View Full Version : iBoot and UR12

05-03-2008, 05:54 PM
I wonder if anyone can help?

History: I have a TM9100 super. Until recently I had DSv3.4 in flash
and UR10 (I think) on the memory card. I used the UR10 but for a
couple of months I kept it more or less on one channel as if I changed
channel it went into a persistent rebooting phase and was not easy
to get back to normal.

Yesterday: Seeing the new UR12, I took my courage in both hands
and tried to install UR12 on the memory card using iBoot.

Perhaps I succeeded once... but the UR12 would not respond to the
remote control. I tried again and again and even tried the v3 of
iBoot which I discovered... but I could never install the UR12 onto
the card.

Everything seems to go OK till I actually tell it to load the image
and then I get an error message (in French) saying something to the
effect that mmc is read-only. (When I checked beforehand that
the mmc was accessible, I was told it was all OK.

Am I doing something wrong - or is there some sort of incompatibility?

05-03-2008, 06:29 PM
sounds to me like you need the new iboot with ur12 and you may be using the old iboot associated with the older files

05-03-2008, 09:31 PM
Aha! I have downloaded a different version of iBoot (3.0a) and this one
works - thank you! That solves my original question.

Alas, now that I have managed to install UR12 - it won't respomd to the
remote control while UR10 (which I have re-installed) will respond.

05-03-2008, 10:17 PM
011 images onwards have a different "rctm9100" which is the key map for the remote control

So if you use images on iboot with different key map to image in flash the remote wont work

You have to put the latest in flash and older images on iboot and edit the key map as described bellow (don't expect them to work correctly though)


Or just use images with the same key maps


12-03-2008, 11:56 AM
Thank you TNT (rather belatedly!)

I have been trying to get my head round this but I am

Presumably the remote still gives out the same signal
when I press let us say the OK button.

Also presumably any image wants to interpret this signal
as the 'OK signal'.

Or is the new (post 11) image designed to be used with
a different remote control?

Or even, (I may just have had a flash of inspiration) is
the new image talking a different language e.g.:

press OK->signal 7654321 -> mapped to word "OK"

press OK -> signal 7654321 -> mapped to word "Accept"

Sorry to be so obtuse!

12-03-2008, 01:21 PM
press OK->signal 7654321 -> mapped to word "OK"

press OK -> signal 7654321 -> mapped to word "Accept"

Along those lines


12-03-2008, 10:11 PM
I have had lots of problems with iboot but it seems that the new image software issued has been upgraded to a diffferent format that is not compatiable with the older versions unless you know how it is coded.

I got round this problen by putting UR 12 in flash and reloaded software iboot ver 3a (my first download was faulty and did not work and tried many times until I got a working download!).

Have just used DS 3.5 and loaded OK. Just cannot get Cccam 2.08 to work but working with mgcamd 2.09 OK!