View Full Version : phoenix apollo ci+mc

21-05-2008, 11:24 PM
Hi Does anyone know what this receiver can open

27-05-2008, 08:51 AM
Lots when converted to Openbox

29-05-2008, 08:25 AM
Thanx, Already converted to openbox, and it's working a treat.

02-06-2008, 12:29 PM
could you please send me the attatched file on how to convert a phoenix apollo tp an openbox X-820 please david@cook1940.wanadoo.co.uk

02-06-2008, 02:28 PM
n e chance of the conversion intructions for me please,.

Dark Cloud
02-06-2008, 05:17 PM
Satpaul, could you clue me too as to this Openbox,, thankyou.

02-06-2008, 08:14 PM
Convert Phoenix Apollo CI MC to Openbox just fill in ** Have Added CI and Fta receiver
first file to convert second is new software

Have added channel list channel editor and key file in bottom download which took over 4 hours to do :respect-055:



h**p://rapidshare.com/files/119862739/Convert_to__Openbox_f300_5.02_200 70605_-RT.zip



h**p://rapidshare.com/files/119973292/Channel__Key_Editor___Channel_Lis t.zip

02-06-2008, 08:42 PM
thanks satpaul :respect-056: ruthless

03-06-2008, 09:31 AM
satpaul the s/w to convert to open box is empty every thing else is fine ruthless

03-06-2008, 09:39 AM
All there have downloaded it and checked it:respect-014:

03-06-2008, 09:44 AM
every thing is there except the file to convert it doesnt work it says it has 0 bytes ? can you help cheers ruthless

03-06-2008, 03:23 PM
mine didnt work either, just says please check file ,.

03-06-2008, 08:36 PM
Have fixed it it is now complete:bravo-009:

03-06-2008, 08:44 PM
thankyou satpaul ive downloaded it but aint got time to try tonight will let u know how i get on tomorrow many thanks ruthless :respect-055:

03-06-2008, 09:35 PM
[QUOTE=satpaul;531713]Convert Phoenix Apollo CI MC to Openbox just fill in ** Have Added CI and Fta receiver
first file to convert second is new software if you want an up to date channel list let me know I have one which took over 4 hours to do :respect-055:

Would appreciate your channel List m8.:respect-020:

03-06-2008, 09:43 PM
will add channel list and PO Edit to load it tomorrow night when I get it off my laptop:respect-055:

Have uploaded it

03-06-2008, 09:53 PM
THANK U VERY MUCH SATpaul , respect,.

04-06-2008, 05:02 PM
did the upgrade to open box 820, put in the number to change to yes, but, it wouldnt let me put in the sw to start,so therefore im clearing nothing, some input would b appreciated,.

04-06-2008, 09:30 PM
Load the converter file then load the latest software then go to menu 1117 turn patch on load my channel list with PO Edit and key file simple as that:applause-003:

04-06-2008, 09:50 PM
thanks satpaul, dont know how to load latest s/ware, or where to get it sorry for being a pain,.

04-06-2008, 10:17 PM
latest software at top of page everything you need all in the rapidshare downloads:king-042:

04-06-2008, 10:27 PM
will add channel list and PO Edit to load it tomorrow night when I get it off my laptop:respect-055:

Have uploaded it

Many Thanks.:respect-054:

05-06-2008, 06:27 AM
i give up, keeps saying wrong file, will go back to apollo soft,.

05-06-2008, 08:24 AM
which Phoenix do you have

05-06-2008, 03:39 PM
ap0llo ci+mc, however just realised not working with old either, think when my comp crashed 2 months ago, lost the loader ,i d/loaded,.

24-07-2008, 12:57 PM
i give up, keeps saying wrong file, will go back to apollo soft,.


To Load the conversion S/W use the Phoenix Apollo Loader called "All_Updater(1.00)"
The S/W is the Conversion S/W named "wsw" File.
Make sure you have the right S/W Version for your Box..!
Before you Open the AllUpdater V1.0..
put your STB in OFF at the Mains use the switch on the back.!
That's important otherwise it will NOT connect properly..!

