View Full Version : UK dealer says late April for DM800

14-04-2008, 04:11 PM
Just seen that a well known uk dealer has updated his website to say

UK stock expected Late April
Orders will be taken as soon as I have
a definite delivery date
RRP 449Euro = £359 at current exchange rate


14-04-2008, 04:18 PM
do you think he knows?

who told him?



14-04-2008, 04:54 PM
do you think he knows?

who told him?



I called him last week and asked when he would be accepting advanced orders, he refused to take my money and said that I should watch the website for updates, he also assured me that he would only put information on the site if it was accurate.

I have no reason to doubt his word.


14-04-2008, 05:54 PM
Hello Yoda as you probably have read I got fed up with being told "March 25th then April 10th etc etc" that I canceled my pre ordered 800 and bought a Kathrein.
Do you still have yours? I have tried to catch you on msn and PM'ed you but to no avail.
Anyway I am happily watching HD now, football is brilliant just need some **** lol. I will probably wait for the 8000 as I thought the 800 looks tiny when I saw the picture of a laptop HDD nearly filling the case.
Edit: my pre-order price was £349 + delivery so they have gone up by £10 before they even appeared.

14-04-2008, 07:23 PM
It will then be late May, June, July .....

Think I will get one of the new Freesat HD PVR's before the DM800/8000 ever appears. :D :rolleyes:

14-04-2008, 07:38 PM
if this is the well know dealer with his picture on his web page.he is the official Uk dealer .if you go to dream media site and follow their dealer list.
so he may be getting his info from them ! why not ring and ask him as his page says he answers all calls personally


14-04-2008, 07:42 PM
why not ring and ask him as his page says he answers all calls personally

Because it's pointless. :D

DM8000 has been promised every month since 2006. :D :D :rolleyes:

15-04-2008, 08:01 AM
The well known UK dealer said April but did he say what year?:D

15-04-2008, 10:00 AM
also in swed the say april first it was 11/4 now its 18/4 br:sat

15-04-2008, 04:54 PM
Why bother talking about something thats pointless in the first place.i was only stating the facts his numbers there and he's one of thier main outlets.in UK
im sure if another manufacturer brought out a linux base box that could be used for cs and was HDTV there would be just as much interest in that .after all what does a dream box do in its shipped condition to warrent all this interest??????????????.
plenty of HDTV box to go and buy isn't there go buy one youve got your HDTV signal to pump into your HDTV tv


15-04-2008, 05:03 PM
i thought i was due out the 1st of April before 12 pm:D

i wouldnt bother it might be linux but i think the competition out already is better or as good and cheaper.:eek:


15-04-2008, 05:46 PM
im sure if another manufacturer brought out a linux base box that could be used for cs and was HDTV there would be just as much interest in that


but there are already 2 Linux boxes that are working like charm with CS :)
Kathrein 910 usf and Ipbox 9000 do an good job as Dreambox does, even better if you ask me

now the dm reliase date is to 30.04.08 , we have to wait and see untill late april
will it come out or will it be new date agein :D

my self im enjoying the Ipbox 9000 hd, newcs and mgcamd is now rolling on
CS is on to :D , HD quality is amazing

DM reliase date is acctualy new Drug , many have become so addicted to this new drug that we cant stop wating no more :D



15-04-2008, 09:11 PM
Thanks bobi
didnt realise these boxes did that.will take a look at them.do they let you use a certain private emu ?


15-04-2008, 09:17 PM
Just that CCcam will never work for Kathrein or IPBOX.

The DM800 is deja-vu all the way as DM8000.

I don't think the boxes will ever be released to be honest.

15-04-2008, 10:20 PM
as long as there is newcs there wil be cs , hihihiihih
no mater what emu you use.

@ kegrka , if i understood you right then nope , GB will not work
as is not complied for this platforms , and probably never wil.

Im loving my Ipbox now, cannot wish to have another box than this,
had Kathrein for some time , was OK , but not as easy as the Ipbox to settup
and was no Motor at the time i had it, so is historey for me.

Dreambox , well im sure it will come , and im sure i will have 1 just for tests
but i will keep Ipbox as is one of the best receivers i have come accross til now.



15-04-2008, 10:43 PM
Dreambox HD 800 will be here by next week and i will be the one :D then

16-04-2008, 06:17 PM
yes you understood me right .cheers m8


16-04-2008, 06:44 PM
I called him last week and asked when he would be accepting advanced orders, he refused to take my money and said that I should watch the website for updates, he also assured me that he would only put information on the site if it was accurate.

I have no reason to doubt his word.


Not many guys like him,most would of just took your money and held on to it for as long as possible.I get all my gear from him and he is a good mate too not many about like him also has a great after sales care too.


17-04-2008, 04:16 PM
...and now the IHAD site has closed down, the Gemini Team.

I beleive DMM is in some ****ty legal position now.

