View Full Version : Dish upgrade(ish)

11-04-2008, 02:22 PM
after the high winds a month or so ago my motor on my dish got busted, so i'm planning new system.... motor, 85cm dish but what lnb should I look to get.I live in the north east of england...

hope someone can give me some advice on this please


11-04-2008, 02:33 PM
any of the usual suspects , inverto , invacom , mti , sharp , humax etc

I bought the Inverto Twin 0.2 Universal LNB myself last summer for mine

11-04-2008, 02:56 PM
Am I correct in thinking the lower the db the better... so 0.2db is better than 0.3db or is it the other way round?

11-04-2008, 03:05 PM
no, your correct - but depending on manufacturer - a 0.3 "could" be better than a 0.2

its all swings and roundabouts.

invacom is a good compromise.

12-04-2008, 08:54 PM
Take the noise figure with a pinch of salt.

If you get this months what satellite in it they have tested a number of LNB's and marked them.

The smart titanium won.

I have here the twin titanium and its very good, I also have the sharp and that again is very good.

As for the dish if you can afford it then get a Fracarro 85cm dish, its a strange shape but I have just replaced my 110cm televes dish with one and along with the smart titanium lnbf its working great on moteck motor

12-04-2008, 09:06 PM
But note
In case whitch Motor you use it can be necessary to use a Single LNB
for Exampel: I use a DISEqC 1.2 Stab Rotor and this one Work´s only with a Single LNB
I guess the Inverto LNB is good choice.

12-04-2008, 09:59 PM
a stab rotor can work with any lnb , single , dual , quad

my last lnb on my stab 1.2 was a quad sly lnb for a while and it worked fine , and before that a single invacom

a dual lnb will work on a motor , as I said in post 2

12-04-2008, 10:09 PM
check out this months what sat for lnb tests smart titanium cam out on top, as stated above just loking for a c120 version.

12-04-2008, 11:08 PM
a stab rotor can work with any lnb , single , dual , quad

my last lnb on my stab 1.2 was a quad sly lnb for a while and it worked fine , and before that a single invacom

a dual lnb will work on a motor , as I said in post 2
Maybe your Rotor,but my Rotor is a few Year´s Old(6-7 year´s) and he Work´s only with a Single LNB and he has never Worked with a Twin or even with a Quad.In fact of the Low Power he can not Move the Twin or Quad.

23-04-2008, 01:01 AM
what happens, as your motor gets old it draws more current and a twin or quad lmb also draws more current than a single lmb..
thats why i always recommend a 36volt motor system if somebody wants a motorised satellite.. hassle free viewing ..

the best dish is a channel master 1.2 and a polar mount 18" motor..

23-04-2008, 06:38 AM
the power to the lnb is cut when the motor moves so makes no difference if you use a quad lnb or single one