View Full Version : problem with new canal-tps card...

07-06-2008, 03:49 PM
hi all,

i have the new can***** card for old TPS clients,its viaccess provider -

it was openning all the TPS channels + canal+ channels on hotbird,now it open channels only on ASTRA :(
and i cant recieve canal+ channels from astra only from HOTBIRD.

someone can help please ? which cannel is updetting this card to open channels on HOTBIRD ?

i see that i can open canal+ channels on hotbird with the provider 0500:022610 if i use the CCcam sharing,so the my card too should open this channels.

please help

08-06-2008, 04:04 PM
Things have changed. I don't think you can get TPS channels on Hotbird anymore, (only on astra). Certainly I lost Eurosport France yesterday.

08-06-2008, 04:22 PM
The card you got is called "card 39" it is for stand alone C+ customer( no rental of receiver). It is a Viaccess 3 card and will only work on the Astra channels(canal+ and can*****). You should get 10 days of "free" viewing from the whole package...then ONLY the package you had before will be available. If some channels are not working do a rescan as some are for TNTsat(free) and all should be ok.
All TPS channels will gone by the autumn anyway.
Good luck.

16-06-2008, 03:01 PM
Note :
You'll get ALL ABsat (Csat subscription) with the new VIA3 card on ASTRA 12610 V 22000 ONLY