View Full Version : New S/w Options+Update ART/SHOWTIME AU

04-06-2008, 01:19 PM
A: LED Satellite HD model Rev2008_(08)0603_1030_api
B: VFD Satellite Super HD model Rev2008_(08)0603_1030_api
C: VFD Satellite Super HD combo model Rev2008_(08)0603_1030_api

+ Channel List from Jimihendrick ( for new s/w update)

Update List>

2. Fixed multi-switch function.
3. Fixed smartcard function (Irdeto T14) -- > Please test it NOVA, Euro1080 cards.
4. Extend Favorite group to 8(Rename, Group lock/unlock)
5. Add positioner Control Menu in Signal Strength display.
6. HD picture quality improves.
7. Fixed Moving Channel in Channel Edit.
8. Improvement stability

The Menu Options for the DiSEqC Direct Motor Control :

1. Press Green Key ( i.e. Signal Key ) from the Normal Mode and then you will be getting the Signal Strength Dialog and it contains the Direct Motor Controls….
- Current Postioner
- Movement
- Store

2. Press the LEFT and RIGHT key to change the Current Postioner

3. Press the UP and DOWN key to move the cursor.

4. Press the LEFT and RIGHT Key continously to Move the Positioner and Release the Left key to Stop the Motor.

- EAST Move: - Press LEFT Key Continously to move the Postioner East wards.
- WESTMove:- Press RIGHT Key Continoulsy to move the Positioner West wards.

5. Press the ENTER Key to Store the options of the Positioner Control..

6. Press the Green Key again to view the QUALITY control Dialog.

7. Press the Green Key again to go to the Normal Mode.

The Menu Options for the Favorite Group Lock Control :

1. Press Main Menu -> Edit -> Favorite Edit from the Main Menu .

2. From the Favorite Edit Menu press Red Key to Switch the Window.

3. Press INFO Key to Lock the Favorite Group.

4. Press INFO key to unlock the Locked Favorite Group.
5. press EXIT key to save and exit the Favorite Menu.
The Menu Options for the Favorite Group Rename Control :

1. Press Main Menu -> Edit -> Favorite Edit from the Main Menu .

2. From the Favorite Edit Menu press Red Key to Switch the Window.

3. Press GREEN Key to open the Favorite Rename Dialog.

4. Press LEFT .. RIGHT … UP .. DOWN key to Navigate the characeters in the Alphabet Dialog.

5. Press Enter to Select the Alphabet from the Dialog.

6. press OK key to save and exit the Favorite group Name.
5. press EXIT key to save and exit the Favorite Menu.