View Full Version : Thor 5 signal strength ?

23-04-2008, 09:26 AM
I can't get a signal in my location (Western Switzerland) from Thor 5's T1 beam with a 120cm offset. All other sats at 1W are receivable - but of course the interesting stuff is on Thor 5 and I guess Thor 2 will migrate there too. Is anyone in mainland Europe having better luck than me, and if so, where are you and what dish-size/lnb are you using? Thanks for any feedback.

23-04-2008, 09:46 AM
Getting a good signal here in Dortmund [W-Germany]
using a 60cm dish and a 0.6db LNB

I guess you´ll need a bigger dish where you are.
Check the footprint in the attachment.

23-04-2008, 10:38 AM

I am like you, using a 110cm Triax dish. The strange thing is I get the channels on 11216 V, which has a T1 footprint, but nothing on the other transponders, especially the ones that carry the HD channels.

Can you get the transponder C1 on thor 5, at least?


23-04-2008, 10:57 AM
Hi MrBogus - I haven't tried that freq yet - will give it a go tonight. BTW - where are you loacted in Europe?

23-04-2008, 11:13 AM

I am like you, using a 110cm Triax dish. The strange thing is I get the channels on 11216 V, which has a T1 footprint, but nothing on the other transponders, especially the ones that carry the HD channels.

Can you get the transponder C1 on thor 5, at least?

Hi i have the same 110cm as you and cannot pick up the HD channels,iam in the midlands uk :(

23-04-2008, 11:38 AM
You should have no problem with a 110cm, working here in NE Mids on a 80cm, even in this weather.

23-04-2008, 03:33 PM
Hi MrBogus - I haven't tried that freq yet - will give it a go tonight. BTW - where are you loacted in Europe?

Near 46.520° N 6.632° E :001_302:

23-04-2008, 07:01 PM
Hi Mr Bogus - I see you are "just down the lake" from me. I can't get a flicker from the T1 frequency you mention - do you still get it? In fact from 1W - which I've always been able to receive very well in the past, I now can't get some of the frequencies that L**gsat lists as Nordic beam. I *can* get 12475H - but thats about all. What LNB are you using?

23-04-2008, 07:59 PM
90 cm triax in ne england with a good 85% here

23-04-2008, 08:15 PM
Up here, even a little further up north than ceyer, all the nordic dvbs transponders are very strong on a 85cm.
Can't get any s2 transponders with my old SS1, of course.
And all is black anyway.

23-04-2008, 08:16 PM
Hi kenny,

Has your STB the ability to change (Transmission from DVB to DVB-S2)
and change (Modulation to 8PSK) if not you will not receive a Signal.

Im at (55N...1.4W) 80cm dish, 0.3 LNB, and pick up
Thor 5, Canal + Sport HD with a (99% Signal Quality)
Its as strong as Thor 2-3.
If I load in one of the HD Transponder (11420-H-25000-2/3) into my
(Humax HDCI2000) without changing above two I receive (No Signal).
Change the two and STB lights up.


23-04-2008, 09:07 PM
Hi Bigfoot - yes, I am getting the settings right - I also have an HCDI2000 - but I'm now convinced it's a footprint limitation. From the one shown on Ly**sat - I'm too far south, I think.

23-04-2008, 09:17 PM
Hi kenny,

What is your (Sig Quality) on BBC World on Thor 0.8w or Intelsat @ 1w.


23-04-2008, 09:45 PM
Hi kenny,

The reason im asking about your Signal is,
I had a problem with Digi tv (2007).
Tryed to scan in (Digitv) while on (Thor @ 0.8w) and received (No Signal).
In my (Satellite Channel List (Laurals53), Intelsat 10-02 @ 1w is in
my list as (Intelsat 707) and that is at (53w), but its at (1w).

What could be your problem is your dish may be pointing at (1w) instead of pointing
at (Thor 0.8w), That would drop your Sig Quality.
Its only (50cm, 2", Dish travel ,1 second) between the 2 Sat positions.

If you have (Intelsat 707) in your sat List goto (Intelsat @ 1w).
Then go into Your Humax HDCI2000) menu..Search channels..Click on
Intelsat at the top, you will have a drop down list of Satellites.
Go down 11 sat till you come to (Thor) click on Thor, and your dish should move
If your using (USALS).
Once it has moved load in a (HD transponder like (11420-H-25000-3/4) and change
to (DVB-S2) and (8PSK).
see if that works.


23-04-2008, 09:54 PM

I am using an Invacom 0.3dB. Sorry I made a mistake, I don't get any transponders on the t1 footprint, only those marked as nordic beam.


