View Full Version : The Conax hack: situation as it stands is...?

20-04-2008, 12:31 AM
...any seriously knowledgeable guys here, please? What the heck, sorry, hack is going on?!?

Diablo team[s] has [have] the hack. Usually we jump for joy. Now - nada?!?

The algo has changed? We have the keys but can they go into old EMUs?

I can't test right now, so better to ask...

I heard about this many moons ago and asked back then but the thread was closed as a "rumour"... :D Fair 'nuff but... Now that it's here - let's ask the pertinent Qs, as proper hobbyists should... :D

Interesting hobby... I wonder who did it, though... ;)

20-04-2008, 07:52 AM
Well I think maybe Canal Dig sold it to Diablo to sell more Diablos (AND C+ in long run) - just like C+ France a year or so ago - and that like C+ France the rest of us will never see it as it will be only a short lived 'hack'?:frown:

20-04-2008, 10:16 AM
Aren't doulabs about to launch the qbox for sale.
This was claimed to be able to load diablo software strainght in.
Something good to have at launch.

20-04-2008, 12:00 PM

If one follows the interests it could be:

-yet another disgruntled or just greedy employer of CD
-Ruppy the Bear and his lot now venturing into Germany, too
-one of our little entrepreneurs
-a proper hobbyist
-some kinda weird combination of those factore...

I'm betting on Strsh and his lot selling the info to the highest, most interested bidder in our hobby, hehe... :rolleyes: :D

But we have it, it seems, for a few months now... non? [At the time when we really needed it, together with Irdeto2, hehe...]

Are CD really difficult to get nowadays - as I heard that they are migrating to a more narrow beam on another satellite? Didn't have the time to mess with it yet...


[When will the others grow some balls and return the favour, as it were, to our old Uncle?!?:woohoo-022:]

20-04-2008, 12:36 PM
Must be some selling going on - was Irdeto NL ever open?

20-04-2008, 12:55 PM

If one follows the interests it could be:

-yet another disgruntled or just greedy employer of CD
-Ruppy the Bear and his lot now venturing into Germany, too
-one of our little entrepreneurs
-a proper hobbyist
-some kinda weird combination of those factore...

I'm betting on Strsh and his lot selling the info to the highest, most interested bidder in our hobby, hehe... :rolleyes: :D

But we have it, it seems, for a few months now... non? [At the time when we really needed it, together with Irdeto2, hehe...]

Yes, I had the same thoughts on where these cracks are coming from as I don't believe the broadcasters would themselves sell their own secrets. :cool:

20-04-2008, 01:38 PM
I haven't got it yet, but as far as I know, from reading other boards, it's still open but you need the 1.06 version of Underworld.

20-04-2008, 03:40 PM
It is working fine with Underworld 1.06 loaded on one of my Diablo Wireless CAMS.


20-04-2008, 03:51 PM
yes working most excellent in fact,

just watched newcastle:respect-059: and sunderland :beatdeadhorse5:match

20-04-2008, 04:50 PM
Why not sell a hack a small while before an encryption upgrade/change? Get some extra money on the side.

21-04-2008, 06:22 AM
Thats just what I was getting at M8 - AND to sell more Diablos for while it lasts!
I dont expect the rest of us to see this Conax package opened - but HOW I hope I'm wrong!
Its been far too long now, so I believe its simply a repeat of the Seca C+ France 'hack' of over a year ago!:puke:

21-04-2008, 11:28 AM
Take the money and run... Kinda sell what you have, however inadequate... Some people....:respect-065::bowing-036::rolleyes:

But allegedly,

1) we have the codes/keys... [dxdj posted them, I think, must test now]

2) but did the algo change?

Let's see...

Testing in my Sammy in 10 mins...:respect-057:...

21-04-2008, 12:11 PM
The keys posted are from a Diablo CAM- and thus encrypted

btw I got my Diablo CAM on a well known aution site for 50€
So it isn´t such a huge investment at all.

21-04-2008, 04:47 PM
Btw, I hear it works in a Dream EMU [not sure which one] for a while now, so must be possible to see it soon.... we hope...:willy_nilly::drool5:

21-04-2008, 06:00 PM
Hi Goran hope you are well and life is good.

