View Full Version : warnings on the 9100 super

18-05-2008, 12:26 AM
hello guys not been on the forum much lately but just checked in again so read some posts

beware of messing about with images on the 9100 super as i had a **** load of problems and had to jtag mine to get it working again as far as i'm aware the 9100 is cool to mess about with images but the 9100 super you are limited as to what you can go back to even if that.

heres my story

even after the jtag and the box working again i've tried iboot 3a and jboot 4.1 and installed the extra run file in var/bin and changed attributes to 755 and did this too eventually in sdcard images to rule this out and the box after being switched off at the back power button loses jboot or iboot and loads the base image which i had which was satlinux

so my box anyway is not playing ball i know this could be an issue with my box only but just making you guys aware of this so you don't hit the same problems

guys forgot to add i have myself the 9100 which is running fine with jboot4.1 and i setup my old mans 9100 super

18-05-2008, 01:28 AM
Hi Gary
I think you are just a victim of bad luck there mate.

As the beta tester for EDG nemesis and also having beta tested for the other teams I have had to swap in and swap out many images plus try different variations etc. with Iboot and never encountered your problem.
I have both the 9100 and the 9101 and can honestly say that both have been as reliable as each other.

So I really do think it is just sheer bad luck I'm sorry to say.

18-05-2008, 01:45 AM
[QUOTE=mytoza;527836]Hi Gary
I think you are just a victim of bad luck there mate.

As the beta tester for EDG nemesis and also having beta tested for the other teams I have had to swap in and swap out many images plus try different variations etc. with Iboot and never encountered your problem.
I have both the 9100 and the 9101 and can honestly say that both have been as reliable as each other.

So I really do think it is just sheer bad luck I'm sorry to say.[/QUOTE

nop not just me honeslty other members of the other forum had same problem

problem was the box froze

then my old man powered it off from the switch at the back

it lost jboot and loaded base flash

this problem will arrise again as i seen it happen again today at my old mans house

i would say it will surface again and its not bad luck

all can ask guys is that you guys (beta testers) try powering down the box from the switch at the back on a 9100 super and see what happens

i stick by my guns bang bang LoL

no it can only be good for everyone if we can find a solution the problem did happen and not just to me

no hard feelings

18-05-2008, 11:22 AM
Well one the problems you have there is powering it off at the back, this should be last resort, remember this is essentially a computer you are dealing with.
If it gets stuck try the following first.
Telnet into your box and issue the command killall enigma, if this does not do it then just type in reboot.

Also you could try going to the Web interface as under the control button on this is a reboot command.

Could I ask what you are running as there are mix and match types that do not work.
For instance UR10b4 was a long time favourite on here I believe but it got banned on my own forum due to its instability.
That is just an example but if you could tell me more I may be able to help.

BTW no hard feelings at all mate, I deal with 9100 issues every day and have had much worse than someone with a different point of view LOL

18-05-2008, 04:07 PM
Think your problem is with satlinux in flash try updating your box to the latest ds cvs into flash by serial and then try again,the satlinux drivers are old relating to the images in boot that you using in boot.
I have today for various reasons have had to shut down the 9100 and my 9101 by the same as yourself by shutting down via the power switch,It booted back up without a problem,I have ds cvs in flash, Dunc.
p.s. dont forget to factory reset the new flash after installation..