View Full Version : Boycott Gemini Image

18-04-2008, 02:23 AM
A lot of people kill boxes (DM500 clone) after update with lattest gemini image.

18-04-2008, 07:33 AM
Why boycott Gemini? If you have paid for a dreambox and there is a decent image made for it then use it (your choice). If you have a copy box then use an image thats made for that -ie not a Gemini image.
Its not really a poll that will show much in my opinion. Anyone who votes to boycott obviously dont have a dreambox they have a replica or fake. Since they now know Gemini images are not compatible with their box they have to use another image that is made for it.
Its like a poll of "boycott Technomate because they dont make patches for Fortec Star" :)

18-04-2008, 10:45 AM
I think it serves people right.

If you bought a clone knowing it was a clone then tough, you got what you deserved.

How are DMM every going to produce better quality products when profits are down because some knob in the far east is making cheap copy products.

As for gemini team saying it was not them, maybe true but one thing is for sure DMM and Gemini know each very well, if you catch me drift.

18-04-2008, 01:37 PM
Now the result of making IHAD responsible for killing DM500 clones is here (quoting IHAD):

"The Forum is currently closed.
We decided to close the forum till an official statement from DMM has arrived.
It is simply unaccaptable that we (the IHaD Team) are made responsible for actions taken by DMM.
It now is DMM's turn to make statement about the current situation.

The Gemini Team"

18-04-2008, 04:51 PM
gemini did no wrong. if you bought a clone you shoulda known the risk and you got what you deserved..... now we all suffer :cuss:

18-04-2008, 06:03 PM
Personally I don't think DMM have any right to go and trash customers boxes just because they have a problem with pirate copies, especially considering the nature of their business - i mean, how many people run vanilla DMM images on the dreamboxes?

18-04-2008, 06:15 PM
Look first i do not have any Clone dreambox.

But must say that that what Dream Multimedia did this time is over the limit.

They will like to fight the clone industry then the right and only way to do it
is to place an international cort.

they will not stop the clone production this way, and non the les they do not have any right to distroy end user hardware.

Gemini is part of this, they play a dirty game, not so long a go
they placed an code to block the blue pannel for the clone dreamboxes
that was nice move and could have been well supported from many
but what happend in stead was they block even the original dreamboxes

so they come back with new image and stated they have taken a way this code, instead they put this time **** in the image, and now they say it was the new cvs.

DMM and Gemini are hand in hand and that is not news , most of us knows this.

Yes the clones do diserve to be fighten back, but this is not the way to do it
there are legal ways to fight piracy, and DMM is no better that any other company to take action on their on hands.

This brings back old memories from DMM , back when they killed many Magic cams at that time ( 1 APRIL ) they did the same.

what will happend if , microsoft did this, or all the providers
will we have supported this kind of acction ??

anyway i do not support the clone industry, but i do not support this
tacktics made from DMM.



18-04-2008, 06:51 PM
I have just bought a s/hand dreambox 500s to learn on.It looks a genuine model,and reading up on the sites seems ok. But having never seen an original one its hard to tell, so am unsure to take the chance with the gemini image.
Seema a lot like when the card programmers were wiped out by du*la*s and they still get stick from it.
If youve bought a clone box and know that it is then fair do's you take your chances with what you put onto it. But if you have been sold a clone not knowing thats bad news.
And as a DM is mainly used for "educational purposes" :respect-050: its a bit rich from them!

18-04-2008, 07:15 PM
The point must be that dmm do not make these broken receivers, and Gemini do not make firmware for them. It is the end user who chose to use someone elses hard work without paying, it is them at fault.
If I renamed a ClarkeTech patch and managed to load it onto a similar model technomate, or I loaded a Darkbox patch onto a technomate, when i realise it total bust my receiver who do i hold responsible?

Gemini and DMM do not make these patches for use on any other receiver. If a dealer has sold a box saying otherwise (like at the other well known forum) then it is that dealers problem as well as the customer. Microsoft do make regular releases for all its software to stop piracy, so do many companies in different industries, nothing new!!!

You chose the piracy route, you take your chances! We all enjoy piracy but if someone stole from my business and i had a way to fight back i certainly would do, and be perfectly in my rights to do so. 100% gemini and dmm are not to blame here, I state again they do not make firmware for those other receivers -clones fakes or copies. Those who risked using their image on a non-dreambox are at fault, those dealers that said it was perfectly ok are at fault.

18-04-2008, 10:42 PM
From reading other forums, it may be the case, though not proved as yet, that the time **** may have been passed on from Dream Multimedia, through a driver provided to the Gemini team, which was then incorporated into the latest 4.3.1 image, without them knowing. It may be possible that if this the case, the driver may have been incorporated in to other images.

Personally, I think that if people deliberately and knowingly purchased a clone box, then I believe that the manufacturer of that particular box has a right to protect its rights, though this is probably going too far. The people who I feel sorry for is the ones who thought they were purchasing a genuine box and unwittingly ended up with a clone one. Dream Multimedia are not the first manufacturer to do this, If my memory serves me right, didn't Vision Net do the same thing. If you have an illegal operating system on your PC, would you be surprised if the manufacturer of the operating system, did something to stop your pc from running it?

'Changes to 4.3.0
* Pictures (JPEG, BMP, GIF und PNG) can now be displayed on the Dreambox 500' just guessing, but could the driver provided to do this, be the one that included the time b0mb.

20-04-2008, 01:13 AM
its this simple, you load Dream firmware in a Dreambox.. and clone firmware in a clonebox.. you dont mix them, if you do dont cry.. :o10:

21-04-2008, 11:03 AM