View Full Version : Problem decoding Tv Finland-conax.

28-05-2008, 10:01 PM
Please can anyone help, I set up my first ever satellite dish at 1w to receive thor 2/3 as I wanted to receive tvfinland for my finnish wife. I even officially subscribed to get the smartcard. All was well initially, in fact I was able to view around 140 extra channels. After 3 weeks use it would no longer descramble the conax channels. I sent the card away for testing and even replaced the receiver under warranty. On return (apparently worked fine in their equipment) the card worked fine for about 2 weeks, now same again. I have entered the new thor 5 settings and done a channel scan. I am able to receive all the fta channels and radio too as listed on lyngsat, but still no tvfinland. I am on the verge of calling in a professional.

28-05-2008, 11:05 PM
sounds like prob with card\box pairing,
is it yellow card??
my only advise is call the provider,and they soon fix it.

29-05-2008, 07:17 AM
TV Finland was it ever open on your card ?? TV Finland BTW is just a mix of old programmes on yle 1 & 2
As far as I know tv Finland is just for outside Finland and has a different smart card too. Whatever CD sat card you have if valid the following local channels must open: YLE1, YLE2, MTV3, JIM, KINO, SUBTV, NELONEN, YLE TEEMA and these are not FTA

30-05-2008, 06:27 AM
Hello Birdy...
Where do you live..?
And what kind of card did you get..It seems not updating right.
I know that you can't get a legal subscription for the Finnish
channels YLE and so on if you don't live in Finland.
You can only get TV Finland.
I am a Finn living in Sweden myself and what people do here is
that they ask their friends in Finland to get the subscription
and they send the card over.Works perfect.
Just now it will also work with Diablocam or M2plus card.
Say "Terve suomalainen" to your Wife...Finnish girls are the best :-)

30-05-2008, 08:02 PM
The card is new, it is canal digital black and grey with small pics on the front. It has worked fine for the first few weeks. I sent it back for testing, to which the providers reply was "works fine in our equipment". It is a genuine subscription, the same as for finns living in sweden. I have even replaced the receiver under warranty but no luck. The receiver seems to recognise that it is a conax card inserted, but will not unscramble the channel. The receiver has conax embedded. I am able to receive all fta channels and radio including finnish radio.

30-05-2008, 08:03 PM
I live in england, near cambridge (east anglia).

30-05-2008, 11:19 PM
The card is new, it is canal digital black and grey with small pics on the front. It has worked fine for the first few weeks. I sent it back for testing, to which the providers reply was "works fine in our equipment". It is a genuine subscription, the same as for finns living in sweden. I have even replaced the receiver under warranty but no luck. The receiver seems to recognise that it is a conax card inserted, but will not unscramble the channel. The receiver has conax embedded. I am able to receive all fta channels and radio including finnish radio.

Hi mate, sorry to hear abut all your & your wife's troubles.

TV Finland is legal to watch & to subscribe to outside Finland as you well know and should work OK anywhere within the footprint.

As far as I know it shouldn't need a receiver capable of *Conax chip pairing*

Your card worked for a while and opened everything. That's normal for a new Canal Digital Nordic card. It gives you a preview of everything for 18 days and tries to tempt you to up-grade to a more expensive package. After a while it stopped working all together, now why would it do that?

Maybe they have sent you the wrong card. I'm thinking along these lines:-

I'm thinking that your box doesn't support *Conax Chip Pairing* & that means that your card isn't updating. No current codes in the card & no colours on the screen!.

'phone or e-mail Canal Digital and ask them to make sure that your card doesn't need to be paired to a particular box. Put the card's number in the e-mail to make sure that they know which card you have. If it's the wrong card ask for the correct one and some free viewing time as you haven't been able to watch anything for a while.

If it is down to the Conax card pairing & they won't change your card you'll need to get an approved box. Canal digital will need to know the box number & the card number to match them up. Ask them to send or sell you one or to recommend a suitable box which you can buy in the UK.

A better alternative would be this, get your wife to get someone here to subscribe to the *Local Packet*. It's only about 11 euros a month and it'll give you most of the Finnish terrestrial channels.

Get the 'someone' to connect up the box here & make sure it works and then have it & the card sent on to you in the UK.

Anyway, whether I'm right or wrong time will tell but I do think it's to do with the wrong card and chip pairing.

30-05-2008, 11:34 PM
TV Finland was it ever open on your card ?


That's a very good point you have made there.

I don't think a *proper* Canal Digital Nordic card will open TV Finland. Not even during the first 18 days when it opens almost everything including Norwegian & Danish channels!

Edit:- Now I've read you post properly, you too think he's got the wrong card. I didn't spot that straight away. One day I'll learn to read before posting.!

03-06-2008, 09:44 PM
Apparently Tv finland is broadcast with the new conax CAS7 encryption, and my conax embedded receiver will not open the monthly updates from the broadcaster. Connova in sweden have given me some recommended receivers (technisat,nokia,digiality,force 516) all of which seem to be quite hard to obtain here in england and quite expensive. Would any conax CAS7 embedded receiver work?