View Full Version : Need advise on a dish.

04-06-2008, 09:28 AM
At present I have a 1m motorised dish and because satellite tv is one of my big hobbys, i'd like to see if I could go bigger. Now my downfall with this is my location, and this is one of the areas i'd need advise on. I live in a council flat with my own back garden and this is where I have my current dish. Now where I live has myself upstairs and a lady lives downstairs, it's a 2 floor flat where the garden is halfed. One part of the garden belongs to me and the other belongs to the lady downstairs. Now as far as my current 1m dish goes, iv'e got it fixed in the garden on a pole and iv'e had no complaints. Now if I was to buy a bigger dish but didn't have it fixed in the garden, say on a tripod instead, do you think i'd get any complaints? Would I have any grounds to stand on with it being council property if anyone did complain?

04-06-2008, 03:14 PM
looks like i have been reported to the council
about me sat dish its a channelmaster 1.2 motorised
havent got it sorted proper yet on all the sats just got it on 19E & 13E
its on the back of the house just above the coal house
iasked if anybody objected to it and i got no probs m8
so just waiting for the council to come and visit me
but when i took the tennancy over in december last year i asked the wifey if it was ok to clag the dish up yes was the answer
the dish has only been up a couple of weeks BTW
so will just have to wait and see
ps its a council house
but got a phone call yesterday to say that my dish is acceptable

04-06-2008, 11:41 PM
Wow good choice mate I have the same one you can't go wrong one of the best type of dish out there and will last for a long time.:respect-055:

05-06-2008, 09:05 AM
Wow good choice mate I have the same one you can't go wrong one of the best type of dish out there and will last for a long time.:respect-055:
thanks sstylianou
thats the second C/M i have had. the first one stood 70MPH gales when i moved the removel man came up the drive at 5MPH hit it and smashed it ..so had to get another

Russell Too
05-06-2008, 05:29 PM
HI: Dreamlife.
Google:Internal Market - Media - Use of Satellite Dishes.
EU law Supersedes UK Law. Read all carefully and sleep easy
Kind regards Russell