View Full Version : Topfield and Topset

29-05-2008, 08:04 PM
Help guys,

I cannot connect my laptop to my Topfield 7700. I am using a usb to RS232 cable and a crossover adapter (null modem), also for some reason whilst I connected something has caused my dish to move posistion. any ideas please:001_07:

31-05-2008, 10:52 AM
Don't know how you moved your dish. I used a 9 pin serial to serial null modem lead works perfectly.

02-06-2008, 08:39 AM
Found problem, faulty lead, came from China. Still do not know why dish has moved. zero stop is fine but when moving to satellites it goes past east and falls short west, anyway all manually set now so all is working.

02-06-2008, 01:16 PM
this happened to me with Stab HH100... this motor dont have reset button and must disconnect from power long time (few hours)... after this USALS work correct... but for precission results Diseq 1.2 is better solution...

03-06-2008, 04:20 PM
Yes thanks dxdy, that is what I used Diseq 1.2, was able to get stronger signals than relying on pre-sets.
So by the dish moving it has actually done me a favor