View Full Version : new d+ card information required

11-05-2008, 05:58 PM
Before we start its possible this should be moved to dvb section, however as it covers both sides , I'm not sure.

A friend of mine in spain(yes, really) has just received and activated her new card for d+ , this is at the astra 19e position, she used before her dvb card plus the poor mans cam (seca version) plugin from j*shyfun along with a phoenix /smartmouse device, this set up worked perfectly, the old card now longer decodes but can be communicated with.
The new one comes up with no atr when the pmc plugin is used(different tx rx values have been tried also) and within insbuilder, the new card works within the stb for d+ so is not faulty.
Does anyone have further information on what is required here, what speed is the card running at, what are the correct commands/values/baudrate for communicating with the card, as at present there is nothing other than the no atr message.

11-05-2008, 06:48 PM
Before we start its possible this should be moved to dvb section, however as it covers both sides , I'm not sure.

A friend of mine in spain(yes, really) has just received and activated her new card for d+ , this is at the astra 19e position, she used before her dvb card plus the poor mans cam (seca version) plugin from j*shyfun along with a phoenix /smartmouse device, this set up worked perfectly, the old card now longer decodes but can be communicated with.
The new one comes up with no atr when the pmc plugin is used(different tx rx values have been tried also) and within insbuilder, the new card works within the stb for d+ so is not faulty.
Does anyone have further information on what is required here, what speed is the card running at, what are the correct commands/values/baudrate for communicating with the card, as at present there is nothing other than the no atr message.

hi m8,
standard configuration apply ,on PMCAM 3.57MHZ reader on the correct COM port phoenix mode should work ,if not you can have issues with cable IC on phoenix ...etc ,here i simply removed the bleu old card and put this new one and reseting the software nothing more nothing less...good luck

11-05-2008, 06:56 PM
thanks, I'll let her know, something you mentioned has struck a cord with me, with the new pc she was using an usb/serial adaptor cable as the pc had no serial ports, i've asked her to try it on her older pc with a native serial port.

11-05-2008, 06:59 PM
thanks, I'll let her know, something you mentioned has struck a cord with me, with the new pc she was using an usb/serial adaptor cable as the pc had no serial ports, i've asked her to try it on her older pc with a native serial port.

may be she didnt select the right port on PMCAM settings

11-05-2008, 11:22 PM
I wish it was something that simple, lol.
What supply do you have for the phoenix? As hers only has 300ma capacity, I dont think this is strong enough personally, but without knowing the specs of the new card I dunno, she also has tried it on the old pc now with the same results as before, she did say about getting a new phoenix but if it's current related that could be pointless as she'll probably end up with a similar supply to what she has now.

12-05-2008, 01:52 AM
why complicate more your life with specs ...etc?¿?¿ :D i´v just told you its exactly the same like the bleu card ,it runs in the same configuration and way , if you cant so there is a problem with your hardware..punto

12-05-2008, 08:16 AM
Not a problem with "my" hardware, as i'm piggy in the middle here, however its obviously not "identical" to the blue card as the blue card worked for her and she can still communicate with it, but the tiers no longer update, this one nada.
I know from previous experience myself, that some of the supplies that come with some of these phoenix interfaces are crap as the one that came with mine wouldnt run my cards, here's an analogy, you wouldnt use a cheapo 250w psu to run a quadcore, the same applies here if the supply wont provide enough current to run the card it wont work.
She's going to replace the phoenix anyhow but a decent psu for it isnt going to break the bank and will hopefully see off any further issues.