View Full Version : Ur12

02-03-2008, 01:59 PM
Fixed Diseqc protocols
Fixed random rebooting bug
Fixed widescreen switching
Auto keys download when you do a reboot
Auto Blue Panel update
Fixed emulator memory leak
Addition of preconfigured Gbox emulators for specific cards
Added Nagra 3 support
Fixed Subtitles


03-03-2008, 07:35 PM
One problem which may give new users grief is that signal strength is zero and you can't scan for satellites. Once loaded with channels the picture is very good. Early days yet and will report my findings.
9101 Satlinux 2.14a in flash UR 12 iboot on MMC card. 160 gb harddrive.

03-03-2008, 08:34 PM
UR012 has all the latest drivers etc so if you run it on iboot you get signal readout problems stick it in flash and they are
ok except then you get readout problems with your iboot images giving high readings :rolleyes:


03-03-2008, 08:59 PM
Hey just maybe just maybe the 9100/9101 might have a life here in the keano house.
I'll get it back out the box tomorrow ( was going to put it on e-b-a-y ) and give ur12 in flash a chance and see what happens.

03-03-2008, 09:32 PM
what Files do I need to make a back up of from the root before I load UR12 in to flash of tm9100, so i don't loose my position. I can just load them back in to root and the sats track again.

Cheers Jono

03-03-2008, 10:38 PM
hi guys,
installed ur 12 last night on my technomate 9100 and i have got to say it works well yeah the BER is full of life but my vbox works well with it i had ur 10 beta 2 before so just flashed over it and reloaded the new captain settings and hey presto.
i now think this box is starting to get the support it needs.
i am only saying that because i have almost smashed it i have come so close to doing that but the ur team have given my box another lease of life.


03-03-2008, 10:50 PM
Well Welll Well , I was just about to give up on this box calling it a piece of crap when low and behold UR12 comes along and all is good.

its now been running for a good few hours with rebooting :-)

its does not wipe all my motor settings if i put in more than 3 at a time :-)

so far so good


03-03-2008, 11:17 PM
UR012 has all the latest drivers etc so if you run it on iboot you get signal readout problems stick it in flash and they are
ok except then you get readout problems with your iboot images giving high readings :rolleyes:


Thanks m8 I only loaded it with iboot because the problem removing DS 3.5 from flash. If people report it working Ok in flash I will go that way too.

03-03-2008, 11:22 PM
I stuck it in flash and then went back to UR010B4 without any problem at all so don't worry about having the same problem as getting DS out


03-03-2008, 11:46 PM
Hi, also have it now 2 days in flash without probs ( DS3.5 etc in mmc )

04-03-2008, 08:20 AM
OK it has been in flash now for over 24 hours , I have had a reboot from a freeze but once the box is back up and running it seems quite stable .


04-03-2008, 01:35 PM
OK its been on 5 minutes and spotted two things.

Firstly when finding sats the snr is not giving a constant reading and the ber is all over the place.

Secondly when switching from D+ ( 30.0w ) to Cabo TV, CCcam does not work I have to restart CCcam to be able to clear picture each time I change provider.

This is a problem that other ur images have, no problem using the same cfg on db500 I am able to switch from one N3 provider to another without a single problem.