View Full Version : Statemant from dgstation

11-03-2008, 06:37 AM
Guys thought this might have been posted by now but I can't see it anywhere.

Here goes this is what dgstation have to say ( 10.03.08 ) , its not good news.

DGStation statement regarding GPL sources on CubeRevo:

CubeRevo, DGStation HDTV STB model, has been certified by many licensors such as HDMI, HDCP, DOLBY, MP3, and etc., and most of the licensors do not allow the STB to be hacked and opened their sources or microcode in public due to some reasons related to protection according to the bilateral agreements.
Moreover, the main CPU provider prohibits the open source relating to the main chip driver sources or binary codes. If DGStation violates the licensors' regulations, CubeRevo would encounter with some operating problems such as A/V functions.
Therefore, DGStation will publish only those CubeRevo sources derived from GPL sources under the terms of GPL.

11-03-2008, 01:20 PM
since when MP3 is a license????? i realy think is just a smoke to cover up the real thing

11-03-2008, 02:10 PM
MP3 does require a license !


11-03-2008, 02:34 PM
Maybe that is the reason DMM opted for DVI on their boxes to make everything open-source.

DGS has never backed any hacking community with CS or software EMUs so they are not doing anything wrong if the sources aren't released, it's just another box like Topfield etc etc in this regard, buy your CAM and your legal paid card and it works like any other receiver.

11-03-2008, 03:00 PM
At the moment this box is no difference than a normal HD receiver.

I know a couple of guys on another forum are working hard to try and get mgcamd to work on it but at the mo any other emu looks very bleak.

Regarding the db, HDMI would not grant them a license so they had no choice but to use dvi.

11-03-2008, 06:39 PM
Well, I know mixvt is well p!ssed off with Kathrein as it doesn't support Russian fonts which means he only gets garbage on his EPG etc, so he doesn't feel inclined to support Kathrein much these days.

Also I do know that as we speak there is a 9000 on the way to him so you guys with 9000 can hope that he will make mg for it public. It wouldn't surprise me either if the first reliable emu image you see for 9000 is rudbox.

11-03-2008, 09:17 PM
Well, I know mixvt is well p!ssed off with Kathrein as it doesn't support Russian fonts which means he only gets garbage on his EPG etc, so he doesn't feel inclined to support Kathrein much these days.

Also I do know that as we speak there is a 9000 on the way to him so you guys with 9000 can hope that he will make mg for it public. It wouldn't surprise me either if the first reliable emu image you see for 9000 is rudbox.

fantastic news if the box is in its way to master mixvt,by the way there a new version (official 1.05) for kathrein coming out soon this month let hope they put the russian font so they keep us all happy