View Full Version : Tm 6800/6900 Hd

27-04-2008, 10:51 AM
Still the best HD receiver for the moment (WHAT SAT mag. : GOLDEN AWARD 2008 87% saisfaction )
I confirmed !!:king-042:

27-04-2008, 01:05 PM
Tend to agree with you M8 - had mine just over a week and the HD is fantastic!
I did however feel that the 'ordinary' picture (SD?) is not as good as it was on my previous stb, a Manhattan ST350!
Just my personal opinion - so yes its not been a bad buy taking all things into consideration!:respect-067:y

27-04-2008, 03:07 PM
i'm proud to have one mighty fine beast

27-04-2008, 04:16 PM
bit ****ed off that digitalb are to pair cards and stb's tho. will that freeze us out? only just bought tm6800hd for that .

27-04-2008, 09:18 PM
For infos about the TM 6000 series
The new red C+/CAN***** off card (new mediaguard )works as fine as the "old" one in the card reader :cool: