View Full Version : Does any one has this with there dreambox 800?

03-06-2008, 06:12 PM
I got the box this morning and loaded the images of 1st Nabilo_BlackHole_DM800_RC1.nfi and every thing worked great and was able to get all updates through the dreambox connection to my braodband but the only problem is the sound which is very bad and a lot of nose from it (I am using a Monster scart cable which I belive is the best + it was working fine with my old reciver).
due to this I thought it might be something to do with flashing the firmware so I did flash the system again with another firmware which is gemini2-350-dm800-200805192241 again every thing was fine and I went and downloaded all the add on cams e.t.c
but again t6he problem with the sound which is very very annoying.
Did any one pass through this? and do you think that might be a problem with the reciver ? should I return it for replacment or is this a problem with the firmware?

your help is very much appreciated.

03-06-2008, 08:06 PM
It was a drivers issue but now fixed, if you are using Gemini you need to do an online update, look through the menus for software update, sorry can't remember exactly where it is.

03-06-2008, 09:33 PM
thanks dabious I did do the updates and the sounds still the same so I tried a scart to 3 RCA converter and the sound is perfect now , I am still worried that that might be a hardware problem not driver so what do you think? if it is a software/firmware problem then I don't mind waitting untill it's solved in future update but if it is a hardware problem then I could apply now for replacement. what's your advice?

03-06-2008, 09:59 PM
i take it your just using the scart for the sound and not the picture it could be the scart you were using which was causing the problem.

03-06-2008, 10:03 PM
I take it you don't have a HDTV and that's why you're using the scart ?

You have it set to scart in the AV settings ?

Downmix set to yes ?

otherwise I have no idea.

03-06-2008, 10:15 PM
Yes I don't have HDTV yet and I did chose scart in the av setings with downmix set to yes, I also did try it with another scart and the picture and sound both were very bad .