Conax is open now for a while as always not public and in hands of a few.

There is Mosc working but i dont have nor the working scripts.

The algos have changed and i suspect some infos were bought or

Some cards have been dumped.

On Dream Box i think not by way off image but another way ?

From our Sammy days i dont think Conax was ever on emu but i would not be certain.

All the best . jamsb.

21-04-2008, 06:47 PM
i am very shocked it has come out 1st to a cam that has sold alot already , maybe it will be open for a months advertising to get everyone back to knowing how good canal+ is then lost for good , a few weeks later a new card will come out opening it. m2(mark2) has a good ring to it

21-04-2008, 07:07 PM
Dont know HOW they manage it M8 - as I say they did just the same with the C+ France so-called hack just over a year ago on Seca - I was about to buy one then in desparation as I had assumed it would come out on the TSM at that time, but rapidly realised it never would! So I actually arrived at my satellite 'man's' house to pick up my Diablo Lite cam + a Cas 3 (I currently use a Dynamite with my TSM - or did then) - just as C+ France went off, never to return! So I was saved by the bell!
Well I believe its EXACTLY the same this time with Conax as its only the Diablo which has it - and its been nearly a week now so its following same pattern - bl**dy Diablo!:mad:

21-04-2008, 07:28 PM
I agree with both posts above.That may well proove to be the motive /motives.

I would have thought the interest should have been spread across both cams and respective teams. It does not seem to work like that now or any more.

I hope we wont see another ****ty card .

My own instinct i think this is going to come onto an emulator but which Stb.
i dont know at this point.Perhaps still to be released. jamsb.

21-04-2008, 07:47 PM

So what about the 'JOLLY' cam - anyone seen it? or know anything about it? I suspect that the UnderWorld team [Diablo] are or will be trying to sell the Jolly maybe slightly cheaper then the diablo to hobbyists who dont have or do not want to buy diablo - out of support for the T-rex / Dragon :bowing-036:or Matrix or whatever cam they have and support!:respect-040:

So it looks like a killer for Diablo again - nothing wrong in that everyones happy except those buggers that don't have a diablo or a jolly. :respect-055:

Regards ahmet-50:respect-067:

BTW - I have a T-Rex, Diablo Lite, Matrx, Aston 1.03 & 1.05, Nagra, BlueIce etc. etc... then of course ther are the cards - Fun, Gold, Silver, K3, Opos, Titanium etc. etc...

21-04-2008, 07:51 PM
one things for sure i will not buy anything new , facts are people linked to the hack will be viewing this on whatever they wish be it skystar or dreambox maybe even months ago.

21-04-2008, 08:26 PM
If youve already got a Diablo youve no probs and can make best of it while its there - but otherwise its yet another big con - thats MY opinion at any rate!:applause-038:

21-04-2008, 08:43 PM
Ur quite right holmrod m8:respect-069:

Regards ahmet-50:coolgleamA:

21-04-2008, 11:09 PM
Thats ok M8 - really friendly THIS site - all out to help each other without anyone thinking they are better than anyone else!! lol!!!:respect-057:

22-04-2008, 03:46 AM
Oh, just been sent a PM a day or two ago, stating clearly that it was on a Dream Emu for something like 6 or 8 weeks now [sorry, I forgot]...

Ergo, the Q...:respect-051:

22-04-2008, 02:56 PM
none , there are no plain ecm/emm keys anywhere and current emus need to
be fixed to use them if/when they become available .
its very good news though that it works on some commercial gears , even encrypted .
lets hope something leaks out soon as it usualy does :)

22-04-2008, 04:05 PM
Nobody havent get the codes to Work on sammy yet??

22-04-2008, 05:03 PM
Read the posts - only working on Diablo and Jolly CAM's with Underworld s/w.

I think we would know by now if it had found it's way onto patchable receivers!


22-04-2008, 06:11 PM
I thought so - either that or a different algo...:redface:

Ain't working in my old Sammy EMU with these keys, anyway...:blush5:

This are keys from Cas3 nothink to do with Cas5-Cas7
will not working !

