View Full Version : Worrying reports regarding Digit Alb?

16-04-2008, 03:12 PM
Just been reading on another forum that Digit Alb are introducing a new card/receiver pairing system for there channels. There are reports that only their official receivers will work for their channels. This is a bit worrying. At the moment the HD channels are constantly freezing and crashing my Kathrein but I am putting this down to my poor signal from a small dish. Anyone else seen the news from another site? If this is true and the new system won't work in a dreambox then Digit Alb will lose a hell of a lot of subscribers including me! They'll be finished within 6 months if this is the case!

Just noticed that the new channels Digit Alb 10 - 16 don't work on my dreambox but do work on my Kathrein.

16-04-2008, 04:01 PM
and theirs only one official place in the UK you can get these which just happens to be the owner of that site.

16-04-2008, 04:08 PM
This pairing concept (if they go through with this idiotic idea) will only affect DigitALB's HD channels. The SD channels will remain unpaired so for the majority of us who are not watching HD it's business as usual.

How many of you would actually buy a paired HD receiver for DigitALB HD?

16-04-2008, 04:20 PM
I think this is what you would call shooting yourself in the foot :rolleyes:


16-04-2008, 04:48 PM
This pairing concept (if they go through with this idiotic idea) will only affect DigitALB's HD channels. The SD channels will remain unpaired so for the majority of us who are not watching HD it's business as usual.

How many of you would actually buy a paired HD receiver for DigitALB HD?

i think i would you can get the full package an hd reciever thats patchable with hdmi all for 399 pound, i think thats a bargain.

im gonna wait for then end of the football season to finish, i wont have to renew half way into the season then.

Hopefully bbc will be showing the european championships in hd so that should be good even though we arent there.


16-04-2008, 05:12 PM
As I thought the new SD channels Digit Alb 10-16 are all in mpeg4 which I can only pick up through my KAthrein HD receiver. The thing is if thats the case then shouldn't these work in the new Dreambox 800 along with the HD channels. At the moment they are fta.

16-04-2008, 06:12 PM
I was watching them last night on my Humax HDC2000. Very strange artefacts of other scenes kept creeping in!

16-04-2008, 10:26 PM
can some1 give me the freq for these SD channels Digit Alb 10-16 hd i have humax hd 2000 but only go 1 to 6 hd 4 film 2 sport thanks

16-04-2008, 10:43 PM
The thing is I get the feeling that digitalb don't know themselves what is going on. I was thinking about getting digitalb HD but I think i'l wait now til things settle down as it seems a mess right now.

16-04-2008, 11:09 PM
Also 2 **** channels gone mpeg 4 also. This is a bit ridiculous as all the people that have bought 12 month cards are now wondering whether they are gonna be getting anything soon. Are Goldwafers still selling the cards for the full package as I can't really see any point in buying as nobody is sure what the cards will receive, if anything?

17-04-2008, 02:55 AM
Don’t worry the pairing malarkey is about 12 months off happening and will only come into affect when we have to switch to the new cards. I have enough stock of the old type cards that don’t require pairing to last another 12 months so as you can see there is no need to panic just yet.

Once all the old cards have dried up and we take stock of the new cards that’s when the pairing starts to become a factor for the MPG4 channels.

At the moment it’s unclear whether or not renewals for the MPG4 channels will be possible on the old type cards once subscriptions expire 12 months on from supplying the card. I’ll only know the answer to that nearer the time (at least 12 months away). If it’s not possible to renew MPG4 channels on old cards after the 12 months has expired then a new card + paired HD receiver will be required to continue watching DigitALB MPG4 channels.

It’s important to note that DigitALB say they are offering the current HD channels as a bonus for Gold package subscribers. So like the sports channel fiasco that happened about 16 months ago there is always the possibility that these HD channels could be withdrawn from the Gold package and made available on a separate HD package in the future. There is no plan to do this at the moment or even the suggestion of it from DigitALB but I just want to be upfront with you all that it could be a possibility in the future; you never know what DigitALB will do when they say that certain channels are offered as a bonus for certain packages.

I’ve been informed that DigitALB SuperSport subscribers will also receive the SuperSport HD channels as a free bonus, which is great news.

In approx 12 months the new DigitALB cards will be paired for all the MPG4 channels but until that time comes or until DigitALB decide to withdraw the HD channels from the Gold package the old cards will work unpaired. If your current sub is due to expire soon renewals to Gold or any other package are not a problem.

