View Full Version : Thor 5 signal on HD2000

16-04-2008, 01:37 PM
Hi All,

Humax HDCI2000.
To scan in 9 HD Channel"s on Thor 5 with a 80cm dish.

channel"s...Discovery DH
Voom HD (11433-V-25000-3/4)
Nat Geo HD
................................. ..............
Channel"s...Canal+ sport HD
SVT HD (11420-H-25000-2/3)
Canal+ film HD
................................. ..............
Channels...TV4 HD
Silver HD (11340-V-25000-3/4)
History Chnl HD
................................. ...............

Goto, Menu...search channel"s.
Load Frequency"s.
Goto Tranmission, change (DVB) to (DVB-S2).
Goto modulation, change (QPSK) to (8PSK).

You should now be looking at a signal quality on a 80cm dish of 94%.
Signal Strenth of 51%.


16-04-2008, 03:52 PM
i cant get the 28000 v/h range northampton 1mtr dish:confused: