View Full Version : D'Alb HD Channels.

24-04-2008, 07:41 PM
Hello everyone,
Any has any news on the new frequencies with the NEW HD channels on digitalb please. I've heard you can only get those channels if you that KAON HD receiver. If so, is this receiver any good, where can you buy one please?


26-04-2008, 02:05 PM
Hello everyone,
Any has any news on the new frequencies with the NEW HD channels on digitalb please. I've heard you can only get those channels if you that KAON HD receiver. If so, is this receiver any good, where can you buy one please?


this are Paring receivers ,,you can not buy thouse now at all .Thye will be in UK maybe in Midle or end of May..

But this Receivers are paring receiver no patch are from oprator Digitalb.
This has to do only with HD channels nothink to do with SD channels MPG2

27-04-2008, 12:19 PM
thank you for the info, but D'alb has recently released another 17 new channels on the new frequency, 10975, 22500 and they don't come up on my normal Technomate receiver with the other channels from them, wonder if you need that particular KAON receiver to get everything, as they've been advertising about that?

27-04-2008, 01:06 PM
From Lee of Goldwafers our sponsors

Don’t worry the pairing malarkey is about 12 months off happening and will only come into affect when we have to switch to the new cards. I have enough stock of the old type cards that don’t require pairing to last another 12 months so as you can see there is no need to panic just yet.

Once all the old cards have dried up and we take stock of the new cards that’s when the pairing starts to become a factor for the MPG4 channels.

At the moment it’s unclear whether or not renewals for the MPG4 channels will be possible on the old type cards once subscriptions expire 12 months on from supplying the card. I’ll only know the answer to that nearer the time (at least 12 months away). If it’s not possible to renew MPG4 channels on old cards after the 12 months has expired then a new card + paired HD receiver will be required to continue watching DigitALB MPG4 channels.

It’s important to note that DigitALB say they are offering the current HD channels as a bonus for Gold package subscribers. So like the sports channel fiasco that happened about 16 months ago there is always the possibility that these HD channels could be withdrawn from the Gold package and made available on a separate HD package in the future. There is no plan to do this at the moment or even the suggestion of it from DigitALB but I just want to be upfront with you all that it could be a possibility in the future; you never know what DigitALB will do when they say that certain channels are offered as a bonus for certain packages.

I’ve been informed that DigitALB SuperSport subscribers will also receive the SuperSport HD channels as a free bonus, which is great news.

In approx 12 months the new DigitALB cards will be paired for all the MPG4 channels but until that time comes or until DigitALB decide to withdraw the HD channels from the Gold package the old cards will work unpaired. If your current sub is due to expire soon renewals to Gold or any other package are not a problem.

I hope I’ve managed to put your minds at rest on this issue and articulated all the main points clearly. It’s nearly 3am and I need some Zzzzzzz’s. I’ll read this back in the morning to check it makes sense and doesn’t read like the ramblings or a tired idiot :-)

Regards, Lee.

01-05-2008, 12:02 PM
No one knows when Digitalb will start ONLY PAIRING for the new channels, but it seems this will happen very soon. The most important is that NONE of the channels we have got with the current subscription and STB is removed. I don't need another STB to continue watching them as they are not going to be paired. The pairing is only for the NEW MPEG4 Channels (6 HD and 14 SD) and and it makes sense as I have to get a new STB to watch HD and it is free (no extra subscription). I will get their CHIPSET PAIRED KAON box, it is also only 155 Euros and it is a real box for this price. I have a 7020 DremBox and I am not going to buy the New HD one, as it is more expensive hacking for me, then buying the subscription for some years years. It will not hack paired Mpeg-4 channels so it is a stupid deal for the moment.