24-04-2008, 07:46 PM
I have lost more channels, it seems they are still moving them to thor5, T1 footprint which I cannot get. Damn!

24-04-2008, 08:27 PM
Hi kenny,

The reason im asking about your Signal is,
I had a problem with Digi tv (2007).
Tryed to scan in (Digitv) while on (Thor @ 0.8w) and received (No Signal).
In my (Satellite Channel List (Laurals53), Intelsat 10-02 @ 1w is in
my list as (Intelsat 707) and that is at (53w), but its at (1w).

What could be your problem is your dish may be pointing at (1w) instead of pointing
at (Thor 0.8w), That would drop your Sig Quality.
Its only (50cm, 2", Dish travel ,1 second) between the 2 Sat positions.

If you have (Intelsat 707) in your sat List goto (Intelsat @ 1w).
Then go into Your Humax HDCI2000) menu..Search channels..Click on
Intelsat at the top, you will have a drop down list of Satellites.
Go down 11 sat till you come to (Thor) click on Thor, and your dish should move
If your using (USALS).
Once it has moved load in a (HD transponder like (11420-H-25000-3/4) and change
to (DVB-S2) and (8PSK).
see if that works.


Would you still get 1W when pointing the lnb to 0.8W?

24-04-2008, 08:41 PM
Hi Bigfoot - yes, I am getting the settings right - I also have an HCDI2000 - but I'm now convinced it's a footprint limitation. From the one shown on Ly**sat - I'm too far south, I think.


It's definitely a footprint problem, the s***bags at Telenor is pulling a Viasheit on us. I used to get everything off 1W crystal clear with my 80cm, but the transponders are dropping like flies little by little. A few of the ones they claimed were on T5 hadn't actually been migrated yet, but they are going slowly. Been losing more channels day by day :-(

Film, sports etc. is all gone. The only one which you be sure is staying is 12418V, but the other ones I would expect to go little by little.

I'm very close to your location - and yes I am royally ****ed. I was in the process of investigating a real subscription when the hack came out but I am glad I didn't manage to cough up any money after all :-(


25-04-2008, 01:30 AM
Would you still get 1W when pointing the lnb to 0.8W?
Most LNB's work up to +- 0.6 degrees (a total of 1.2) off position... That's why most satellites are 3 degrees apart...

25-04-2008, 10:57 AM
I guess I will have to forget about receiving thor 5. Switzerland is out of the T1 beam reach. Thanks again.

29-04-2008, 07:57 PM
Hi there,

I'm in western Switzerland, using a mediamaster 9800 and have now lost all my channels (subscribing to CanalDigital). How do I inform my 9800 to check the "beam" T3 or whatever? According to Telenor, it should definitely be receivable down here. I'm not interested in the free channels, all I want is NRK and the likes...

btw, the technical talk about DVB-S2 and whatnot is above my competence level. Anyone with a clear answer?

29-04-2008, 08:14 PM
Tronds, what size dish have you got? check out the footprint below, the footprint doesn't look good for Switzerland, you're right on the end of the footprint.

29-04-2008, 08:30 PM
Hi 2wetzel.

Yes I can. but I like to have Digitv on 1w, and Canal Digitaal on 0.8w.
I can goto ether Sat and load both Network In (250 good channels).
Like Today No conax, so just goto 1w and I have Digifilm 1-2 first
followed by another 20 Film Channels.
Same other way No Digtv, just goto 0.8w and that starts with
the 9 HD Channels followed by 20 film Channels (NEET).


29-04-2008, 11:51 PM
Hi there,

I'm in western Switzerland, using a mediamaster 9800 and have now lost all my channels (subscribing to CanalDigital). How do I inform my 9800 to check the "beam" T3 or whatever? According to Telenor, it should definitely be receivable down here. I'm not interested in the free channels, all I want is NRK and the likes...

btw, the technical talk about DVB-S2 and whatnot is above my competence level. Anyone with a clear answer?

Hi Tronds,
I'll see if I can help you out here as I used to have a Nokia 9800S myself in times gone by.

The first thing you could do is to follow the link and take a look at what is being broadcast from 0.8 degrees west. You'll notice that not all the stations are on the same satellite or even on the same beam.

Some transponders will be much stronger than others. Check out the stations you want and see how well they are receivable in Switzerland.


If you can still receive at least one Canal Digital channel then you will be able to receive Canal Digital's NIT.

NIT means Network Information Table. By selecting 'network search on' your Nokia will read the NIT from any Canal Digital channel it can receive and try all the channels in the table that it downloads from the satellite.

Of course it won't be able to find a transponder if it is too weak but at least it'll look for it which will save you from having to input any missing frequencies by hand.

Note, if you use another broadcaster's channel it will follow their NIT so make sure you have an active Canal Digital frequency selected.

If you are still unable to get the channels you want then you have only one real choice left, that is a bigger dish. A lower db LNB can help in marginal cases but it is the size of the dish which is most important.

Forget about DVB-S2 for now, your Nokia 9800S doesn't understand it. The new High Definition channels are in S2, it just a different transmission standard and you'll need a new type of box to see them.

In summary, do a channel search and then get a bigger dish.

01-05-2008, 09:32 PM
Hi guys
Just got my brand new equipment and trying to tune in Canal Digital. A mess: the Nordic and Central European beam no probs. 85 cm dish, 0,2 dB LNB. A 120 cm dish is an (ugly) option but probably will assure good signal also for HD. Please let me know of any progress whatsoever regarding this. I am at 47.189712;8.528137 in Zug/Baar just south south west of Zurich.
Cheers Fredrik

03-05-2008, 12:22 PM
I started off and bought a monster 120 cm dish and yes, I could tune in the channels for the first time but the signal gets lost by the slightest breeze or gust which makes it unusable. Believe me, I have spent days and hours on this. I am at (47.19790694692889, 8.53813648223877) in Zug/Baar. Various sources confirm more and more channels are moved to the "difficult" Thor 5 (launched Feb 11 2008) with a for us on continental Europe way tighter footprint.

I just ordered a 150 cm Gibertini from Germany (299 EUR). Let's see if it brings any better luck. This trial-and-error is something we have to live with outside of the footprint unfortunately. We are not meant to get the channels. I now have two useless sat dishes: 85 cm and 120 cm so if anyone is interested let me know.

I use an 0.1dB LNB and a Terratec Cinergy S2 with its CI-module.

11-05-2008, 01:52 PM
Looking forward to see if the 150cm dish works for you. I'm sitting in Milan with the same problem, 100cm dish and can not receive the channels I want after they have been transfered to Thor5.

11-05-2008, 04:04 PM
T1 has a very rapid cut-off as you go south so don't expect much if you are in Austria, Switzerland or south of Paris. The 44 dB line needs a 120cm for reliable reception and that passes to the north of the Black Forest and Bavaria.

14-05-2008, 09:29 AM
Does the new 150cm dish working Fchristi?

14-05-2008, 10:17 PM
Hi guys, yes we are all pioneers with Thor 5 on this latitude. Dish has not arrived but UPS has been engaged charging another 60EUR... And Detlef: my expectations are low. Have you managed to tune it in? What still drives me, except for stupidity, eagerness and a one year subscription with Swedish provider Canal Digital, is the fact that I DO get the channels with my 120 cm dish but, again, too unstable to be useful. Even the strength is ok. I will keep you posted.
There are reports of people with 1.5 m dishes in Trevisio, Moscow and Serbia (the latter rather unclear) who confirm reception.

Check out

_http://www.satellite-calculations.com/Satellite/outside_footprint/1w_across_Europe.htm .

14-05-2008, 10:24 PM
Tronds, what size dish have you got? check out the footprint below, the footprint doesn't look good for Switzerland, you're right on the end of the footprint.

im in South UK brighton - with a dustbin lid -- I just pick up same old Rubbish :D

I have a 1 Metre dish only picking a few channels.

15-05-2008, 03:02 AM
... And Detlef: my expectations are low. Have you managed to tune it in?

I've not tried but it should be OK up here in Bonn. I was just looking at some other (Telenor) footprint charts and they don't show any contours below 44 dB (except for an inset for Iceland); that usually means that the fall-off of signal is very rapid indeed.

15-05-2008, 02:46 PM
Hi guys, Im in Hungary, Pècs, and I get all the major norwegian channels, but not the HD channels+++. I have a 80cm dish and getting a 120cm dish soon, do you think this will fix my problems??? Thanks

15-05-2008, 11:03 PM
jordall - can you be more specific as for which frequencies you can tune in? 11372 V? What is primarily the challenge here is the T1 beam. Every hint and piece of information is important - yours as well and especially on your position 46.04N 18.04E

16-05-2008, 12:18 AM
Hi guys, Im in Hungary, Pècs, and I get all the major norwegian channels, but not the HD channels+++. I have a 80cm dish and getting a 120cm dish soon, do you think this will fix my problems??? Thanks

Well it will give you 2.25 times the signal level but you are in a similar position to Switzerland as you are outside of the 44dB contour for the T1 footpint.