22-04-2008, 07:59 PM
Thats exactly what I've been saying Doc - its just to sell those cams, bets its very short-lived, makes it expensive if you have to buy Diablo + Cas 3 or Jolly Roger to get extra Conax for maybe 2 or 3 months when you can get Digitalb long term eh Darkman M8?
(PS Do I get put back on Albanian site for advertising Digitalb DM?) :respect-050:

22-04-2008, 10:06 PM
ruppe and his cronies are not above a little hacking themselves in order to undermine other codes and sell the broadcasters their own encryption. Whatever did happened to that case where rups boys were having to face a court over alleged hacking.

LOL...do you publish the winning lottery number selection a couple of days early also.....



BB Mac
23-04-2008, 03:32 AM
yeah works out aboot 90quid for cam and cas3
thats if u wanna spend your hard end cash :king-041:
i for one wont be buying any more cams, the last
one was the Dragon and thaTs the last. i have
other dust cams lying around ..

anyways its a wee bit of a rip off just to watch
Conax canal Digi mind u its a great tv package
anyone wanna buy a Dragon cam? LOL


23-04-2008, 11:53 AM
This are keys from Cas3 nothink to do with Cas5-Cas7
will not working !

Aaaaa, my fear: long time ago I heard there still are some old cards in circulation, when they claimed they changed them all...:respect-050:

So, CAS5 is still not broken, that we know of...?:redface:

Which might mean someone has the keys...

And an EMU does work with them...

Maybe no need to change anything...?!? Just hack the hack and get the keys...:respect-051:

25-04-2008, 12:43 PM
This are keys from Cas3 nothink to do with Cas5-Cas7
will not working !

hello, what you mean by this? is this key on diablo cam from Cas3 card or Cas5/7 ??


25-04-2008, 02:35 PM
i think its from a newer Cas5/7 card , darkman maybe means the keys will not work on emu thats based on a cas3 system of conax like the samsung one.

25-04-2008, 10:35 PM
Hmmm, that would mean the opposite of what was actually said... Maybe it's the English that is the problem here...?


25-04-2008, 11:05 PM
we all know that all the cas3 cards from conax/canal digital was swaped out 2 years ago
now this new key must be from the new cards cas 5/7 cards.

i have still an mosced card from the old cas 3 , that one is dead as it does not update
at all, all SA/UA from the old card are not updated anymore,



26-04-2008, 01:09 AM
That was not entirely true, as I witnessed. Bulgaria card in CAS3 was still around. Hacked a bit later, as I recall... ;)

I was told that some CD cards are still around but... not easy to find... Well, maybe they found them...

Or better still - CAS5 hacked?

Let's see... ;) :)

26-04-2008, 08:33 AM
i dont wanna spred any roumers...he he
but the story is that it´s a polish cas 7 mosc maybe will be released soon,
another forum says that a new file will apear on monday,
and as i see it this people are not the usual ****talkers.
ok i know it´s only speculations :) but wait and see

26-04-2008, 01:55 PM
Aaaaa, my fear: long time ago I heard there still are some old cards in circulation, when they claimed they changed them all...:respect-050:

So, CAS5 is still not broken, that we know of...?:redface:

Which might mean someone has the keys...

And an EMU does work with them...

Maybe no need to change anything...?!? Just hack the hack and get the keys...:respect-051:

The Conecept is correct,but not hack to hack ,,,Hack to Lamer ...

26-04-2008, 01:59 PM
Hmmm, that would mean the opposite of what was actually said... Maybe it's the English that is the problem here...?


ha ha ,,yes mate is no English at all here ,,i think is more italian style to show chiken for lamp...

26-04-2008, 02:00 PM
we all know that all the cas3 cards from conax/canal digital was swaped out 2 years ago
now this new key must be from the new cards cas 5/7 cards.

i have still an mosced card from the old cas 3 , that one is dead as it does not update
at all, all SA/UA from the old card are not updated anymore,



Rong ,some one just Mislinding you for popouse of bussines.