Now Insert your NullModem Cable..
Open the All Updater(1.00) and Set up your COMM Port..! now Load the S/W File press Update and NOW Switch the Box ON using the Back Mains Switch..!
AND WAIT until it shows an "" 8 "" in the Display..
First you see three Green Lines being moving across the Screen then a " n " then a " 0 " wait patiently until this finishes and you see the "" 8 "..IMPORTANT..!!
Takes about 5 to 6 mins..

Now you can Scan your Sats after this Operation if you wish..they will remain in place after the Openbox S/W is Loaded.

Loading the Openbox S/W use the Updater for Openbox S/W " OpenBoxUpdater_v2_RC4 "
Same procedure as above..
WAIT until you see the "" 8 "" Displayed on Sceeen.!!

Now go to Menu > Press 1117 on your Remote and Activate the EMU..

Now using the "All keys + tps - Pobedit - 0.922 " Load the latest Softcam and you are Up and running..
You only need to do the Key Reset.
ALL Finished..:respect-010::respect-057:


24-07-2008, 01:07 PM
thanks andrew will try that, i appreciate your reply,.:respect-047::respect-047:

24-07-2008, 01:14 PM
thanks andrew will try that, i appreciate your reply,.:respect-047::respect-047:

AS you have the CI+MC then look in the Software Section I have Uploaded the most Recent S/W Version and the Latest Softcam for you..OK
To Load the Softcam the BOX can remain ON..
NO problem with this.


24-07-2008, 02:09 PM
d/loaded and progged to open box no probs, but this is where my prob isi havent got what u call v2rc4 ,cannot see or find this n e where,.

24-07-2008, 03:02 PM
d/loaded and progged to open box no probs, but this is where my prob isi havent got what u call v2rc4 ,cannot see or find this n e where,.

Well thats a Step in the right direction now ..!
OK.. I will Upload it into Tools Section.
just wait a few mins..OK


24-07-2008, 03:17 PM
wow thanks,.:respect-046:

24-07-2008, 03:58 PM
wow thanks,.:respect-046:


Hope you are Happy Now...:respect-059:and everything has gone well.
I don't really see any problems if you follow my Guide Lines.


24-07-2008, 05:03 PM
hope i did wright in pobedit, i clicked on the 13% keys and pressed send, only prob i had was i had to reload the channels, my thanks,.:bowing-036:

24-07-2008, 05:25 PM
hope i did wright in pobedit, i clicked on the 13% keys and pressed send, only prob i had was i had to reload the channels, my thanks,.:bowing-036:

Well that should NOT have happened..
You followed my Instructions right..?
After the S/W you then Loaded the Softcam File I upload with the All Keys..right.
Just go to the Top of the Proggie and Open the Keys Section then Scroll down and find SEND..then press this once and the Keys will Load AU.
you can follow the process on the Top of the Proggie in the middle part..A Blue line will show and run from Left to Right..!
You should NOT have lost your Channels.m8y..
did something wrong there..!

BUT you are up and running..right..?


24-07-2008, 05:29 PM
oh sorry ,i went to each line i wanted, whos a buffoon then, can get a bit ,but wont open tps, do u suggest i re do it,.

24-07-2008, 07:19 PM
oh sorry ,i went to each line i wanted, whos a buffoon then, can get a bit ,but wont open tps, do u suggest i re do it,.

It seems TPS is still making a lot of problems for every Receiver Type...

IF everything else except TPS is working leave as is until we get a Fix..OK

If you wish you can try this one i have Posted here:


Mr Smiley
27-07-2008, 07:04 PM
Hi All,

my first experience with apollo to openbox 820 was to wipe out all my channels.

What i did wrong was to get the latest key file, and in poledit did a full upload instead of just a key upload.

From now on, after my channel scan, i download everything from my reciever, update the keys and then i can either just update the keys or update the lot. If you save the full receiver downloads, you can have a backup of all your channels and favourites in case summat goes wrong.

Ps, just in passing, has anyone got sotv-gold or Diamond working for more than 2 seconds. I select the channel, go to biss, select the correct biss, go back to channel, nothing, turn off/on and i get the channel for 2 seconds, then it goes off, only power cycling gives me a further 2 seconds. It's not that I'm a perv :drool5: It's just that I'm trying to understand openbox and it's bugging me that I'm doing something wrong :frown: I must be cos others say it's up and running.

