View Full Version : How to clone a sim card?

13-03-2008, 10:09 PM
I bought a secound hand car with build in cradle for a nokia (hidden), I use a tesco pay as you go phone and wondered if I could clone a card and leave it permanently in the car rather than having 2 phones with 2 separate numbers? Is this possible?

13-03-2008, 11:08 PM
No i don't think it is M8


14-03-2008, 01:36 AM
Is it possible to ask the provider such as tesco mobile to change a a sim to an existing number?

14-03-2008, 07:02 PM
It was possible to clone a card ........years ago ..... I had the software but never used it. They brought out news chips in new cards and as far as I'm aware now it cannot be done.
I'm sure Vodaphone allowed you to have two cards on the one number , again years ago . Dont know if it still aplys.

15-03-2008, 10:13 AM
:confused: My wife lost her phone and contacted O2 who sent her a new sim with her old number. So you could try telling your operator the same thing - they may provide you with a second card with the same number that way - or you could just explain your situation and see if they'll co-operate.

15-03-2008, 02:40 PM
i think you can get your phone converted so it can take 2 sim cards on 2 different numbers they used to do it at the market but that was a while ago

15-03-2008, 06:23 PM
ripped one not so long ago forget which network look for cardinal64 i think and then twinsim only works on gold card could never get silver card to work takes ages about 24hrs using smart mouse good look.pilsner

15-03-2008, 06:27 PM
cardinal68 is what you want.pilsner

16-03-2008, 12:09 PM
I looked into this years ago as I was interested in haveing 2 sim's , 1 number.But ,I read that if 2 sims with 1 number were registered on a network [at once], 1 or both would be de-activated .Dont know how true this is but it makes sense ,digital networks would flag this happening and counteract .

16-03-2008, 02:52 PM
I have 2 sim cards for the same number, one in the car and the other one in the phone I carry.The last one you use will be the active one. The problem is if you go to an area where there is no network the other sim will be activated. So it is best to switch off the one you are not using.

16-03-2008, 07:00 PM
How did you obtain 2 sims with the same number?

17-03-2008, 07:17 AM
Depends on your network provider if he wants to supply you with such a feature.I was cloning my old sims and also cloned a new one but only after my inner sources gave me the Ki for that number.
2 providers cards with the same number means that they will have different Ki and IMSI , only the phone number is associated on both.And yes only the last one turned on we will work,as its not possible to have both cards on the network the same time.

TheBadger wrote:
[ My wife lost her phone and contacted O2 who sent her a new sim with her old number. So you could try telling your operator the same thing - they may provide you with a second card with the same number that way - or you could just explain your situation and see if they'll co-operate. ]
That means a new card with different IMSI and Ki, as soon the new card registers on the network , they disassociate the old IMSI and therefore the old card will not register on the network.

17-03-2008, 08:03 PM
;) Interesting info.! Not a bad thing really as it stops the misuse of any lost sim cards!