I hope I’ve managed to put your minds at rest on this issue and articulated all the main points clearly. It’s nearly 3am and I need some Zzzzzzz’s. I’ll read this back in the morning to check it makes sense and doesn’t read like the ramblings or a tired idiot :-)

Regards, Lee.

17-04-2008, 05:33 AM
Thanks Lee.

Makes perfect sense

17-04-2008, 04:54 PM
Yeah thanks m8, makes perfect sense. Bit of a shame about them going down that route of pairing card/receiver but if its a while off then maybe the next dreambox 800 will be out by then and hopefully some intelligent persons can get that to work with the new card system.

17-04-2008, 05:54 PM
guys , it is not upto digitalb this parring thing
it is the Telenor Norway the company that holds the right and lisence to Conax
condition access system.

they are the one that have made this mess for sure.

we have the same problem here in scandinavia , with the new cards
they are married to the receiver and cant do nothing with them.

canal digital it self has not started this tecnicue yet, but with the hack now on the horizont they will for sure.

the Terresial provider here in norway, is using this parring systemet
and the card is not possible to use in other receiver or cam .

maybe we are dumed



17-04-2008, 07:30 PM
canal digital it self has not started this tecnicue yet, but with the hack now on the horizont they will for sure.

the Terresial provider here in norway, is using this parring systemet
and the card is not possible to use in other receiver or cam .

CAS7 card pairing has zero effect as a defence against a full emu hack, which is what you have on jolly/diablo. Card pairing is just a camcrypt, as used by other systems, encrypting dialogue between card and cam only. It's a defence against card sharing only ... temporarily, at least. :-)

17-04-2008, 07:39 PM
Aren't certain NDS cards for premium channels married to a receiver? and we all know how much difference that makes so let's hope the same thing can be worked out for these cards as well.

17-04-2008, 08:06 PM
maybe we are dumed

Haven't heard that phrase for a while . Brings back memories of Dad's Army :)

"Doomed , we're all doomed !" :)


17-04-2008, 09:40 PM
This Conax and pairing of cards is still a long way off yet tho so it's not really worth worrying about. A lot can happen in 12 months and who knows what will come out.

17-04-2008, 10:08 PM
by the way pairing looks like the way most providers will go for now, you can already see TNTSAT in france with it now since few days ago, is impossible to use the card in CS,also the new Merlin cards already started if france and soon in spain will have this system implemented,about pairing with HD product i know for a fact that the new STI40XX and Broadcom chipset has a special hard encrypted ID that will secure if you want to call it "secret conversation" between card/decoder you already can see it in scandinavia, from june i think we will see hell of a lot of movements in Sat sceen ,some providers also want secure the EURO2008 and the ATHLETICS ,to realy start the HDTV compain as they dont want to fail like they did in WORLD CUP 2006,,sorry but it looks doom and gloom all the way for CS..regards

19-04-2008, 08:15 AM
The hackers have been breaking pairing systems for a while now (cable) is one case that springs to mind.

regards painter

19-04-2008, 08:54 AM
I'm not doubting that pairing might become a problem but Nagra and ND/S both use pairing and their systems haven't become a problem, so why is this any different?

20-04-2008, 03:39 AM
they may apply more complicated pairing system based on hard-crypted algorithm..enough to put down the whole CS network

20-04-2008, 12:29 PM
Can't that HW talk be 'spoofed'? (layman's question)

01-05-2008, 12:29 PM
The pairing MAY HAPPEN RIGHT NOW, no one knows. ONLY the KAON BOX will open them.

01-05-2008, 09:37 PM
The whole pairing situation only really works for a reasonable length of time if, the encrytpion company has control of the hardware decrypting the channels like NDS does.

If telnor/conax alows cards to be paired to Conax cams then card sharing is still going to happen, if they don't allow conax cams then their are going to be alot of ****ed off canal digital customers!!

02-05-2008, 12:56 AM
Also 2 **** channels gone mpeg 4 also. This is a bit ridiculous as all the people that have bought 12 month cards are now wondering whether they are gonna be getting anything soon. Are Goldwafers still selling the cards for the full package as I can't really see any point in buying as nobody is sure what the cards will receive, if anything?

the full package is been like that from 1 year agou same never change .... The new channels dind exist at all now they come new and new System ,you dint lose nothink ...Full package same ,sport package same and Premium package same.

HD is new need to wait litle bit we see what can be done...