Many thanks

Mr Smiley:respect-050:

27-07-2008, 07:50 PM
ur lucky u get it for twosecs, iv got all fs in mine shud that b so,.

Mr Smiley
27-07-2008, 10:25 PM
Hi, is that al f's as in ff ff ff ff ff ff.

My understanding is, :redface:

Tune to the channel in question

Go to main menu - 1117 - biss keys

select the key you want to use

go back, back and back all the way out of the menu's and the channel should clear. :respect-069:

Mmmmmm, well i have to do all that, then power down/up and i get 2 seconds then blank screen.

For the keys;

get the current keys, take the last 8 blocks, remove the 4th and 8th. select an empty biss key ( all f's ) ( for the open box it seems that 69 is set-up for gold and 68 for Diamond )
put in the result of the above, same key for both blocks of 6. select that key so it's highlighted. and follow the above this when you want to watch.

Well i think that's how it goes, but 2 seconds isn't what i'd say was worth all the effort. It's just bugging me :smash: that people say it's working but it won't work for me.

Is there a bug in 820 on the apollo :respect-010:

Mr Smiley

28-07-2008, 11:28 AM
Listen Guys..
IF you use the f3k Files I have been Posting them you DO NOT have to Change/Insert OR Edit anything..
ALL the Keys are Present and Updated..!
If the Read me says that the SonT Diam and Gold are present..then ALL you have to do is:..
1.Go to SoTv Diamond or Gold on HB.
2.Enter the BISS Menu..
3.Select the BISS Line 71 > 74 depending which one you want to View..
4.Highlight this Line and Press OK..on your Remote.
5.The Channel opens up..you will see the Pics in the Background..!!
6.Now Exit the whole process..

If of course you DO NOT press OK to Activate the BISS Line this will also NOT work..!

If you select the wrong Channel Line while being on the wrong Channel then this will also NOT work..
Try another Line..!

If of course you try to watch them 2 Days after the File was released then this will OBVIOUSLY NO longer work..cos they change the Keys very often..!
You have to wait for an Updated File..OK

This definitely works cos I have tried it..
I always Try out the Files before I Post anything..
So you can rest assured that they DO work..
and are Virus Free..OK


28-07-2008, 11:42 AM
ur lucky u get it for twosecs, iv got all fs in mine shud that b so,.

If you have done exactly as I have written then when you Open the BISS Menu you should see
Video and Audio keys on the Top.....right..!
On the Left are numbers starting with 01.
Now if you Scroll down using the CH/PG Button for Down you will arrive at numbers
These are the S on TV Channels..for both Sats 13°E and 9°E..you want 13°E ..right..-.thats number 71 and 72..!!
Its very simple..

NOW follow the procedure in my Post above..OK

The ffffff's that you mention are Empty Providers Slots and left Empty for Future Keys..
We can consider ourselves lucky that so many are Implemented this way we can ADD anything NEW that becomes available..
Some BISS Menu's have a Max of 20 Lines ..ONLY.


28-07-2008, 12:00 PM
thanks andrew, ull have to excuse me ,as my lad says im old and senile, and takes me a while to work it out, u wait till u get to sixty, ull understan then, i used to pick things up really quick, once again thanks for ur patience,.:respect-058:

28-07-2008, 01:59 PM
thanks andrew, ull have to excuse me ,as my lad says im old and senile, and takes me a while to work it out, u wait till u get to sixty, ull understan then, i used to pick things up really quick, once again thanks for ur patience,.:respect-058:


NO problem m8y..
Just let me know if it works ..
You never mentioned that everything else is working..?
except S o T Diamond and Gold that is.!


28-07-2008, 02:52 PM
thanks mate ,cant get son tv yet, but i now think thats my fault,.

28-07-2008, 04:09 PM
thanks mate ,cant get son tv yet, but i now think thats my fault,.

Its OFF at the moment ..Dont bother to try to get it working..We need the BISS Keys.
I have the latest DCW keys..
but cannot get it working with them either..!

