View Full Version : Windows CE 4.2.NET

23-03-2008, 12:43 PM

Just been offered a GPS from my syster !

How do you go into Windows CE 4.2.NET ?

I'd like to install TomTom instead of Destinator or have both .

A few good links would help a lot.


Cheers :)

23-03-2008, 01:53 PM
this is quite complex,but it can be done.
depending on what your unit is there are different files available on the net that you need to download,then replace your existing files with,so you can overide the existing software and enter into the windows software..
ive done this for friends,but it does take time as sometimes you even have to edit the tomtom cab files to get them to run,again depending on your unit.
here is a good place to start reading up on this subject,as its impossible for me to give you all the info you will need in this thread alone.
look for customisation.ian


23-03-2008, 04:28 PM

Thanks for the link : a lot to read !

It seems to me that those GPS are made not to be modified, with personalised soft and map even within the same brand.

I have not found the Navteq Europ map yet. By Navteq, they want to know : name of the car, GPS model etc

Thanks again.


Danew GS 120 GPS (franco-chineese brand)

29-03-2008, 08:57 AM
Hello ian

I have done some work allready. My GPS now starts on Window's with desktop and taskbar. Explorer works. Smartione lets me visit the registry.

Do you know if I could run a PC version of Window's CE 4.2 on my home computer to make my trials without putting the GPS at risk ?

Thanks :)

29-03-2008, 10:38 AM
glad you getting there.it does take time.
one thing to remember here is that if you ever let the battery run out,your unit will revert back to exactly how it was before you hacked into the operating system.so in answer to your question,its not possible for you to ruin anything with your trials of tomtom.if it goes pear shaped,you just need to do a hard reset all everything will restore to how it was.that is,if you haven't deleted any files.
but i dont think you will have done that as your objective is to have both sat nav software running,depending on which you choose to start up.at least thats how i did it for friends.
so if you have done it this way,you are safe.ian.

ps if your at the stage now where you are ready to load tomtom,you may very well find that it wont start up.this is because the tomtom software wasnt released for this unit.
if this is the case,then winCE cab manager is your friend.this lets you edit the cab files so they will run on any unit.just download the trial version,it gives you 30 startups,plenty for what you want to do.

30-03-2008, 03:13 PM

I was a bit shy about TomTom so I had a try with Navigator 7 insted of 6.

I just changed the content of folders and it worked after changing the exe name.

The change is not too big but now the clock works and updates Windows time. Closing the navigator also stops the time.

In the GPS explorer you can see dif types of folders : one type looks normal and in there you can find every thing that gets lost when you shut the GPS. These folders must be in a sort of ram.
The second type shows a sort of memory chip in the middle of the icon and these folders must be in some sort of permanent memory. There you find the registry.

Anyway when you shut the GPS really nothing works in the back ground not even a clock.

I have loaded Cab Manager but been a bit short of knowledge too use it immediately!

In the future I'll play with the desktop but I first have to find the .exe of the different players and make shortcuts at the right place (the ones I have done got lost).

Cheers :)

30-03-2008, 06:06 PM
I've just got TT6 runing on my Navigo that runs Windows CE 5 . It is a designated satnav but the supplied software was pants . It involved a registry hack and the use of some software and connecting the unit to the PC with activesync .The Navigo startup screen is gone and it boots into Windows CE and now runs TT6 with the UK & WE map perfectly .

02-04-2008, 07:03 PM
Hi ian and rickt

I have 2 GPS of the same hardware but with different soft versions.

I got the taskbar on both of them but on one, the taskbar is not active.

Do you know if this a registry option ?

And last : I am looking for a good link concerning the registry options for Windows 4.2.NET.


Regards :)

02-04-2008, 09:05 PM
i think you will actually find that the taskbar is active on the other unit,its just hidden.
if you tap the screen at the very bottom there is a taskbar there.its just that you can hardly see it.but if you tap the very thin grey line it will appear.then you can go into the menus and lock the taskbar so its seen all the time.ian.

02-04-2008, 09:53 PM
Hi ian

I went into the registry and the taskbar is present in full (most of the time) but does'nt work.

They have made many changes in the registry of the second model to sell a cheaper GPS with less options but all the files are there, only a few links are missing + these registry changes.

The problem is that if I make a mistake Activesync won't work anymore and "game over".

If I could only know how you load the rom on those devices! You cannot even copy the files from the rom to the PC!

Cheers :)

04-04-2008, 01:11 PM
i never found out how to load to the rom either,it must be possible somehow but i couldnt find any info on the net about it.
have you loaded tomtom yet?
i think there is just enough space to have both sat navs functional,if you strip down all the uneeded voices in tomtom and you use just GB maps.ian.

01-07-2008, 12:05 AM
i have just installed tomtom 5.21 on a medion 95900:seeya::seeya::seeya:, like others have said, it a bit messy at times but worth it when all working. just make sure u keep al the info and files u use backed up on a pc. to reset back to org software load sd card and do a hard reset with main switch hidden on back of most units. only ever do a soft reset with pen when software crashes etc. anyway have fun and hope u get it all sorted.

22-07-2008, 10:27 PM
On my mio c710 (also win CE 4.2) i now using >Mio pocket < look for gps passions/ with Igo8 insite on same sd this gives a lot fun. i can play games and also use a good 3d nav prog.
give it a tray with >igo8. Greetings