View Full Version : protech 9600 iplan urgent needed for sunday

16-04-2008, 05:20 PM
Anyone heard of this box, my mates got a club and theyve bought an old system, anyway they want digitalb football fitted and i was wondering if a card could just go straight in?

They want it for the villa blues game on sunday.

anyone chelseaboy

16-04-2008, 05:30 PM
Hi, I have a protek 9600i which has the lastest soft on and works ok with conex card.

16-04-2008, 05:35 PM
Protec 9600 ip is an clone box of the Nanoxx 9600 ip .

you can even CS with that box, you can install Nanoxx software and vantage software to
with small modification.

there is also an forum that handles the protec receivers , and there is lalk abou firmware
and cs to.

dont have one my self , but i have the HD version of Hyro 9000, it is a clone/OEM box
this are the boxes that are with diferent name but same hardware
Vantage HD 7100
NanoXX 9500HD
Hyro 9000
Echolink 7020HR

i do not know about the SD versions , but im sure is easy to dinf out.

PS; if you need link to that forum send pm. or google for it , protec 9600 ip



16-04-2008, 05:45 PM
Cheers people for the fast response, i think the dish might be 2.4 metres big what card do you need to pick up showtime?

So if i get him a digitalb card he should just be able to put the digitalb card staight into the box and away he goes.?

where can i get the latest software from?


16-04-2008, 05:48 PM
with the latest soft no card is necessary for showtime.
look at the website i pm ed u.
i have been able to watch every premiership game on showtime this season

16-04-2008, 05:48 PM
i have on too m8

absolutly excellent
best bit of kit i ever bought

16-04-2008, 05:50 PM
by the way, you dont even have to look for the latest software. when u connect to the net. via the ethernet port it will automatically download the latest soft and keys.
super receiver

16-04-2008, 06:20 PM
all sorted now, thanks for the help you lot i couldnt have asked for any more support.:)


16-04-2008, 06:58 PM
Ive sorted my mate out now, and having looked at the reciever it looks well impressive and as some real good reviews.

Would i get more channels out of the protek 9600 than what i would out of my tm9100?

Mind you i love my TM9100, its the best reciever ive ever had.
