View Full Version : bbc hd

20-04-2008, 09:12 AM
will these hd receivers be able to view bbc hd ?

20-04-2008, 09:14 AM
bbc hd is fta afaik

so I would say any hd sat receiver should get it

and as freesat starts in may then you may see more too , like ch4 , possibly others to follow

20-04-2008, 09:16 AM
tm6800 gets bbc hd echelon fta. so like you say would presume all hd rec should clear it. channel4 hd still ftv with sly card thro dragon, but doesnt clear fta yet.

20-04-2008, 09:28 AM
thought so ( I dontr have an hd box or tv yet )

I would wait and see what happens with these after freesat actually launches , but by the end of this year I expect a lot of channels to be available on that platform and it has been stated that up to 4 HD channels should be on it , presumably fta

and of course , bbc HD is already fta which is what he asked about

thanks for the help m8

20-04-2008, 07:14 PM
cheers all !
would'nt mind seeing the olympics in hd on my panasonic lcd.

21-04-2008, 11:45 AM
thought so ( I dontr have an hd box or tv yet )

I would wait and see what happens with these after freesat actually launches , but by the end of this year I expect a lot of channels to be available on that platform and it has been stated that up to 4 HD channels should be on it , presumably fta

and of course , bbc HD is already fta which is what he asked about

thanks for the help m8

Channel4 is now FTA on 10729 -- Channel5 is not?

reading above C4HD is not yet FTA.

21-04-2008, 11:51 AM
Channel4 is now FTA on 10729 -- Channel5 is not?

reading above C4HD is not yet FTA.

I said after it launches , which isnt for another month or more

wait and see what happens after launch , not before launch

it was do***ented in the satpimps news section recently

I would also think that panny will be knackered by the time of the olympics , so I doubt he will be using that panny to watch it , as 4 years is a long time in the technological world and who knows what we will be using in 2012 :)

21-04-2008, 12:05 PM
Thanks for fast reply. Its a pain for us in a non-freeview area soo looking forward to being FTA.

21-04-2008, 12:50 PM
may 9th is the current launch day , so wait and see what develops after that

june is when ch5 license is up with sly , so again we shall see what will happen over the next few months

I did see some leaked details but cannot find them at the moment

but you can expect to see the ch4 bouquet to go fta and maybe a limited ch5 service at some point , but I have no doubt that eventually they will all be on freesat , and there will be 4 or 5 HD channels like itvHD , ch4HD , bbc1HD and maybe others

at the moment its wait and see , but as the opening question was about bbc1HD then its already been answered as being there and being available right now