26-04-2008, 02:17 PM
I believe you are an expert on the topic, Darky, so I believe you... :rolleyes::respect-050::biggrinjester:

26-04-2008, 02:20 PM
The Conecept is correct,but not hack to hack ,,,Hack to Lamer ...

Read a bit slower, Darky: hack THE hack, not hack TO hack...

Strictly speaking, if it si true: old EMUs will work with the keys, provided we can decrypt the encryption of the Duolabs team[s]... :D

Where is that nice German hacker that decrypted Denny's Tit encryption, when you need him?:respect-048::respect-013::respect-057:

26-04-2008, 02:22 PM
ha ha ,,yes mate is no English at all here ,,i think is more italian style to show chiken for lamp...

Eh?:woohoo-022: I'm sorry, this urban/rural mixed attempt at humour leaves me baffled... :rolleyes: :D:respect-051:

26-04-2008, 02:28 PM
i hope its a cas 5/7 hack , digiALB and N poland use these cards don't they

26-04-2008, 02:29 PM
Read a bit slower, Darky: hack THE hack, not hack TO hack...

Strictly speaking, if it si true: old EMUs will work with the keys, provided we can decrypt the encryption of the Duolabs team[s].

Where is that nice German hacker that decrypted Denny's Tit encryption, when you need him?:respect-048::respect-013::respect-057:

Goran mate

I dont know eny German Hackers and eny name you nominate here ! ,,actually i have no Idea what hacker are !?You are tolking with rong guy.
you are fist hacker i whatch here is You....

Really still no idea what you tolking about maybe in yor glass is more vodka then usual.:congratulations-008
have a nice day ..

I just try to put you in right direction about this keys

bye bye.

26-04-2008, 02:52 PM
I have hear that anal digital is stop using cas5 (that is where this diablo "hack" came from) and soon go over to cas7, when there wil be parring with card and a reciver. so you cant use your orginal card in any rec, but only the one you got from anal digital. serial number og card and rec most fits...

26-04-2008, 06:09 PM
what about if digialb will be wide open ,i dont think you will be happy chappy :D

26-04-2008, 06:24 PM
what about if digialb will be wide open ,i dont think you will be happy chappy :D

where would a company like this stand , can't send new cards out as they don't know half the addresses of anyone watching , i think it would cause very big problems if this did happen

26-04-2008, 07:11 PM
common guys

canal digital did replace the cards 2 years back , and all the cas 3 was wiped out
now we all know that.

i do not belive this hack is from a cas3 card, will not happend as they are all dead
the SA/UA is dead for those cards periodic,

do some loggin and you will se there is no EMM/ECM for those cards anymore on the stream.

i do not care if it is hacked or not, i pay for my legal subscrition and acctualy 2 cards i pay for

and yes some one here mention that this hack is becouse the cas 5 cards are to stop soon
and yes all the new cards that are send out now do not work on other receivers than original only
this ****t is married to the receiver,

when you place the new card on another receiver you can read it, but no picture on the TV

anyway, as long as i do not see any real hack then it is not a hack
maybe canal digital sold that by their selfs ??

i have getherd all the script you can manage , from old days til now days
and none work. tryed few other things to and nothing nada, niet

the new cards is secure, so the hack must be from cas5 i gues
but cannot think it is from cas7

if the N from poland comes then we are talking for the new cas7 perhaps

lest wait and see, no need to speculate at all, i will belive it when i see it



26-04-2008, 09:40 PM
what about if digialb will be wide open ,i dont think you will be happy chappy :D

no mate ,,,if like truthe ...Not becouse i care about digitalb ,but becouse i care about YOU...

Am shure you will go to pay X-Y Cam+ programer 120-150 pound and after 2 month you be rip of,same maybe haw you will pay for digitalb card for a year .....

I still will do bussines who is going to lose are you guys ...am sory for you..

You ask me direct, i gave you direct Honest Aswer here,,,

Don't get personal Digitalb is not my property i dont care...

If some one do Real HACK am happy i will shake the hands..but haw you can be happy when some one pay some money for some rubish for just hash table for short time and sell to you more then cost original thinks....I think all of us have i nuf esperince with this kind of stuff. All ready Game again starting diablo2.2 now diablo 2.3 maybe after cas3 maybe tomorrow cas4-5 .after that New Cam, New Card and more and more money..!!!!!!

