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11-03-2008, 06:35 PM
Sony capitalizes on Blu-ray victory

Sony is set to capitalize on the emergence of Blu-ray as the dominant High definition DVD format with the release of over 100 movie titles in 2008. Some of you will be surprised to know that Sony have released less than 100 movie titles to date.

As part of their drive towards improving the profile of High Definition DVD, Sony are set to release blockbusters such as 'The Other Boleyn Girl' starring Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson and 'Hancock', which stars Will Smith.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment president David Bishop said "We need to spend very little time congratulating ourselves on winning the format war. I think the worst thing the industry can do is rest on its laurels," . "Going forward, the mes****ng will be that Blu-ray is the best possible experience. It's six times superior in picture quality to [standard] DVD. And it's just the flat-out best high-def experience when compared to cable or satellite."

In the US, Sony have been bundling their Blu-ray enabled games console, the PS3 with their LCD TV's, with saving of $700 in some instances. Sony has also talked about holding Q & A sessions with well known film directors aimed at discussing their experiences with the Blu-ray format.