View Full Version : Humax ToH3.4_HoT11.0

19-04-2008, 09:41 AM
New original full version ToH3.4_HoT11.0 by Planet Hemp & ToH-HoT team is out.

file CRC: 22914D5F
file MD5: 4bfca4a0bbd8e2e39f0c7386b0200bb5

Thank you PH

Humax ToH3.4 HoTplugged v11.0 - 2008-04-19
-- Version: A --
- IRD2 PMKs now included in key.bin

FreeX IRD ProvID No 4 (IRD2 down!)
***View IRD ProvID No 5
LA7 IRD ProvID No 6

for AU you need:

Plain Mode:
PMK0 stored in Key 0C/0D
PMK1 stored in Key 0E/0F

crypted Mode:
ProvId must be 000000
crypted ProvID is stored in Key 0A
crypted PMK0 is stored in Key 0C/0D
crypted PMK1 is stored in Key 0E/0F

for ***View include the following keys on IRD ProvID No 5
ProvId must be 000000
0A: 9A9710B669C68128
0C: DFE674F4867E83A1
0D: A30C02595880CCB3
0E: 4973A94D01179DB0
0F: 71F3D8943CA5757B

19-04-2008, 02:06 PM
Thank you for that, can anyone explain to me what all that means about the au update bit, it means nothing to me thanks


The Shadow
19-04-2008, 02:53 PM
Same ere!!!!!:woot-035::woot-035:

19-04-2008, 02:58 PM
How do I update the IRD ProvID No 5? I have entrered keys 0A to 0F on SV channel ProvID 000000 using RAM editor but not working something is still missing. Is the DSR 9500 EMU better for editing keys?


19-04-2008, 03:19 PM
l'm a bit puzzled as well.....any help would be appreciated

19-04-2008, 03:39 PM
Use DSR_9500_EMU_Ed_56_CW, Load Bin file,select Irdeto/Beta, Select 5th provider from left hand column and fill in keys from list provided. Load to reciever.
Hope this helps


19-04-2008, 03:49 PM
Thank you for that it works on SV what do I do to get FreeX IRD ProvID No 4

Thank billy

19-04-2008, 03:51 PM
thanks HG MICKE. much apprecaited
AU Not working for me on SV

19-04-2008, 04:06 PM
Is it still working on ***v**w or am i to late?.thanks

19-04-2008, 04:11 PM
Any specific ***v**w channel you need to leave this on to AU?
If it does update, what are the CAID Settings, lm using CARD+EMU
Card Blocker - EMM
Nagra2 AU - ON

19-04-2008, 04:33 PM
Works for me! Many Thanks.

Updates on ***INFO


19-04-2008, 04:40 PM
This is what I did I dont know how to upload a picture otherwise I would show you my keybin.

This is what I did open open dsr and then open you up to date key bin, then select irde/beta then go to 5th provider on left click on it then go to 0A copy and past these in to the right place starting from 0A : 9A9710B669C68128
0C: DFE674F4867E83A1
0D: A30C02595880CCB3
0E: 4973A94D01179DB0
0F: 71F3D8943CA5757B

once this is done upload it to humax then wait for a little while maybe switch between other SV channels then it should just come one.

or reboot the machine then try thats all I did.


19-04-2008, 04:46 PM
thanks Billy for the info
Whats your CAID Preselect and card blocker set to?


19-04-2008, 04:58 PM
The ones same as you except my nagra is set to auto.

That all the difference.

Have a bash

19-04-2008, 05:07 PM
PM sent to you mate

19-04-2008, 05:22 PM
Got it working
loaded the keys as instructed
But changed the card blocker to ECM+EMM

thanks for your help guys and especially to Billyreh

19-04-2008, 07:07 PM
bin with sv here

working at time of post


auto update with this config


19-04-2008, 07:33 PM
thanks ozzsurf

19-04-2008, 09:01 PM
Thanks a lot, SV works fine. What about the FreeX, is it down?

g ali
19-04-2008, 11:30 PM
freex down on all emus m8

20-04-2008, 08:49 AM
Ozzsurf. Hi

You don't have prem direct under yellow buttom >Macro mode on startup must be >On for this function. Greetings

20-04-2008, 12:20 PM
i open all with that config

20-04-2008, 12:47 PM
Hi all,

1) TPS AU opens TPS for only 10 seconds or so regardless of what time zone I set. I seem to remember GMT +1 was needed.

2) Premiere Direct Portal does not work. By this I mean the PPV sub channels. The rest of Premiere is fine (Sports 1,2 + Premirere 1 to 5). I last had the PPV movie channels working about a year ago so I know how to select them. Any ideas?


20-04-2008, 02:02 PM
put the clock at the right uk time
the clocks went forward last month
making gmt +1 on the humax

20-04-2008, 03:33 PM
Premiere Direkt work regardless of Macro mode on Startup setting. If you have B (for Betacrypt) instead of N (for Nagra) in the small square in EPG on Premiere Direkt channels load the newest Xamuh PMC table.