Everyone to the "Hackers" and put on EMU for Free weldone and will be respected from all comunity here in that time i will says to you am happy they hack the Digitalb.

26-04-2008, 09:44 PM
where would a company like this stand , can't send new cards out as they don't know half the addresses of anyone watching , i think it would cause very big problems if this did happen


You re Minus -1 for them ...

they dont care for outside ..they base to their own albanians coustemers ...Dont think UK is the midle of the world for them....If you get cards here thats big Gift..

27-04-2008, 12:01 AM
Goran mate

I dont know eny German Hackers and eny name you nominate here ! ,,actually i have no Idea what hacker are !?You are tolking with rong guy.
you are fist hacker i whatch here is You....

I just try to put you in right direction about this keys

Really still no idea what you tolking about maybe in yor glass is more vodka then usual.
have a nice day ..

bye bye.

Much obliged, m8:respect-051: - but I am not a hacker. Not from IT, me, sorry... Just an amateur... I'm from the Humanities department... ;)

Colibri, if memory serves, hacked one of the best hacker of our's [Denny's] encryption. He [Denny] wrote the first xin1 file for Tit1 with 512b encryption [I stand to be corrected here, as memory is not what it used to be... :D]...

It's not vodka but Bacardi, m8! :respect-050:

27-04-2008, 12:06 AM
no mate ,,,if like truthe ...Not becouse i care about digitalb ,but becouse i care about YOU...

Am shure you will go to pay X-Y Cam+ programer 120-150 pound and after 2 month you be rip of,same maybe haw you will pay for digitalb card for a year .....

I still will do bussines who is going to lose are you guys ...am sory for you..

You ask me direct, i gave you direct Honest Aswer here,,,

Don't get personal Digitalb is not my property i dont care...

If some one do Real HACK am happy i will shake the hands..but haw you can be happy when some one pay some money for some rubish for just hash table for short time and sell to you more then cost original thinks....I think all of us have i nuf esperince with this kind of stuff. All ready Game again starting diablo2.2 now diablo 2.3 maybe after cas3 maybe tomorrow cas4-5 .after that New Cam, New Card and more and more money..!!!!!!

Everyone to the "Hackers" and put on EMU for Free weldone and will be respected from all comunity here in that time i will says to you am happy they hack the Digitalb.

Easy now, m8: I thought you knew about writing EMUs for some nice dosh, as ordered... ;)

"He with no sins - may you cast the first stone..." and all that, you know... ;)

I hear certain recs are selling nicely with a certain Darkman patch"... :D

27-04-2008, 12:08 AM
Before you jump to conclusions: I bought one [5200 USB] for a friend, as a marriage present, so may you long continue... ;) :) :D:respect-051:

27-04-2008, 12:26 AM
Easy now, m8: I thought you knew about writing EMUs for some nice dosh, as ordered... ;)

"He with no sins - may you cast the first stone..." and all that, you know... ;)

I hear certain recs are selling nicely with a certain Darkman patch"... :D

after 5 years i need some rest ,,,,,,

is old job mate ,,all ready i forget....if i done so, i done for free.

\put in your Mind i am not a technomte, m8 and still i live the succesor to help all members,nevere i live them douwn..
Like that be shure untill they have 10 year iniversary you Box will work. lol

have a nice weekend;)

27-04-2008, 01:22 PM
Everyone deserves to move on, DM, so do you, m8, after a long service... :D Especially if you find a good enough replacement... ;) :)


07-05-2008, 09:30 AM
Read a bit slower, Darky: hack THE hack, not hack TO hack...

Strictly speaking, if it si true: old EMUs will work with the keys, provided we can decrypt the encryption of the Duolabs team[s]... :D


We've seen plenty of receivers using encrypted keys. I haven't seen enough evedence ether way that the current conax keys doing the rounds are encrypted cas3 or cas5/7 keys. Until such a time I'm going to keep well out of this argument.

