View Full Version : will not wake up

17-04-2008, 02:24 PM
my samsung seems to have died and will not update firmware from pc with dsr studio . is there away of getting it working again . its still heating up but no front screen or picture showing.

17-04-2008, 05:44 PM
Hi dave859,
try with hyperteminal:

switch off on the back stb.
Start/Program/Accessories/Communications/Hyper Terminal

Setting the Hyper Terminal

1. Start Hyper Terminal.
2. In the field "Name" write for example Samsung 9500, choose an icon and click OK.
3. In the new opened window, near "Connect using" choose "Direct to COM1 or 2 or 3, afterwards click OK.

Port Settings

1. Bits per second : 115200
2. Data Bit : 8
3. Parity : NONE
4. Stop Bit : 1
5. Flow Control : Hardware
Click OK

Uploading software into Hyper Terminal

1. Choose TRANSFER
2. Then choose SEND FILE ....
3. BROWSE - select from hard drive the desired version of software (e.g. emu 7.3.bin)
4. Choose 1KXmodem for Protocol
Don't press the button "Send", you will do it subsequently.

After you have done the procedure described, connect your computer with Samsung using a RS232 connection cable.
Before you start uploading the new software into Samsung I would advise you to firstly remove all the cams or cards from it (if any are inside).

The things you have to do are :

1. keep pressed the "right arrow" (volume up) and the main switch on the back

Keep pressed until the "3-01" appears on the display and appairs all CCCCCCC
from that moment the computer will show "............................... Loading"
4. In that moment, in the Hyper Terminal, click the button "Send" (you have about 15 seconds to perform that operation).
With clicking on "Send" starts the uploading the software into Samsung.
Don't be hasty! Wait for entire process to terminate.
Process is terminated when on the Samsung a clock appears.

If you have done all properly, there is a desired version of software in you Samsung.
The easiest way to verify if upload succeeded : Menu/System properties/System information.
All versions of the EMU software has the version number 133, to not confuse you.


18-04-2008, 10:30 AM
thanks i will try this