View Full Version : HDTV Advise please

16-03-2008, 04:00 PM
I'm contemplating HDTV and need some advise on what I actually need and what to expect from this.

1. I guess I need a HD Receiver and TV.

2. If the receiver is a Sly HDbox do I have to pay more for the movie HD
channels etc. or do I simply get them along with my current SD
channels ?

3. If I get the Sly HD box I assume that I have to change my card,
subscription etc ?

4. If I get a HD satellite receiver do I get BBC HD channels etc, etc ?

5. And the big question is. Is it really worth it ?


16-03-2008, 04:42 PM
At the moment we only get about 10 HD chans but there are more on the way (Without a S+y box). Without a Sly box you do get the BBC HD chan on 19.2E when it is in use. I am using an TM6900 HD rxr with a external 500gb Sumo hard drive and I think it is brill. I often watch
Premier HD (Film chan).

As far as "Is it worth it"? That is up to you. I don't have Sly so can't comment on that.

16-03-2008, 10:28 PM
I'm contemplating HDTV and need some advise on what I actually need and what to expect from this.


1. I guess I need a HD Receiver and TV.
2. If the receiver is a Sly HDbox do I have to pay more for the movie HD
channels etc. or do I simply get them along with my current SD
channels ?
Yep they are more than a normal SD subscription.
3. If I get the Sly HD box I assume that I have to change my card,
subscription etc ?
You'll need to upgrade your subscription to get the HD channels
4. If I get a HD satellite receiver do I get BBC HD channels etc, etc ?
Yep BBC HD is fta. Channel 4 needs a sly card but it is free to view.
5. And the big question is. Is it really worth it ?
Well for me sky isn't and never has been. I have a subscription to digit alb and they have 2 HD channels which show movies and sport and they look pretty good. If your a film lover then the HD movies do look fantastic on a HD TV from a blu ray or a HD DVD player.

17-03-2008, 05:54 PM
Thanks for the comments guys. I guess Sly is out of the question since rotten movies in HD will be no better than rotten movies in SD which is
what we get at the moment.

Since I get Premiere it would be worth it for that plus the BBC channels.

Thanks for the advice. :)

17-03-2008, 07:04 PM
get the digtalb package with hd channels think its the gold package