08-05-2008, 08:04 AM
I know the thread has gone off track a little but I just want to thank Darkman for all his work over the past years. You are the reason I got into this hobby and bought my original Technomate. Thanks for all the footy games, movies and music I have watched for free over the last 4 years.

Enjoy your free time and it's good to see you over here on Satpimps.

10-05-2008, 01:03 PM
Seems like M2 Plus is also opening DigitALB nowadays...:rofl:

h++p:// dvb - u pload . com/index.php?action=download&pid=178941

10-05-2008, 04:01 PM
wold have been nice to find a card and test
files are being posted of varius sites now, but seems like no one has the card to say for sure
if it works or not

the best will be some nice tool to mosc a conax card , that will had made my day



10-05-2008, 04:11 PM
I got 2 samples here. Looks like it is an Atmel 7272c card... The card is opening all the C + channels like Diablo (i guess) and the Digitalb full package including HD.....

I have been told it will be available soon on the shops...

10-05-2008, 06:31 PM
I got 2 samples here. Looks like it is an Atmel 7272c card... The card is opening all the C + channels like Diablo (i guess) and the Digitalb full package including HD.....

I have been told it will be available soon on the shops...

So do you have any idea of the price on these new cards :bowing-036:

10-05-2008, 08:06 PM
So you got two samples and no idea where you got them.Please be real and not try to show off.

10-05-2008, 08:37 PM
So you got two samples and no idea where you got them.Please be real and not try to show off.

I am a dealer ... I received these two cards to test like it happened all the times before. I guess there is no need to tell where the cards are coming from...

They will appear soon on this web site as well

11-05-2008, 01:52 AM
At the end of the day. its about making money Diablo !!!
1 or month so i ! think keys will be out some time


Sat Dudez

11-05-2008, 02:28 AM
At the end of the day. its about making money Diablo !!!
1 or month so i ! think keys will be out some time


Sat Dudez

You may be right or wrong... it is already out C+ on diablo since more than a month but nothing public yet....

11-05-2008, 10:53 AM
Bit of wishfull thinking by those who 'expect' codes to be out so soon. I don't expect it but wouldn't be surprised either.

As far as cards are concerned, I suspect the same team that is behind underworld has recognised an opportunity to sell cards to those of us not wanting to buy yet another cam, if that's going to cost around £150 (all-in).

11-05-2008, 01:19 PM
Everything is hackable. Keep your cool... and your money in your wallet, guys... ;):party:

13-05-2008, 11:27 PM
DigitAlb opened too

14-05-2008, 03:28 AM
so what? must be a hidden secret.

I very bad day calling "Scaming Day" more Cams and Cards in their pocket to throw.

I dont know but people never have i nuf from the charlatans...

14-05-2008, 03:32 AM
Is this now crying over spilt milk, m8?:willy_nilly:What is - is...:respect-051:

The addition of Irdeto2 will do! If only it would last...:respect-023:

14-05-2008, 03:58 AM
Is this now crying over spilt milk, m8?:willy_nilly:What is - is...:respect-051:

The addition of Irdeto2 will do! If only it would last...:respect-023:

are ypu tolkig with me mate ,,,this is my happy day sware to GOD.

This is big advertise for digitalb in future ,ha ha becouse now will see it even them they have no cards ....after they watch they will not stay without that ... for shure..but diablo 2.3 has not long life becouse 2.4 is coming ,ha ha

14-05-2008, 08:50 AM

You re Minus -1 for them ...

they dont care for outside ..they base to their own albanians coustemers ...Dont think UK is the midle of the world for them....If you get cards here thats big Gift..

maybe a card change inland is the only way of dealing with the hack , well if they don't care for outside this would leave people like your self with one hell of a extra work load with people asking why there cards gone off 6 months early.

14-05-2008, 09:34 AM

I wonder how many people in Albania actually can afford Digialb.

Without the vast amount of subs from the UK&rest of europe they probably
could close their doors.

So I guess they better do care

14-05-2008, 10:02 AM
hahahha why you guys care about the Albanians ??

one thing is for sure PPL in Albania will buy digitalb becouse of 2 reasons.