20-04-2008, 04:07 PM
i know that it works
................................. ..........................

When you on premdirekt FTA infochannel you can use yellow button on your remote.

then you can use this for faster zapping on direkt channels.
this works only when >Macro mode on startup >On (you see than a list off all prem direkt channels)

................................. ................................. ................................. ........

Press the TV/Sat button on your remote and in the bottom
right of your screen you will see the letter M, Green M means
Macro Mode is switched on

Now put humax on a portal channel and press the yellow button

Direkt Portal 12031H - 27500 - 3/4

Sport Portal 11719H - 27500 - 3/4


20-04-2008, 11:07 PM
I think I know where the problem is.
Sport Portal is working but I have 2 separate channels that correspond to the sub channels for sport portal.
For Premiere Direct Portal I have only 1 PPV channel set up which is selected when ANY sub channels from direct portal is chosen with the yellow button.
This ppv channel is 11719 H 27500 3/4
I think I would solve the problem if I set up individual channels for direct portal as I have for the sport portal.
There used to be a thread with these channel detauls listed.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction or list these channel details.
Thanks a bunch

20-04-2008, 11:40 PM
you have HoT11.0 get the bin file i posted and voith drivers settings
and theres no problems

i have HoT11.0 and adjusted pet123 for switches 210308 and the bin on page 1
and all works well even the silly yellow button thing

settings here

21-04-2008, 12:13 AM
How to add the Premiere Direkt channels.

Option 1
Upload a new channel set to your receiver using HNFSmart or Humbox. The new set should contain all the individual Premiere Direkt channels if Astra 19deg East is included.

Option 2
Update your existing channel set using the Copy / Paste functions as follows:

1) Download a new channel set from a Web site and save it on your computer. (e.g. a Cyrus or Pet123 channel set)

2) Open HNFSmart on your computer and download a copy of your existing channel set from your Humax using the Humax ---> PC button.

3) Select File / Save to save a copy of this set to your computer as a back-up.

4) Delete any Premiere Direkt channels present on your existing channel set by selecting them with your mouse and then pressing the Delete button.

5) Leave the first channel set open but run a second copy of HNFSmart on your computer and open the new channel set from the Web.

6) Find the Premiere Direkt channels on the new channel set and highlight them. This can be done by holding your "Ctrl" button down and clicking on each Premiere Direkt channel in turn. You should end up with several channels highlighted in blue.

7) Select Edit / Copy

8) Now select your existing channel set.

9) Click on the Provider Heading and select Premiere from the list of providers on the left of the page.

10) Select Edit / Paste to paste your chosen channels. These channels should now be added to your existing channel set.

11) Save a copy of this channel set on your computer.

12) Upload your (now amended) original channel set back to your receiver by selecting the PC --->Humax (no config) button.

You should now have working individual Premiere Direkt channels.

You will only get a picture when a film is being shown.

21-04-2008, 10:19 AM
BIG thanks going out to ozzsurf and alibe ! ! !
All of premiere up n running.
Have a great day fellaz...

just tps left to sort out 8)

22-04-2008, 03:47 PM
Just a quick question if I may, now that ***view and Premier seem okay did anyone find out why xdream and free never worked on hot 11. as it doesnt seemed to be mentioned anywhere.

Thanks for your help



22-04-2008, 03:59 PM
In the read me for HOT11 it states, FreeX IRD ProvID No 4 (IRD2 down!)
***View IRD ProvID No 5, LA7 IRD ProvID No 6. Which means that unfortunately there are no working Fixes for FreeX.


22-04-2008, 04:29 PM
Thanks for the quick reply, I thought I had to do the same as with the ***view thats how the read me file looked. adding a provider then the keys.

Thanks for that


22-04-2008, 05:32 PM
God damn it, erotic portal, sport portal and premiere 1-5 working but those damned direct portal movies are still always black. Tried everything, new petsetting, channel list, key, toh... pretty much everything. TPS still not working for more than 20 odd seconds. Maybe it's because I have a 5400z patched and not a 5400. This never caused problems before but now I am trully out of ideas...

22-04-2008, 06:34 PM
put it back to 10.6b then 11
then settings then bin

when you upload settings via humbox go into options and tick 5400z
and check the SYSTEM ID matches your box


23-04-2008, 02:26 PM
Still cant ***view to clear have loaded the bin file on page one and have all the settings the same as OZZSURF but it still won't clear, it will only flash TRY and not EMU. All other channels are fine.

23-04-2008, 04:46 PM
reboot the box put it on sv24/7 then leave it
it should update

25-04-2008, 02:08 PM
i think sv down now does not seem to be clearing anymore,can somebody confirm.

25-04-2008, 02:47 PM
yes i can confirm it is down on my humax 5400.:banghead:

25-04-2008, 06:02 PM
S**view DOWN and for me also TPS confirm please.

25-04-2008, 08:11 PM
s** view down tps ok

25-04-2008, 09:03 PM
TPS ok for me too, s*x v**w is down.