View Full Version : sync problems with bbc hd on humax hdci 2000

12-05-2008, 07:03 PM
Hi can you tell me why bbc HD is out of sinc with the sound.I have tried to alter it using the receivers own sinc adjust with no joy. I ma using a dragon trex cam and have version S/W: HDMXSCI 1.00.15 installed:001_07:

Tony Baker
12-05-2008, 07:38 PM
All you have to do is to switch it off and reboot it, and you'll find it will then resynch!

Tony B2
13-05-2008, 10:55 PM
All you have to do is to switch it off and reboot it, and you'll find it will then resynch!

It does not do it for me unfortunately. The synch problem seems to vary from time to time, and is different depending on whether I choose the DD sound channels, or the DPLII channels.

It can be a minor, barely noticeable error, or it can make programmes unwatchable.

I seem to recall that certain versions of the Humax firmware eliminate this problem, but I am not sure which versions, now.

On Premiere - no such problem!


Tony B
(the other one in Southampton)