View Full Version : Multivision gone and *** view never worked !

04-06-2008, 01:01 PM
Hi guys
I am new to satelite tv having just converted from SKY. I presume packages change from time to time with different patches, and I see multivision has gone !! is this for ever as it had some high quality channels.
Im worried now as just spent £700 on set up to see movies, and if premire goes as well, be left with just digi film !
I keep seeing patches posted saying they unlock ***view. ***view is never unlocked on my tm6900. Am i doing somthing wrong ? I know on multivision I had to go to france 4 first to unlock the other channels, is there is trick to unlock ***view ? i have the latest patch etc. Is there a key, and how do I enter keys on the tm6900 ?

Lets hope premire and the other movie packages stay ..

Many thanks
The Rock
Tm6900 motorised 1 metre dish and 750gb hard drive

04-06-2008, 01:14 PM
multivision has gone from 13e hotbird to 19e astra and on a different encryption so you will need a subscribed card

the rest of tps will follow in a few months time so expect to see all of them disappear over to astra at 19e before the end of this year
this has been a well publicised event over the last few years , finally coming around to the end result after c+ bought into tps a couple of years ago

as for sview , the broadcaster usually makes changes very quickly when that package is hacked so expect it to only work for a few hours to a couple of days at best , and again buy a subbed card if you want longer access

what you spent on equipment was just for the equipment , not the channels , and in this game it could all finish today or tomorrow , no guarantees in this game

only subbed cards guarantee service

think of it as like buying a new car , and then after that you have the extra costs of petrol , tax , insurance , mot , repairs etc
and even then you could get banned off the road and its sat on the drive doing nothing

04-06-2008, 01:44 PM
Just to add a little more woe, if my friend from Germany is right we will not being seeing Prem for much longer as changes are planed for some time in July.

04-06-2008, 06:22 PM
So now multivision is on 19e astra under new encryption, will any one hack this or is it just like Sky, unhackable/ impossible !!
I hope premire doesnt move, its a great package. Is their any advantage to me buying a cam?, can I crack anymore channels with a cam or is a cam only for official bought cards ?
I still believe that if a 15 year old boy can hack in to american department of defence, some one can crack all the channels including S*y.
Hey if all the channels go off, Ill just have to buy a subscription card.
Thanks for your reply

04-06-2008, 08:01 PM
nobody can tell you what can be hacked

if its hacked you will see it on the forums , otherwise assume its not hacked and wont be

usually the patches can get what the cams get

premirere will change and become unhacked , probably in a month or two , and maybe others too

its live for today as tomorrrow it may be all gone

04-06-2008, 08:04 PM

I have just seen this info on another forum ref the Multivision channels:

MV has NOT moved, its been dropped, so you will not find it anywhere, not on any site....its gone.
Can***** has its own version of PPV, which is not open, and just to add to this the latest ref TPS:

You should expect TPS to move completely to Can***** on 19 (which is not open right now ) somewhere around Sept- Nov. this year, its date has been set yet, or its not public info.