1 ; there is not so much internet around Albania to gett the information we do here.
Very few Albanians have Internet home , ( 10% maybe ) the rest do not
and digitalb is the only informative media in albania ( Provider )

2: Diablo / M2 Plus is as much as an original subscrition
to buy an Diablo you will need also an programer, so how much does this cost ??
to buy an M2 Plus then you will need an programer , how much for that to.
i dont see that this is cheaper than original cards.

the only Plus for this is that we can gett the Thor pakege canal digital , nothing worth for my fellows country men.

Do not be surprized if you see the CAS9 on the marked very soon.
we all Know that Conax company are so quick to change the dam cards if the keys gett out.

biside i realy do not think this hack is from a CAS7 card, must be from a CAS5 card
and if it is from CAS5 card then it will be very easy to change those for CD and Digitalb



14-05-2008, 10:28 AM
im suprised at your comment bobi as to why we care about the albanians. maybe its a culture thing but we dont like having the **** taken out of us by being exploited in this country. our own government do that. we know that albania is a poor country with low wages and dont want them to be exploited either. tv and internet should be available to all at a reasonable price, wherever you live. £50 a month for sly over here is taking the **** when there are a lot of families struggling to keep up. and why shouldnt mr and mrs average albanian be able to enjoy the same as us, at a price they can afford.
the greedier providors get, the less sympathy i feel towards them when they are hacked. at one point digitalb wasnt worth hacking as it was reasonable. the strange thing with the eu is that we are not allowed to buy legally german, italian, french, greek tv etc. the only way is to be ripped by some sites with over the top prices ie £700 for a scandinavian sub. we can buy food , clothes, and other stuff tho from eu countries???

14-05-2008, 02:55 PM
are ypu tolkig with me mate ,,,this is my happy day sware to GOD.

This is big advertise for digitalb in future ,ha ha becouse now will see it even them they have no cards ....after they watch they will not stay without that ... for shure..but diablo 2.3 has not long life becouse 2.4 is coming ,ha ha

Hehe, nice way to see it. However, how much for the DigiAlb sub in the UK, please?

I agree with grin, here! Down with encryption and the corporates... :) Especially the Bear character! It would be much better if we had the principle of BBCs all over the world and we exchanged the unencrypted programs...:party:

However, most of us have a programmer and a Conax CAM, built in or CI CAM. So a cheap card might be an option for some.

I will not be buying it. It will eventually be broken, this hacker's encryption, and it will come to our EMUs, no doubt.

What makes you think that 2.3 won't be supported with the new additions?


14-05-2008, 06:33 PM
maybe a card change inland is the only way of dealing with the hack , well if they don't care for outside this would leave people like your self with one hell of a extra work load with people asking why there cards gone off 6 months early.

dont supose ! tolking over facts no one left with the cards gone 6 months early...

We will see on future haw will go ,,that time i will not be tolerant like now.

14-05-2008, 06:50 PM
The hack is not reall hack mates ,,for shure ,i have info haw is been payd from that to,,,who is going to pay for 500 .000 eu for that files!!you guys ....

Am sory if you all dont understend for that..but again am saysing Real hackers i shake a hand ,,,and charlatans mony makers will pay for that for shure.All of you will denide in the future.I let the time to tolk...

Who pay the money and who done the "HACK" is not going to pass it easy.hmmm

welcome on the Jungle.

When they tolk with Albanians they enter in Jungle Low.:respect-067:

14-05-2008, 06:54 PM
Hehe, nice way to see it. However, how much for the DigiAlb sub in the UK, please?

I agree with grin, here! Down with encryption and the corporates... :) Especially the Bear character! It would be much better if we had the principle of BBCs all over the world and we exchanged the unencrypted programs...:party:

However, most of us have a programmer and a Conax CAM, built in or CI CAM. So a cheap card might be an option for some.

I will not be buying it. It will eventually be broken, this hacker's encryption, and it will come to our EMUs, no doubt.

What makes you think that 2.3 won't be supported with the new additions?


for the moment is more cheap then Diablo 2.3+ cass3 and Garanty card 12 months..Not eny risk you get new Cam in your Museum.

