View Full Version : glossary of terms ?

06-06-2008, 12:37 AM
anyone got any info on various terms on these images ?

what they are ?

what they mean ?

stuff like inadyn or cifs etc

all these acronyms and no idea what half of them are for or do ?

all info appreciated and I know some of them may be dreambox terms , but always easy when you know :)

some info and simple explanations will suffice

thanks in advance

06-06-2008, 03:08 PM
Not sure inadyn is an acronym think its the actual name could be wrong though completely off my game lately

inadyn is used if you have a DNS and you have a dynamic IP, basically it updates the DNS server with your
current IP so your DNS address always points to you, theres one in your router as well if your using the netgear still

CIFS is Common Internet File System which is used to request files and services on another computer
which in this case allows us to mount and use a pc drive on the 9100