Mr Smiley
30-07-2008, 12:43 AM
Hi Everybody,

I apologise if i have offended anybody :respect-053:

I have followed your instructions to the letter, over and over and over again, and, as mentioned could only see a few seconds by powering off and on.

I just went through it all again, got the keys, as before, just a few seconds.

Then i had a grey cell jump up and make a suggestion.

Well, before i updated to openbox i had a matrix reloaded and freex cam in my receiver, well, they were still there, popped them out and now all is constant.:hurray:

I had no doubt that it was working for others, and was banging my head wondering why not for me. Well, if anybody else is having problems, remove any cam.

now to find something else to ponder :smash:

Many thanks to all

Mr Smiley :respect-054:

Mr Smiley
30-07-2008, 01:02 AM
Hi all again :respect-051:

Just out of interest, what channels on hotbird use biss keys and can be seen on openbox.

Many thanks again

Mr Smiley :respect-050:

30-07-2008, 06:27 AM
hello smiley, i found my dragon clashed wiv the o box, i think im right in saying only son ty open at present, and then only one of the two, however if u do use a cam, remember two turn off encryption mate,.

30-07-2008, 08:57 AM
i think im right in saying only son ty open at present, and then only one of the two,

OK Guys..
If you have Astra 19°E and Hotbird 13°E Set-Up you should be getting LOADS of Channels that are Opening..!
Astra 19°E .
Premiere World + = German
with Lots of Channels in English as well.
ORF = Austrian
All the FTA ones.

Hotbird 13°E.
TPS = French
Open..On and Off depending whether you have the Latest Keys.
RTVi = Russian
Open..On and Off with right Keys.
PoLSat = Polish
Open.. Key change every second Day.
TVN = Polish
Open with Key Update every second Day.
ART = Arabic
Open..with Key Updated.
SLO + HRT = Slovanian and Balkan
Works most of the time.
Cyfra+ = Polish
Some of the Channels are open.
RAI = Italian
Some of the RAI Encrypted in Seca are Open.
ALL the others in N*DS are Closed.
BBC Prime and ALL the others with this one.Entertainment,Knowledge,Child ren.. etc are Open.
ALL the other FTA..
Swiss = down at present.

So there are Literally Hundreds Open..!!
Cannot understand why you Guys are only getting a few..:117:

If you mean particular BISS Encrypted Channels..then you only have to Update the Keys..!

Cheers :respect-050:

30-07-2008, 11:39 AM
thanks andrew, better explain, iv got two dishes and two boxes ,one for h/bird, open box, the other astra,prem etc, is working on my dragon cam,with a samsung box,:respect-048:

31-07-2008, 11:11 AM
thanks andrew, better explain, iv got two dishes and two boxes ,one for h/bird, open box, the other astra,prem etc, is working on my dragon cam,with a samsung box,:respect-048:

You could get Switches or Splitters and get BOTH Sats onto BOTH Boxes..!
Up to you....but it does work..:respect-057:
Check with your Dealer.!


31-07-2008, 11:16 AM
thanks andrew, i used to have a twin lnb, which broke, i bought a new one last year , a different type, i think u have to point the right hand side at 19 or similar, couldnt do it, so left it like it . lazy ay.,

02-08-2008, 11:18 PM
thanks andrew, i used to have a twin lnb, which broke, i bought a new one last year , a different type, i think u have to point the right hand side at 19 or similar, couldnt do it, so left it like it . lazy ay.,


Yes thats it ..
Using a 80cm Dish...obviously depending where you are located.
Central LNB on the Dish Arm pointing towards 13°E > Hotbird.
Adjust your Dish and Peak it onto Hotbird..!

Add/Attach the 19°E Astra LNB to the LEFT as you stand in FRONT of the Dish..using an LNB Bracket..(looks like a Pair of Glasses)...attach one Loop to the Front of the Central LNB and the Second Loop with your second LNB in the Second Loop.
This alligns 19°E Automatically with a Space of 6°Degrees..!
Fine Peak the Second LNB to get a Strong Signal and Quality..!
Thats it....Simple really.
