View Full Version : Repair or Replace Jaeger SMR-128G?

Tony B2
04-05-2008, 01:42 PM
Once again my V-Box is showing the dreaded E-2 error message as the motor drives in the Westerly direction.

Going East is no problem but West then requires the frustrating single step nudge routine (with frequent E-2 errors and loss of sat locations). It seems to be temperature sensitive and I can see the V-Box count slow down just before the error message kicks in.

This makes me think it is a mechanical drag problem, and I seem to recall that there is a backlash adjustment somewhere.

Does anyone have a copy of the manual that would help me on this? Or can anyone advise which way to turn the (red?) screw thing that does this, if I want to ease off the mechanism?

Alternatively, can anyone suggest a decent alternative motor (1m dish on a pole) as this has happened before and I changed the reed switch only a year or so ago. I want something reliable as it is a real pain to get the motor down to work on.


Tony B

04-05-2008, 05:06 PM
Could be the reed switch also I have one spare

Tony B2
04-05-2008, 08:51 PM
Wouldn't the reed switch cause a problem in both directions, though?

04-05-2008, 09:06 PM
when I have reed problems it is usially displayed in receiver menu but the motor can still be moved e/w but no pulse is displayed on screen if reed has blown same problem should occur when moving east or west

Tumbling Dice
05-05-2008, 07:06 AM
Dont know if this helps much M8 but attached picture of switch is of a SMR 99G which I thinks similar just yours 128G can take a bigger dish I used to have a SMR 99G

Good Luck

Tony B2
05-05-2008, 03:00 PM
Dont know if this helps much M8 but attached picture of switch is of a SMR 99G which I thinks similar just yours 128G can take a bigger dish I used to have a SMR 99G

Good Luck

Does the 99G have any backlash adjustment? If so, could you possibly scan the relevant page, as this is what I want to try before opening up and changing the reed switch.

It seems to me that something in the mechanical part of the system is causing too much resistance to movement, and the motor is tripping out to prevent over-heating. When it drives in 1 direction (East) everything is fine. In the opposite direction, it goes slower and I can see the speed varying. As it slows down, the E-2 message comes up and everything stops.


Tony B

05-05-2008, 10:18 PM
hi tony b get a 18 ins superjack i have one up 20 + years an no trouble at all it has been through 65 mph winds and never moved how i know is when i had it set right on all sats that i wanted i then spread all the tighting points with black paint and if it moved i just put it back to the paint marks hope this helps good/luck from aspr27

Tony B2
19-05-2008, 08:30 PM
Well, quite strangely, the problem seems (at the moment at least) to have fixed itself.

Movement in both directions is now consistent and reliable.

I have done nothing to the motor or dish, or receiver.