16-05-2008, 09:26 AM
I'm also living in Switzerland and have the same problem. But for me the channels on Thor 3 are more important. In 2009 Thor 3 will be replaced by Thor 6. You can see the footprint of the new Thor 6 which is divided in a Direct-to-home and broadband part. The last one is larger and covers also Switzerland. What does this mean with the "broadband"? Will we have the same problem as with Thor 5 or it's possible to get the channels with dishes of 1m?
Thanks for your answers!


16-05-2008, 02:52 PM
I have no problem of getting 11.247 V, 11.309 V, 11.372 V, 11.403 V, and also I get TV2 and TvNorge on 12.322 and TV3 on 12.226 and Eurosport on 12.476. But get NO signal on 11.229 H, 11.260 H, 11.293 H, 11.325 H, 11.341 V, 11.357 H, 11.434 V. And when it is heavy rain I loose everything. I also notice that all with no signal is H, exept 11.341 V, and 11.434 V which are the HDchannels but they are in DVB-S2 format or something... That was alot of info but I mean if I get good signal why dont I get the other channels too, do you think 120cm will work or not??? Thanks

16-05-2008, 09:14 PM
Fchristi, your are a brave one! I really pray that you will succeed with the 150 cm and that your marriage will hold.
Keep up the good work!

16-05-2008, 10:28 PM
I am on the east coast of England with an 80cm dish. I could not get the 3 HD channels on 11341 V DVBS2 8PSK 3/4 although everything else seems OK. In desperation I tried 11340 V and this works perfectly, this may be a fault in my kathrein receiver? but I am surprised that it made any difference.

16-05-2008, 10:51 PM
I am on the east coast of England with an 80cm dish. I could not get the 3 HD channels on 11341 V DVBS2 8PSK 3/4 although everything else seems OK. In desperation I tried 11340 V and this works perfectly, this may be a fault in my kathrein receiver? but I am surprised that it made any difference.

im just down from you -- I have a 100cm Dish and confused :D

*** knows what I got....will have a another go weekend

27-05-2008, 09:27 PM
After one week of waiting retailer calls back and sais UPS cant deliver 150 cm dish. 300 EUR forwarding fee now the case. Canceled the order. Found one in Switzerland and expect delivery June 17 2008.

27-06-2008, 09:50 PM
Fchristi does it work now? I'm really interesting if the swedish
channels is working with a bigger satdish. Thinking about buying a slingerbox instead, really boring when I just can see svt2.

04-07-2008, 01:30 PM
Living in Adlisvil just outside Zurich and I get on a sunny day the Canal+ channels over a 130cm dish. With bad weather all channels are gone.

07-07-2008, 08:21 PM

I can confirm (after having tried 85 cm and 120 cm) that I get perfect reception with a 150 cm Gibertini here in Zug Switzerland but only during afternoon and night. I am using a standard LNB (0,1 dB) which I have spent hours tuning - it plays a minor role compared to what time it is during the day. I will make a final attempt tomorrow with a high-end feedhorn and LNB from Invacom hoping for better reception. To get a 24x7 reception with some weather tolerance at these latitudes no doubt a 180 cm dish is needed OR perhaps a high-end Kathrein (or similar) 150 cm dish. In the morning the signal on THor 5 is more or less gone or very poor. Since I only watch TV during the evening I still enjoy switching on the HTPC to enjoy all the Swedish Channel as part of the Canal Digital package (TV4, SVT1, Discovery, TV4+, TV400 etc etc).



07-07-2008, 08:24 PM
Fjobbe - SVT2 is easy since it's on THor2-3. See my other posting. It works perfectly well WHEN it works so to say - before noon typically sucks. Would slingbox really solve the problem (streaming over Internet = MegaBandwidth)?
pernas - which gear are you using? LNB? Gibertini? Very interested as is everybody trying to tune in Thor5 at these latitudes.

05-09-2010, 11:39 AM

I am living in Luzern and I want to get Canal Digital (have box and smartcard). I have seen your comments about dish sizes.

I talked yesterday to a company in Zürich specializing in Satellite technology and dishes and they claim that it is possible in the whole German part of Switzerland to have Thor 5 T1 Nordic beam (with some small disruptions for very bad weather). They are installing Gibertini 125 cm all over the central Switzerland area and claim it is working.

However, reading your comments in the forum, I have understood that 125 cm Gilbertini would be too weak. Or what do you think? Could it work as the SAT company claims? Fchristi: Does your Gilbertini 150 cm still work? Thank you in advance for any advice.

Best regards,
