View Full Version : NanoXX Firmware on the Vantage

17-03-2008, 08:55 PM

As anybody tried the NanoXX Firmware on the Vantage 7100S?

The german guys seem to have got it working but since the posts are in German it's difficult to follow them.


18-03-2008, 06:05 PM
Dont bother its not working its for a CLONE, its not same boot secvense

18-03-2008, 06:47 PM
i have posted my experience on another board!

1st reply.


i have updated my box with this firm and i cant get it back to vantage!
the nanoxx wont allow u to re-install vantage firm!

2nd reply.

finally got it back to vantage firm!

i found a file that got it back to Vantage_020101.
first u load the below file and then u can again load other vantage files.
i realized that the box became very hot and i lost signal quality and several sats/channels with nanoxx firm.
so be carefull playing around.


the read me say this!

NanoXX zu Vantage_011802 retour USB


für alle die NanoXX Firmware auf die Vantage geflasht haben ,
UND wieder RETOUR die VANTAGE MAIN mit E*U haben wollen.

alles auf eigene verantwortung , ich übernehme keine haftung
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