View Full Version : protek 9600ip

17-04-2008, 04:50 PM
Only heard about these yesterday and i didnt even have the right name and that was because someone asked me if i could help them out with one.

Now a day later ive got one sitting underneath my tv and i have to say i am well impressed.

ive edited this if your thinking about buying one of these recievers DONT!!!!.

Mine only lasted a month then the server went down, 3 months on it cam back but just freezes all the time, overall a waste of 140 pound.

If you want any more info please pm me.


17-04-2008, 05:57 PM
Hi,And thanks
Yep I now its a clone of....
But can You give a list of channels/prov etc... do not have to be exactly correct..
( because there must be quite a lot of them :respect-069:)

Would help other ones also,I think

respectfully, Q

17-04-2008, 06:44 PM
find out with good old Google....why I did not do it earlier:confused: