View Full Version : Price of Blu-ray players in the US on the rise

18-03-2008, 09:08 PM
Price of Blu-ray players in the US on the rise


In what seems like yet another kick in the teeth for consumers, the price of Blu-ray players in the US is on the rise.

It is difficult to get exact figures, but the upward price trend is clear. On Jan 1st 2008, the Samsung BD-P1400 was $318, it is now selling for $374. Sony's BDP-S300 has risen from $307 to $403, and Sharp's BD-HP20U is up at $440 from $386.

There have been no similar price rises in the UK, although you have to remember that we are still paying more here for our Blu-Ray players. Even at rock bottom internet prices, Samsung's budget BD-P1400 will cost you around £200 in this country (it is at least £50 cheaper in the US).

Of course, manufacturers may simply be reacting to the laws of supply and demand now that Blu-ray is the only High Definition DVD choice; and it is perhaps somewhat naive of us to expect all consumers, and owners of HD DVD players in particular to benefit from more favorable trading conditions (the week after HD DVD conceded victory, Dixons reported a three fold increase in Blu-ray sales).

At least in Switzerland, consumers are being offered a 200 Swiss franc rebate by Sony if they bring in their HD DVD player with the intention of buying Blu-ray. Its a pity this scheme could not be extended to larger consumer markets ... to the cynical, the offer in Switzerland seems like a bit of a PR stunt.

We can't feel anything more than a huge amount of sympathy for consumers who have bought into the HD DVD High Definition format and are now being asked to stump up even more cash if they want to join the Blu-ray party.

19-03-2008, 07:50 PM
Of course now that Blu-ray has won the format war they might be putting the prices up a bit.

However I think it may well be more to do with the fact that the players are probably made in China & Korea.

The value of the US dollar has probably dropped against the value of the manufacturing countries' currencies.