But the supprises soon will have suppirses ....when thi "hack" goes i will see haw many delars they will get profict seling only 3-50 cams and they will stay out from real bussines ...becouse they are fist one to get the scam.Prommess.

14-05-2008, 09:03 PM
to ALL

I have deleted about 25 posts from this thread as off topic , irrelevant or personal attacks against other members here

read the rules again , https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=56249 and please keep it friendly

this is a multi-national forum and we allow thoughts from all members from all countries , not just the uk

we do not allow libel , or bullying , or personal attacks against members , or against their national tv stations , or even against their businesses

this is about conax hacks , not ppl , not members and not about anyone making money out of it , whoever they may be

so think again before you post , whoever you are , and no matter what your country of residence is

also remember that these members may know more english than you do about their language or cultures

thank you one and all

14-05-2008, 09:11 PM
@echelon :respect-067:


14-05-2008, 10:43 PM


15-05-2008, 12:32 AM
to ALL

I have deleted about 25 posts from this thread as off topic , irrelevant or personal attacks against other members here

read the rules again , https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=56249 and please keep it friendly

this is a multi-national forum and we allow thoughts from all members from all countries , not just the uk

we do not allow libel , or bullying , or personal attacks against members , or against their national tv stations , or even against their businesses

this is about conax hacks , not ppl , not members and not about anyone making money out of it , whoever they may be

so think again before you post , whoever you are , and no matter what your country of residence is

also remember that these members may know more english than you do about their language or cultures

thank you one and all

Totally agree m8...

No country, no religion, no attacks, no bullying ...

15-05-2008, 01:36 PM
I disagree: it's precisely about people. Some are nice and cool, some aren't.:party:

It's just I focused on the former, rather than the latter, that's all. :respect-056:

Stay well and chill out, guys...:cheers2::seeya:

ali baba
19-05-2008, 06:24 PM
Poor old Darkie's come in for stick on this thread which, given his effort in the sat scene over a long period of time (in this game at least), seems unwarranted.
I, for one, am grateful to his/hers patches, forum and postings and would like to thank him (or her).

19-05-2008, 06:56 PM
he sells digialb cards for footy and the full package, the prices have just gone up and a diablo hack for conax not only opens 1w bit digitalb on 16e as well.

who's gonna pay for a card if the hack stays around? its the same for all the suppliers and sponcors for a lot of boards.

The A-L-S-A-T board only has one thread on the diablo situation, it doesn't seem to get any new posts and has dropped out of the most recent posts list ! its a sorry situation.

19-05-2008, 07:51 PM
someone was discussing on said site about losing the hd channels to the infamous pairing of card and stb. i replied lets hope they clear on the hack then. was told NO DISCUSSION on this period. never had a site not prepared to talk about current news except nds. im looking forward to watching 1 west where the quality is superior. still only on diablo?
shame it opens both 1west and 16east. if it was only 1 west we would maybe have it on tm by now.

19-05-2008, 08:17 PM
It's consistent with any forum: in the UK it's NDS, in ex-YU it's Irdeto [Pink] and Viaccess in Cro [HRT] etc. You don't mess with that stuff, you see... No wonder you don't do Conax on their forum! ;) :):party:

19-05-2008, 09:48 PM
The reason is that they are the main supplier of the DigitALB card so any discussion will have an effect on sales!

19-05-2008, 09:55 PM
like i said , was more hoping to get 1 west. ive paid for 16east for 1 year , it would be nice to keep hd tho. its canal+ i miss and canal sport

22-05-2008, 07:48 PM
Is it possible to get Conax on a Dreambox now?
Or is it only available on Diablo Cams?

22-05-2008, 08:32 PM
Is it possible to get Conax on a Dreambox now?
Or is it only available on Diablo Cams?

Nope, Only diablo 2.3 ( or official sub or cs)


23-05-2008, 08:32 AM
I'm a big supporter on DM and also a big supporter of hacks. A couple of years ago, said site hacked ART and stuck it on a card called X1. At the time, I kicked up a fuss over there. As much as I like hacks, ART had provided an excellent service for a tiny price and didn't think this was the best idea.

At the time I got ****arded by "any hack is a good hack" replies, it seems a bit different now though.