View Full Version : ST500 Older S/W...?

23-04-2008, 12:39 PM
Hi Guys..
Can anyone Upload the OLD V.79 and the V.88 for me..?:respect-023:
I have the ST500 with the New V.97 and seem only to have a Channel Memory of 6000 Plus a few..
Should be around 8000 with the Older S/W versions.
Keep getting a silly message that I only have 52 Channels left..!!:eek:
Thanks Guys.

Tony Baker
24-04-2008, 09:54 PM
I also loaded that one when it was first released thinking I would increase the ST550 Chn Memory from 6000 up to 8000! Personally I'm pretty sure that it never did so! Maybe it was just all hype? Because after it was loaded I did another scan for new Chns and got exactly the same msg. Memory Full!! The whole trap with the Manhattan range is that you can't get it to scan for TV Chns only!! You have to accept "Scan All" and then go back and delete all the unwanted Radio chns to make way for the extra TV Chns!! Bad forward planning who ever the designer was! TB