View Full Version : new ds-cvs with images observations

07-06-2008, 02:36 PM
new ds-cvs with images observations

got this into the flash using serial load and factory resets before and after to ensure nothing left
( do it as you wish but this worked for me )

with this new one in the flash and a 1 gig sd card in the mmc slot I found

EDG-NEMESIS V4.1 seems to have aspect switching as being ok , and didnt really notice any lip sync problems or other issues with it

ur013 still has no uncommitted switch section for diseqc v1.1 whereas the other images did. some lip sync problems mainly on 28 east too on a few channels but not all , as well as aspect ratio issues

dsteam v3.6 also seemed to have a few lipsync issues on some 28e channels as well as aspect ratio issues

so of the 3 the least problems seemed to be edg-nem

as for the dreambox images:-

again lipsync issues on some 28e channels

gemini has the satellites.xml issues with 4.8e and not 5e and also no 1 west at all , so needs say the nabilo xml file before you boot it as mentioned in another thread. also some aspect ratio issues still from what I can see, and not many standard plugins , no gb*x and no key downloader etc
( that I can find ) , picviewer doesnt work in this image

nabilo seems a much better image , still aspect ratio issues and some lipsync issues on 28e , more plugins and key downloaders etc , and has gb*x cam d/l. I really like this image if they could fix the minor issues with it , like lipsync , aspect ratio and suchlike and picviewer doesnt work in this image

so I now have a choice of 5 iboot images with the dual boot ds-cvs in the flash , but at the moment I have it on edg-nem 4.1 due to lipsync and aspect ratio seeming the best of the 5

would really like the dreambox ones to be tweaked like picviewer doesnt work in these images
, as would I like to see the tm ur improved with the committed/uncommited switch , the aspect ratios fixed and lipsync fixed too

well , thats my review after todays testing one one standard tm9100 I have now had for 1 year , and it just gets better all the time

07-06-2008, 04:19 PM
Interesting report,
How are you finding the mapping of the remote? Is it now ok?
I was having trouble so went back to ur13 in flash as i use another box for 28e.

07-06-2008, 04:24 PM
I used the 2 files for the remote mapping , 1 in nabilo and 1 in gemini , seems to solve a few problems I had previously , but had to start again to get the satellites.xml in so I could get 1 west in gemini

I wouldnt say they are 100% but I am impressed with these ports of images and if we get a next generation of images I would hope a lot of the niggles are solved

I have a master box with ur13 in the flash but dont like the permanent overscan , especially on 28e

lets hope we finally get some super images once the minor problems get fixed or tweaked

08-06-2008, 10:20 AM
Will give it a try again when i get a wet day.
Is the 1w the old 48 and 50 thing that we had about a year ago or something else?

But definately agree the images are much better and mostly stable now.