02-05-2008, 01:02 AM
guys , it is not upto digitalb this parring thing
it is the Telenor Norway the company that holds the right and lisence to Conax
condition access system.

they are the one that have made this mess for sure.

we have the same problem here in scandinavia , with the new cards
they are married to the receiver and cant do nothing with them.

canal digital it self has not started this tecnicue yet, but with the hack now on the horizont they will for sure.

the Terresial provider here in norway, is using this parring systemet
and the card is not possible to use in other receiver or cam .

maybe we are dumed



thats true ,is all about licence and al dust you do here and some where else..they read all this post and if digitalb is not showing all this selling to them for licence now they know all and they put their rulles...If was for digitalb will stay all their life ,they are not stupid .now i hope been clear.

02-05-2008, 01:06 AM
Aren't certain NDS cards for premium channels married to a receiver? and we all know how much difference that makes so let's hope the same thing can be worked out for these cards as well.

Nds is S/W paring

Conax receivers from Kaon are interactive boxes on main chip paring..

totally difente..

Not so easy...

I hope to be is well.

02-05-2008, 01:07 AM
CAS7 card pairing has zero effect as a defence against a full emu hack, which is what you have on jolly/diablo. Card pairing is just a camcrypt, as used by other systems, encrypting dialogue between card and cam only. It's a defence against card sharing only ... temporarily, at least. :-)

where did you see that "FULL EMU HACK" i never see enythink !?

02-05-2008, 01:57 AM
where did you see that "FULL EMU HACK" i never see enythink !?

Full emu hack, put as simple as it gets = algo + keys required to decrypt an encrypted CW in an ecm to a DW, the seed for final CSA algo that gives you pretty picture. In other words, you emulate the actual system in use. That's what you have in diablo. Card pairing, S/W or with factory programmed chip, is irrelevant to that. With or without pairing, same ECM is sent to ALL recievers for any ident. If you have the keys/algo to decrypt ECM, pairing is irrelevant.

02-05-2008, 02:00 AM
i cant wait til digialb gets hacked see what darkman says then ha ! digialb now needs to be hacked the way they are carrying on.

02-05-2008, 03:25 AM
Full emu hack, put as simple as it gets = algo + keys required to decrypt an encrypted CW in an ecm to a DW, the seed for final CSA algo that gives you pretty picture. In other words, you emulate the actual system in use. That's what you have in diablo. Card pairing, S/W or with factory programmed chip, is irrelevant to that. With or without pairing, same ECM is sent to ALL recievers for any ident. If you have the keys/algo to decrypt ECM, pairing is irrelevant.

yes put as i sipmle in theory am whatching digitalb HD now HACK but in practice !?hmmm am sory....

Where is that algo !? wich keys !>Those keys change every 7 second !?
hmmm maybe you correct theory 1 second picture should be ok !

Gave us that ALGO...

what i have in Diablo !?//in wich one in 2.2 !? or eny other EMU !?? around !

Mate more then Hack look Bull for me ..Bussines nothink more....and for haw long !

Did You like the truthe now....

I know who are involve in this story enyway ,but forget it .

have a nice Algo ....

02-05-2008, 03:30 AM
i cant wait til digialb gets hacked see what darkman says then ha ! digialb now needs to be hacked the way they are carrying on.

you have to wait very long mate ,dont wory,,,I dont care even if is hack i can compit with with "hackers" sory "Lamers" more cheap then their stuff and for shure more time "12 months" not "1 months2 a disapear maybe will be hack by diablo 9.999 now ..ha ha ha wait and see.

i will send that hacker sory lamer who buy those files in bankcrypt.. prommes. Becouse that not really hack and they need speend a lot of mony to get back.

I can explaing to you haw ....

for example:

1 dablo 1 months ! free digitalb hack £89 + £49 case 3 to pragrammer the diablo- got from Sponsor here = £138

"Original CARDS" Suppose Only....
digitalb 12 months Warranty....... Sport £88 Gold package £ 137

02-05-2008, 03:43 AM
yes put as i sipmle in theory am whatching digitalb HD now HACK but in practice !?hmmm am sory....

Where is that algo !? wich keys !>Those keys change every 7 second !?
hmmm maybe you correct theory 1 second picture should be ok !

Of course, those keys (DWs) change every 7 to 10 seconds. It's true for almost every CAS there is that a new DW is delivered every 5 to 10 seconds by a change in ECM. What's your point?

Gave us that ALGO...

what i have in Diablo !?//in wich one in 2.2 !? or eny other EMU !?? around !

