View Full Version : Hard Disk to Suit TM6900

05-06-2008, 10:22 AM

I need to purchase an external hard disk for my new receiver and wondered if anyone could recommend a type or make that works well with this receiver



05-06-2008, 07:10 PM
I have had many problems finding a drive to suit, But have the following advice.
I currently use the maxtor 1 touch 4 750gb an £109, it turns on and off with the reciver after some considerable preperation. The i omega 500g from comet also turns offf and on with the reciever and is cheaper at about £59, it has the same colour blue light as the tm6900 and is in silver so matches the receiver quite well !
This drive also needs preparing.

Thats the 2 mains powered drives I would recommend, and I have not tryed any of the usb powered drives, but tecknomate reccomend these for use with their receiver, somthing like the western digital 320gb. These are smaller and more expensive but alot easier to set up apparently.

To prep a drive you need to do the following or it WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY OR INTERMITTANTLY.Below for XP

First for (maxtor only) down load the drive manager from the web site and install-
In the options in drive manager change the drive power options to Never Off
Now right click my computer and open manage
now click on disk managment
Find the maxtor and delete all partions by right clicking on and delete parition
Now find the disk in the window below and again right click and create a new partion, when it comes to the format options, DO NOT FORMAT DRIVE. Remember the drive letter.
Again right click the drive and make partion as active.

Now download a copy of fat32format, (google it) or from http://www.ridgecrop.demon.co.uk/index.htm?fat32format.htm.
Extract the single EXE file to somewhere suitable, like C:\. Click Start->Run and enter cmd. CD to the where you extracted the fat32format exe, e.g. by typing CD /D c:\

Now you're almost done.

Type this

fat32format f:

You should see this displayed, make sure it is the correct drive.

Warning ALL data on drive 'f' will be lost irretrievably, are you sure (y/n)

Now when it says this, it really means it. If you format the boot sector, FATs and root directory will be filled with zeros. By typing pressing Y and hitting return, you're also absolving me of liability for whatever was on the disk before.

MAKE SURE YOU GET THE RIGHT DRIVE LETTER from when you made the partition in the previous steps !!

Once format is complete, attach the drive to the TM6900 and your away.
NEVER FORMAT THE DRIVE USING THE TM6900 and never use disk check.
This is the only way to get the drive to work flawlessly- or pay a bit extra and buy from satelite superstore a pre-done maxtor 500gb !!

05-06-2008, 08:41 PM
i use a maxtor 80gig hard drive out an old computer and use the usb at the front of my 6800 and works a treat . thinking of buying a bigger one.

07-06-2008, 04:25 AM
thanks guys:respect-062:

23-06-2008, 09:55 PM
any hdd will work if u patch it with a file hpusbfw shoud find on net if not pm me willsend to u

23-06-2008, 11:12 PM
any hdd will work if u patch it with a file hpusbfw shoud find on net if not pm me willsend to u

That file can also be found on the DM's forum, it's in the TM Utilities Section. It's named the 6000 USB Hard Disk Tool.

24-06-2008, 08:21 AM
You can also take a look at the western digital passport 250 gb hard disc from fleabay. The external hard disc is small and sleek which fits in your top pocket. I think these are going for around £70.