17-04-2008, 05:47 PM
well they are realy in deep **** , hahahha they think was so easy to kill end users Hardware
so many hackers will like to rip them off now, DMM has dig their own grave this time.

to little talk about the problem here in satpimps, other places are on fire with this discustion



18-04-2008, 01:29 AM
i think its the oposite they know something we dont !!...CS is soon over

18-04-2008, 01:42 AM
i think its the oposite they know something we dont !!...CS is soon over

Why is it soon going to be over?

18-04-2008, 06:26 AM
What is CS?
All these abbreviations can drive you mad!! lol!!!:respect-020:

18-04-2008, 11:06 AM
Just spoken to my distributor who informs me that the DM800 has some real software issues, as his sample has the following problems:

Picture Freezes
Sound Problems
Takes 6 Minutes to boot up!

He reckons another 3 weeks before he gets stock.

18-04-2008, 11:31 AM
Hehehehe..haven't we heard it before?

DM800 release summer 2010 with DVI connector, yeah right!!

28-04-2008, 05:37 PM
just spoke to uk supplyer in Camberley Surrey and thay have a 800 on display (so the lady said ) in the shop any pimps local could maybe have a look and see if its real and give your opinion on the machine that dosent seem to exist

28-04-2008, 07:02 PM
I know the place you mean, they have it on their site now and state it will be delivered within 3 weeks.

I still would not buy it just yet, I need to know its working 100% before I even "dream" ( do u like that ) with parting with my cash.

28-04-2008, 07:06 PM
I know the place you mean, they have it on their site now and state it will be delivered within 3 weeks.

I still would not buy it just yet, need to know its working 100% before I even "dream" ( do u like that ) with parting with my cash.

And the pun of the day goes to...


Well done you win a DM800.
Please allow 6552763 days for delivery.



28-04-2008, 07:17 PM
I will be pleased to see it released even though I now have a Kathrein, as I still lust for an 8000.
Remember that the same dealer told me 3 weeks at the beginning of March.

28-04-2008, 07:28 PM
I will be pleased to see it released even though I now have a Kathrein, as I still lust for an 8000.
Remember that the same dealer told me 3 weeks at the beginning of March.

we are moving foward then today it was next week thay will definitely have stock :rofl:

28-04-2008, 07:47 PM
So...just because a dealer has a dummy demo unit we are nearer to release?

Another dealer says it will be in stock 30th April.

Any more offers?

I am running out of patience.

There must be demo units about with the developers, as images are being released quite often for the DM800, so hopefully it won't be too many years away from being in the shops.:001_07:

28-04-2008, 07:58 PM
To be fair I know a beta tester on another forum who has one and at the mo its not good.

The worst problem for some reason when scanning 19.0e it only finds about a quarter of channels.

Even if it was released tomorrow I would wait another 4 weeks before getting one.

The ipbox 9000 started slow but now its rocking and images coming think and fast for it and people who have it are made up.

I would love to get the ipbox 9000 but CCcam will not work on and I have no choice but to use this emu.

28-04-2008, 08:09 PM
The IPBox 9000 is on my shortlist, and I am not too worried about no CCcam available, but is it worth £250 more than a Kathrein UFS910 ? Not yet i think, but it's early days with development I guess.

29-04-2008, 12:37 AM
just look at this bunch of fookes?????? i realy dont have a word to discrib this video ,or may look the messiah just landed in turkey ....!!!!:D:D:D


29-04-2008, 12:53 AM
Oh man! There´s two dudes who should definitely be crossed OFF the DMM dealers list!

29-04-2008, 01:34 AM
:D:D:D didnt i say bunch of freakies from outerspace....................... ..........LOL

29-04-2008, 09:44 AM
I have just been informed that Elvis, Biggie Small's and 2 Pac have cancelled there order for the DM800 as taking way too long. Its killing them with all this waiting around. :coolgleamA:

01-05-2008, 02:09 PM
Any update? We've had late April now.

21-05-2008, 03:25 PM
Any update? We've had late April now.

don't look like it is does it mate, april's come and gone now we're in the middle end of may and still nothing.

regards: canthackit

21-05-2008, 05:42 PM
I had a phone call today from the main UK distributor, telling me my box would soon be arriving even though I had cancelled it by phone and email.
I emailed them saying refund my credit card and to confirm this by email.
I got a general email announcing "the DM800 in stock" ffs
I will keep you informed of progress!!!

21-05-2008, 07:59 PM
LOL i also recieved an e mail confirmation and will recieve mine in next day or two also :king-041: they have also put the price up £10 aswelve

22-05-2008, 12:18 PM
LOL i also recieved an e mail confirmation and will recieve mine in next day or two also :king-041: they have also put the price up £10 aswelve

i m8 can u pm me the site were u got yours traying to get 1 but its out of stock every shop i tray
