View Full Version : Is this possible?

19-04-2008, 12:34 PM
First time of posting so please bear with me!!!
Hi I have a monoblock 13e & 19.2e on one dish going to my Technomate 9100 super and 28.2e on a seperate dish going to a sky receiver. is it possible to have these feeds coming into my Technomate 9100 super if so would anyone be able to point me in the right direction on how this could be done. Many thanks Paul

19-04-2008, 01:00 PM
you could use a quad lnb on the sly dish , then have a feed coming from a spare output down to near the tm9100 , and have a manual A-B switch near the tm9100

then have one cable from the monoblock , say on A , and have the sly feed into B , and the common to the tm9100

then when you switch the a-b switch from one to the other , you can tune into whichever dish you have selected

if you have sly plus it will already have a quad lnb fitted

alternatively , change the monoblock lnb for 2 separate lnb,s , and have a feed from the sly dish too , all feeding into a 4 way diseqc switch ( 3 out of 4 used )

then setup the tm9100 to switch the switch between the 3 feeds , and its then all automatic

19-04-2008, 04:08 PM
You could even tidy things up on the wall / roof (especially if your two dishes are next to each other) by putting a third LNB on the dish currently with the monoblock. I'm assuming that since this dish has a monoblock it's 80cm, in which case it should be able to handle an additional offset LNB for 28deg.

Easily done at the same time if you follow Echelon's last option and buy an arm with 3 LNB holders and not just two. Attach the current SKY coax to that LNB and feed it into the 4 way diseqc and you can get rid of / sell the SKY dish.