Mate more then Hack look Bull for me ..Bussines nothink more....and for haw long !

Did You like the truthe now....

I know who are involve in this story enyway ,but forget it .

have a nice Algo ....

I simply answered your question about where is full emu. There is full emu for CD currently in diablo ... ie, algo plus keys for CD idents.

But back to point of thread, which was CAS7 card pairing ... if CD had implemented card pairing right now - even the planned official stb only, factory programmed chip card pairing - it would still be open on diablo. The same ECM is sent to everybody. Card pairing is just an internal game for official cards to stop you being able to see actual DW and broadcast this for card sharing purposes. If you have actual algo in use and op key that was used to decrypt ECM, you don't care about card pairing. It's no part of your emulation.

02-05-2008, 04:17 AM
Of course, those keys (DWs) change every 7 to 10 seconds. It's true for almost every CAS there is that a new DW is delivered every 5 to 10 seconds by a change in ECM. What's your point?

I simply answered your question about where is full emu. There is full emu for CD currently in diablo ... ie, algo plus keys for CD idents.

But back to point of thread, which was CAS7 card pairing ... if CD had implemented card pairing right now - even the planned official stb only, factory programmed chip card pairing - it would still be open on diablo. The same ECM is sent to everybody. Card pairing is just an internal game for official cards to stop you being able to see actual DW and broadcast this for card sharing purposes. If you have actual algo in use and op key that was used to decrypt ECM, you don't care about card pairing. It's no part of your emulation.

"In theory you are totally right"

In reality now
where is the Algo !?

02-05-2008, 04:41 AM
"In theory you are totally right"

In reality now
where is the Algo !?

That I already answered. But algo is not really much the prob with conax, rather it's keys. ... Both are sitting reasonably securely within the chip of a cam whose manufacturers paid - oh, not officially, of course, they have nothing to do with software :-) - some nice bucks to put it there.

And there's little much point in taking all the time, effort and skill to disasm it ... a task those who blithely post around the net 'let's hack diablo' have next to no idea how incredibly difficult that is to do ... cos even if you eventually get there and want to give it away, they can make upgrades - in worst case scenario, complete new version cam reissue - to protect their investment. And you must start all over again at next op key change after the upgrade ... unless they're dumb enough to include MKs in one of their updates. Somehow, I don't think they will be. :-)

03-05-2008, 06:45 PM
am still wating for Algo

17-11-2008, 02:56 PM
friends 1 question .
how u get ur new digialb card and box working mean if u get it pre-activated or if u put it on some channel and wait for activation when u buy a new one.

i can make it work with sh a r ing emu like gbox cccam or radegast newcamd newcs alll.



19-11-2008, 11:09 PM
1 dablo 1 months ! free digitalb hack £89 + £49 case 3 to pragrammer the diablo- got from Sponsor here = £138

"Original CARDS" Suppose Only....
digitalb 12 months Warranty....... Sport £88 Gold package £ 137[/QUOTE]

wow. to quote darkman in may 08, further up this thread it struck me how much digitalb has risen in price.

sport £229 (£88) gold package £319 (£137)
slightly above inflation methinks. what was a reasonable price package is now out of my range.

keith mawer
19-11-2008, 11:31 PM
shall we close this thread,, i mean it was made in april!! oops sorry but had to mention...

20-11-2008, 10:44 PM
is there a time limit on here now?

21-11-2008, 12:59 AM
1 dablo 1 months ! free digitalb hack £89 + £49 case 3 to pragrammer the diablo- got from Sponsor here = £138

"Original CARDS" Suppose Only....
digitalb 12 months Warranty....... Sport £88 Gold package £ 137

wow. to quote darkman in may 08, further up this thread it struck me how much digitalb has risen in price.

sport £229 (£88) gold package £319 (£137)
slightly above inflation methinks. what was a reasonable price package is now out of my range.[/QUOTE]

i think he will probably have all them cards across his fireplace has christmas cards, im so happy i never bought one, you go on about the price, but the coverage for premiershp games is abismal, oh that is until the end of november.


21-11-2008, 08:37 AM
The big problem with the digitalb/supersports l providers is you can never depend on anything they say (and they don't say much)
There is a change going to happen re the early cards one of which I own they are to be replaced but not sure if the replacement card will work in the DM card slot anybody have info on this.

regards painter

22-11-2008, 02:46 PM
So nobody knows then?:frown:

regards painter