View Full Version : 2100 plus instructions

17-04-2008, 08:29 AM
how to download firmware via rs232. when i use usb the box will freeze all the time

19-04-2008, 12:28 AM
Have you tried doing a factory reset? That usually cures all sorts of problems with boxes.

I know you'll lose your channels and have to rescan again but that might well get your box working as it should.

What else could you try? Maybe going back to an earlier software version.

Maybe putting in official software, reseting the box and then trying an update via the USB to the latest software version.

Try different things until you get it working. I thought you already managed to do an update via RS232 a week or so ago. An earlier post by you says you got the box working.

Try the reset first & see if that helps.

Edit:- I've just had a thought, is your memory stick working properly? It might be faulty! How about trying a new one if none of the above works for you?

19-04-2008, 08:57 AM
thanks all working fine on some other forums they have ad thisame problems with usb.yes problem was solved only a friend done the job for me can you give me the intructions is the box as to be on or atand by when dowloading?

19-04-2008, 09:56 AM
Their manual does not answer your question, (though it does cover stb to stb firmware upgrades using your cable. My guess is to run the operation as you would a Technomate. Instructions are a plenty for that on the forums. Are you certain that the USB function is not working? For firmware you MUST have the correct one for the specific model. Double check as the models are a bit confusing number / name wise. I have made that mistake more than once! Have you tried more than one USB stick? Its a great box. Hope that you can get it going USB wise as that is so simple and quick.