said no signal.

Sorry gazza this is not helping your problem.

M8 the "best" image I tried with this box was satlinux, but it has no emu's etc. so you will have to ftp them and use telnet to start. Try it and see if it helps.

When your settings disappear they are still on your box they just need reloading the same as they do when you
upload new ones dreambox edit allows you to just reload settings

Best thing to do is back up your settings with DCC as this also backs up your "config" file that stores all your using settings


02-03-2008, 11:47 PM
Thanks everyone.
Traveller, I'm not sure how to find the info you ask for. The box was set up for me by someone that knows a lot about receivers and sat TV in general, but I'm afraid I don't. Is this the information you mean: It has satan keys, it has Gbox (but I can't remember the number that comes after the Gbox and I can't check at the moment), it also has mgcamd 1.27a. It automatically switches between the 2 depending on which channel I select. I have a full package Digitalb card and the box is a standard 9100 not the super. I don't even know what iboot is sorry. Are you able to tell me how I find the info you need?

TNT, thanks for the advice re pressing "exit" twice. What is the problem that I have that this is the solution for please? Or is it that I'm just exiting from the file mode. If so, why does it keep rebooting back into file mode?

Thanks again for all your help and soooo sorry for being so demanding and with poor knowledge.

03-03-2008, 10:03 AM
If you get it working on a satellite channel do a manual reboot - Menu, 8, Reboot.

It should then reboot to that channel the next time it crashes.

03-03-2008, 07:24 PM
Thanks everyone.
Traveller, I'm not sure how to find the info you ask for. The box was set up for me by someone that knows a lot about receivers and sat TV in general, but I'm afraid I don't. Is this the information you mean: It has satan keys, it has Gbox (but I can't remember the number that comes after the Gbox and I can't check at the moment), it also has mgcamd 1.27a. It automatically switches between the 2 depending on which channel I select. I have a full package Digitalb card and the box is a standard 9100 not the super. I don't even know what iboot is sorry. Are you able to tell me how I find the info you need?

TNT, thanks for the advice re pressing "exit" twice. What is the problem that I have that this is the solution for please? Or is it that I'm just exiting from the file mode. If so, why does it keep rebooting back into file mode?

Thanks again for all your help and soooo sorry for being so demanding and with poor knowledge.

Press MENU + 4 (info) select "about" this will get the info we need.

13-03-2008, 07:58 PM
Thanks Traveller
Doing as you've said I get the following information:
UR Team Dream MultiMedia
Frontend: Satellite
Processor: STBx25xx. 252MHz
Hard Disk: Memory Card Drive (slave no media)
Software Version: rel 0.1.0
Rel Date: 08/27/0;

Is this helpful?

Thanks Gazzza

13-03-2008, 08:25 PM
I recently upgraded to UR12 & had problems with random rebooting etc (Although not into file mode).

The cure for me was to insert a SD media card & set up a swap file.

Do a search on Amazon for "SD card" if you don't know what it is. Any size will do, mine is 1 GB.

Then start the 9100, Menu, Setup, System Settings, Memory System, Swapfile.

Create a Swapfile of 64 MB & place it in the memory card then activate it.

If you use a different image the instructions may be different.

09-04-2008, 11:30 PM
Thanks All for responses. I've been quiet because everything seems fine at the moment so thought I'd leave things as they are for the time being. But who knows, may need to try out your suggestions in the future. Will keep fingers crossed.

Thanks again

10-04-2008, 07:07 PM
You may want to try EDG 4.1 in flash as it's one of the best images I have used. DS 3.6 is out but I don't think it's going to offer me anything extra, so I will stay with the EDG image.

10-04-2008, 08:02 PM
hi mate,
are you still having problems with your box?
if you are you could try resetting the box completely as my dad with the technomate before he gave it to me.
he also contacted technomate (as it was under warrenty) and they replaced the box and gave him the super model.
try and give them a call as my dad had the put on the ds image and the box went haywire (in to constant boot mode).
if you have anymore probs give me a shout and i and others will try and get you going again.


11-04-2008, 04:05 PM
Ive been using ur13 for last couple of weeks without problem, just now thought I would record a movie but the minute I try and record then the picture breaks up and I get loads of BER then emu reboots.

Fine while not recording.

18-05-2008, 12:59 AM
You're not alone m8, I had it too may times and other people also.

Think its just a bug that as not been fixed yet, as well as many others.

I've only had my 9101 a couple of months and its been back in its box since yesterday, I've had enough with it. Its worse than the relook400.

Say what you want about dreamboxes but nothing is as stable or as reliable as a dreambox.
They might be poorly made but software is 100% reliable.

This is my honest opinion, over the years i have owned the following linux boxes,

db7000 version 1
db7000 version 2
mutant 200
cubcafe 250
relook 400
Technomate 9101

The db500 (alps tuner ) is solid and is the best of the bunch.

The db7020 as known network problems and the db7000's have a awful tuner the worst I have ever used.

The cubecafe is not a bad box, in fact I have had it running as a sever for the last year but using enigma and not official firmware.


no i agree m8 the 9100 super is a very unstable box and i've tried the latest images in both jboot and iboot sdcard

honestly too much ****ing about with it and you can't even backup an image ........you can only backup var with jboot

agree with the above quote 100 percent for now but i've seen there are new images appearing ...darkstar etc for tm9100super
but trials have failed so far

who knows

but i wish i just bought my old man a dreambox instead of all the hassles i've had.........had a dreambox a few years back and sold it........one off the first versions because every now and again the picture froze but i've heard theyve improved and running sound

ah well you live and learn

go dreambox guys

18-05-2008, 01:38 AM
I can't agree with the 9100 super being an unstable box, its down to the image you load onto the box and how many cams, plugins and other services you maybe running on it that effect its stability.

I have been running EDG4.1 on my box since before it was officially released and I can honestly say I have yet to have a spontaneous reboot,
Sure I have had the occasional restart but no reboot and how long is it now since EDG 4.1 came out.

As to the issue with the file mode, I think you will find that that is to do with the last thing you were doing before the box crashed on you.
Ever noticed how if the box has a spontaneous reboot it goes back to another channel that you had been watching but not the one you were (unless of course they are the same channel)
Well the same is true of file mode.
To stop it select a channel and then select a manual reboot. The last thing the box was doing before the box rebooted will be written to it and it will come back up on that channel.

18-05-2008, 09:54 AM
I do not think the 9100 is unstable, mine has not rebooted for months, but i do give it lots of swap on sd card, dont have h/drive as have seperate pvr, and have ur 13 in flash edg 4.1 on jiboot prefure it to iboot. Its now a great machine and better than my db7020.

Also any day DS Dual Boot image to go into flash will be finished testing and is looking great, this will take these machines to a new level with the help of a great team

18-05-2008, 11:15 AM
DS dual boot image is available now for those who want it, this will allow use of iboot or Jiboot to boot TM normal images or the new DS DM images for the TM9101

18-05-2008, 04:08 PM
DS dual boot image is available now for those who want it, this will allow use of iboot or Jiboot to boot TM normal images or the new DS DM images for the TM9101

works good too :respect-044:

respect to the dsteam

18-05-2008, 04:20 PM
Again Gary you pull down the 9100,think as a new user you need to have a little patience and identify why your box is failing,a hell of a lot of users are now happy with the 9101,early days there were problems with the images as most owners will agree,now the latest 013 images are stable,I use ds 3.6 in boot with the ds cvs in flash and have no problems apart from the enigma reboot when exiting settings menus, the same as mytoza has.
I,m sure you will find that the box will be ok for you if you ask the right questions where they can be answered. Dunc.