View Full Version : FCIS7000 E+ and Diablo Cam

18-05-2008, 11:52 PM
Having a few problems with my 7000 E+, when I insert my Diablo cam the picture starts rolling and I lose signal, I'm guessing there is a problem with the power supply, anyone else had this problem? know how to fix it?

18-05-2008, 11:57 PM
I haven't had that with my Dragon cam on my Mvision fcis 7000 only sometimes have to remove it and but it back in to get it to work. Have you try loading the SW again in case and make sure it not getting to hot. Hope this helps a bit.

19-05-2008, 10:26 PM
I was to have the same problem with Diablo and Mvision fcis 7000 and picture start rolling if I put Diablo in the receiver. In end it was be wrong capacitor in the power supply of receiver.
Without Diablo was be OK. With Diablo increase demand of power suply and picture start rotated.

19-05-2008, 10:37 PM
Thanks everyone for your help, had another try, and found if I switched the LNB power off the picture stopped rolling, of course waste of time cause can't get no picture. Hassle of fixing capacitor not worth it, shame really, got an old Manhatton Skyline 3000 that the diablo works great in but thats in my boys room for S*Y, just need the M-vision to auto update k*ys as I have a Pace HD reciever thats a pain with any cam. Mind you emu still works in the M-Vision thanks to MAX. I'll send it back down my local club where it's been used for BBC and ITV football this season.