View Full Version : Hello all!

08-04-2008, 10:41 AM
Greetings all,

I couldn't find an 'introduction' section so I hope this ones ok. Just thought I would make a quick post to say hello. Came here for some help on setting up my first satellite system and just taking a quick look round it looks like the place to be! I've got about a grand to spend and was hoping to pick up the usual stuff, Saturday footy etc..

I'm hoping to help people out in other areas, know everything there is about xbox 360 flashing / wii / games / dbox2 / cable broadband so that might come in useful.

Ciao for now!

08-04-2008, 11:34 AM
Hi mate and welcome...

One of the things in your introduction that cannot be discussed is Cable

As for Satellite, you're in the right place..

A few things: -

What sort of set-up do you want?
Where is your location? (this will determine dish sizes etc)
Do you want a motor?
Do you want an HD set-up?
Do you want an IP-Based set-up (like dreamboxes)
Are you PC / networking confident?

I'm sure others will add to this....

08-04-2008, 11:55 AM
Hi aslat,

Thanks for warning me about cable, noted.

To answer your questions

Was thinking about a system that will get me the most channels possible,

I'm based in Teesside

Yes I was hoping to get a motorised system

I have a 55" 1080p Bravia so want to make use of that (what HD content is available? )

I'm assuming IP based is content over the net?? (what are the advantages?)

Very confident with PCs and networking (Im an engineer for a major UK ISP)

Thanks for the quick reply.

08-04-2008, 11:57 AM
Welcome bearkilla,

You would get quite a rig for a grand, and realistically don't need to spend anywhere near that, unless you are into trying to receive rare tropical stations on C band.

Aslat asks some good questions, another is what do you want to watch? Genres, languages, etc.

If it is mainly movies, do***entaries, and lots of EPL including multiple 3pm Saturday matches, there are lots of options.

The main issue is going to be whether you can put up a dish on a south facing wall (or in the garden). Most members for general viewing will have dishes in the region of 80cm to 1.2m, some fixed / some motorised.

Where members are using fixed dishes, they will probably either have a monoblock (can pickup two sats - normally Hotbird 13E and Astra 19E), or multiple LNB's offset for a number of sats.


08-04-2008, 12:19 PM
Hi drpaulos,

Glad to hear i'll have enough and hopefully some left over! (although what type of stuff is available on C band ;-) )

Mainly interested in english speaking, although EPL will do in any language (could always dub the radio over the top im assuming)

Movies and do***entaries sound good, is there much xxx stuff available?

With regards to a south facing wall, I've just used a calculator on uksatellitehelp to point to 28.2E Astra 2 A-B-D and it doesn't look like I will be able to mount it on the house so will probably be looking at a garden jobby.

08-04-2008, 12:43 PM
have a good read through the forum m8 & i,m sure you will come
up with most of what you are looking for,:D ps welcome on-board.

08-04-2008, 12:48 PM
cheers williamtell, i'm just working through the sections trying to get familiar with all the terms, feels like im back at school!

08-04-2008, 02:06 PM
quick question, the local wine bar has fox turk on for the Boro away games, any chance of picking this up?

Tumbling Dice
08-04-2008, 03:10 PM
Welcome to the forum M8 :)